ONIX Code Lists Issue 36, January 2017
List 54: Availability status code

Value Description Notes

AB Cancelled Publication abandoned after having been announced
AD Available direct from publisher only Apply direct to publisher, item not available to trade
CS Availability uncertain Check with customer service
EX No longer stocked by us Wholesaler or vendor only
IP Available In-print and in stock
MD Manufactured on demand May be accompanied by an estimated average time to supply
NP Not yet published MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date
NY Newly catalogued, not yet in stock Wholesaler or vendor only: MUST be accompanied by expected availability date
OF Other format available This format is out of print, but another format is available: should be accompanied by an identifier for the alternative product
OI Out of stock indefinitely No current plan to reprint
OP Out of print Discontinued, deleted from catalogue
OR Replaced by new edition This edition is out of print, but a new edition has been or will soon be published: should be accompanied by an identifier for the new edition
PP Publication postponed indefinitely Publication has been announced, and subsequently postponed with no new date
RF Refer to another supplier Supply of this item has been transferred to another publisher or distributor: should be accompanied by an identifier for the new supplier
RM Remaindered
RP Reprinting MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date
RU Reprinting, undated Use instead of RP as a last resort, only if it is really impossible to give an expected availability date
TO Special order This item is not stocked but has to be specially ordered from a supplier (eg import item not stocked locally): may be accompanied by an estimated average time to supply
TP Temporarily out of stock because publisher cannot supply Wholesaler or vendor only
TU Temporarily unavailable MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date
UR Unavailable, awaiting reissue The item is out of stock but will be reissued under the same ISBN: MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date and by the reissue date in the <Reissue> composite. See notes on the <Reissue> composite for details on treatment of availability status during reissue
WR Will be remaindered as of (date) MUST be accompanied by the remainder date
WS Withdrawn from sale Typically, withdrawn indefinitely for legal reasons