ONIX Code Lists Issue 36, January 2017
List 42: Text item type code

Value Description Notes

01 Textual work A complete work which is published as a content item in a product which carries two or more such works, eg when two or three novels are published in a single omnibus volume
02 Front matter Text components such as Preface, Introduction etc which appear as preliminaries to the main body of text content in a product
03 Body matter Text components such as Part, Chapter, Section etc which appear as part of the main body of text content in a product
04 Back matter Text components such as Index which appear after the main body of text in a product
10 Serial item, miscellaneous or unspecified For journals
11 Research article For journals
12 Review article For journals
13 Letter For journals
14 Short communication For journals
15 Erratum For journals
16 Abstract For journals
17 Book review (or review of other publication) For journals
18 Editorial For journals
19 Product review For journals
20 Index
21 Obituary For journals