ONIX Code Lists Issue 36, January 2017
List 21: Edition type code

Value Description Notes

ABR Abridged edition Content has been shortened: use for abridged, shortened, concise, condensed
ACT Acting edition Version of a play or script intended for use of those directly involved in a production, usually including full stage directions in addition to the text of the script
ADP Adapted edition Content has been adapted to serve a different purpose or audience, or from one medium to another: use for dramatization, novelization etc. Use <EditionStatement> to describe the exact nature of the adaptation
ALT Alternate Do not use. This code is now DEPRECATED, but is retained in the list for reasons of backwards compatibility
ANN Annotated edition Content is augmented by the addition of notes
BLL Bilingual edition Both languages should be specified in the <Language> group. Use MLL for an edition in more than two languages
BLP Bilingual ‘facing page’ edition Use only where the two languages are presented in parallel on facing pages, or in parallel columns of text on a single page (otherwise use BLL). Both languages should be specified in the <Language> group
BRL Braille edition Braille edition
CMB Combined volume An edition in which two or more works also published separately are combined in a single volume; AKA ‘omnibus’ edition
CRI Critical edition Content includes critical commentary on the text
CSP Coursepack Content was compiled for a specified educational course
DGO Digital original A digital product that, at the time of publication, has or had no print counterpart and that is or was not expected to have a print counterpart for a reasonable time (recommended at least 30 days following publication)
ENH Enhanced edition Use for e-publications that have been enhanced with additional text, speech, other audio, video, interactive or other content
ENL Enlarged edition Content has been enlarged or expanded from that of a previous edition
EXP Expurgated edition ‘Offensive’ content has been removed
FAC Facsimile edition Exact reproduction of the content and format of a previous edition
FST Festschrift A collection of writings published in honor of a person, an institution or a society
ILL Illustrated edition Content includes extensive illustrations which are not part of other editions
INT International edition A product aimed specifically at markets other than the country of original publication, usually titled as an ‘International edition’ and with specification and/or content changes
LTE Large type / large print edition Large print edition, print sizes 14 to 19pt – see also ULP
MCP Microprint edition A printed edition in a type size too small to be read without a magnifying glass
MDT Media tie-in An edition published to coincide with the release of a film, TV program, or electronic game based on the same work. Use <EditionStatement> to describe the exact nature of the tie-in
MLL Multilingual edition All languages should be specified in the ‘Language’ group. Use BLL for a bilingual edition
NED New edition Where no other information is given, or no other coded type is applicable
NUM Edition with numbered copies A limited edition in which each copy is individually numbered. Use <EditionStatement> to give details of the number of copies printed
PRB Prebound edition In the US, a book that was previously bound, normally as a paperback, and has been rebound with a library-quality hardcover binding by a supplier other than the original publisher. See also the <Publisher> and <RelatedProduct> composites for other aspects of the treatment of prebound editions in ONIX
REV Revised edition Content has been revised from that of a previous edition
SCH School edition An edition intended specifically for use in schools
SIG Signed edition Individually autographed by the author(s)
SMP Simplified language edition An edition that uses simplified language (Finnish ‘Selkokirja’)
SPE Special edition Use for anniversary, collectors’, de luxe, gift, limited (but prefer codes NUM or UNN as appropriate), autographed (but prefer code SIG as appropriate) edition. Use <EditionStatement> to describe the exact nature of the special edition
STU Student edition Where a text is available in both student and teacher’s editions
TCH Teacher’s edition Where a text is available in both student and teacher’s editions; use also for instructor’s or leader’s editions, and for editions intended exclusively for educators where no specific student edition is available
UBR Unabridged edition Where a title has also been published in an abridged edition; also for audiobooks, regardless of whether an abridged audio version also exists
ULP Ultra large print edition For print sizes 20pt and above, and with typefaces designed for the visually impaired – see also LTE
UNN Edition with unnumbered copies A limited edition in which each copy is not individually numbered – but where the actual number of copies is strictly limited. Use <EditionStatement> to give details of the number of copies printed
UXP Unexpurgated edition Content previously considered ‘offensive’ has been restored
VAR Variorum edition Content includes notes by various commentators, and/or includes and compares several variant texts of the same work