ONIX Code Lists Issue 36, January 2017
List 38: Image/audio/video file type code

Value Description Notes

01 Whole product Link to a location where the whole product may be found – used for epublications
02 Application: software demo
03 Image: whole cover Includes cover, back cover, spine and – where appropriate – any flaps. Quality unspecified: if sending both a standard quality and a high quality image, use 03 for standard quality and 05 for high quality
04 Image: front cover Quality unspecified: if sending both a standard quality and a high quality image, use 04 for standard quality and 06 for high quality
05 Image: whole cover, high quality Should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when rendered at the intended size for display or print
06 Image: front cover, high quality Should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when rendered at the intended size for display or print
07 Image: front cover thumbnail
08 Image: contributor(s)
10 Image: for series Use for an image, other than a logo, that is part of the ‘branding’ of a series
11 Image: series logo
12 Image: product logo Use only for a logo which is specific to an individual product
16 Image: Master brand logo
17 Image: publisher logo
18 Image: imprint logo
22 Image: table of contents
23 Image: sample content Use for inside page image for book, or screenshot for software or game (revised definition from Issue 8)
24 Image: back cover Quality unspecified: if sending both a standard quality and a high quality image, use 24 for standard quality and 25 for high quality
25 Image: back cover, high quality Should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when rendered at the intended size for display or print
26 Image: back cover thumbnail
27 Image: other cover material
28 Image: promotional material
29 Video segment: unspecified
30 Audio segment: unspecified
31 Video: author presentation / commentary
32 Video: author interview
33 Video: author reading
34 Video: cover material
35 Video: sample content
36 Video: promotional material
37 Video: review
38 Video: other commentary / discussion
41 Audio: author presentation / commentary
42 Audio: author interview
43 Audio: author reading
44 Audio: sample content
45 Audio: promotional material
46 Audio: review
47 Audio: other commentary / discussion
51 Application: sample content Use for ‘look inside’ facility or ‘widget’
52 Application: promotional material