ONIX Code Lists Issue 36, January 2017
List 79: Product form feature type

Value Description Notes

01 Color of cover For Product Form Feature values see code list 98
02 Color of page edge For Product Form Feature values see code list 98
03 Text font The principal font used for body text, when this is a significant aspect of product description, eg for some Bibles, and for large print product. The accompanying Product Form Feature Description is text specifying font size and, if desired, typeface
04 Special cover material For Product Form Feature values see code list 99
05 DVD region For Product Form Feature values see code list 76
06 Operating system requirements A computer or handheld device operating system required to use a digital product, with version detail if applicable. The accompanying Product Form Feature Value is a code from List 176. Version detail, when applicable, is carried in Product Form Feature Description
07 Other system requirements Other system requirements for a digital product, described by free text in Product Form Feature Description
08 ‘Point and listen’ device compatibility Indicates compatibility with proprietary ‘point and listen’ devices such as Ting Pen (http://www.ting.eu) or the iSmart Touch and Read Pen. These devices scan invisible codes specially printed on the page to identify the book and position of the word, and the word is then read aloud by the device. The name of the compatible device (or range of devices) should be given in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>
09 E-publication accessibility detail For <ProductFormFeatureValue> codes, see Codelist 196
10 E-publication format version For versioned e-book file formats (or in some cases, devices). <ProductFormFeatureValue> should contain the version number as a period-separated list of numbers (eg ‘7’, ‘1.5’ or ‘3.10.7’). Use only with ONIX 3.0 – in ONIX 2.1, use <EpubTypeVersion> instead. For the most common file formats, code 15 and List 220 is strongly preferred
11 CPSIA choking hazard warning DEPRECATED – use code 12 and List 143
12 CPSIA choking hazard warning Choking hazard warning required by US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008. Required, when applicable, for products sold in the US. The Product Form Feature Value is a code from List 143. Further explanation may be given in Product Form Feature Description
13 EU Toy Safety Hazard warning Product carries hazard warning required by EU Toy Safety Directive. The Product Form Feature Value is a code from List 184, and (for some codes) the exact wording of the warning may be given in Product Form Feature Description
14 IATA Dangerous Goods warning Product Form Feature Description must give further details of the warning
15 E-publication format version code For common versioned e-book formats (or in some cases, devices) – for example EPUB 2.0.1 or EPUB 3.0. <ProductFormFeatureValue> is a code from list 220. Use in ONIX 3.0 only
16 E-publication format validator version For common versioned e-book formats, the name and version of the validator used to check conformance. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> is the common name of the validator used (eg EpubCheck, Flightdeck), and <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the version number of the validator (eg 4.0.0a). Use with code 15 (or possibly code 10), or with <EpubTypeVersion>, to specify the version the e-publication conforms with
30 Not FSC or PEFC certified Product does not carry FSC or PEFC logo. The Product Form Feature Value and Description elements are not used. The product may, however, still carry a claimed Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) content (type code 37) in a separate repeat of the Product Form Feature composite
31 FSC certified – pure Product carries FSC logo (Pure, 100%). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Certification number (ie either a Chain Of Custody (COC) number or a Trademark License number) printed on the book. Format: Chain of Custody number is two to five letters-COC-six digits (the digits should include leading zeros if necessary), eg ‘AB-COC-001234’ or ‘ABCDE-COC-123456’; Trademark License number is C followed by six digits, eg ‘C005678’ (this would normally be prefixed by ‘FSC®’ when displayed). By definition, a product certified Pure does not contain Pre- or Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW), so type code 31 can only occur on its own. Certification numbers may be checked at http://info.fsc.org/
32 FSC certified – mixed sources Product carries FSC logo (Mixed sources, Mix). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Certification number (ie either a Chain Of Custody (COC) number or a Trademark License number) printed on the book. Format: Chain of Custody number is two to five letters-COC-six digits (the digits should include leading zeros if necessary), eg ‘AB-COC-001234’ or ‘ABCDE-COC-123456’; Trademark License number is C followed by six digits, eg ‘C005678’ (this would normally be prefixed by ‘FSC®’ when displayed). May be accompanied by a Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36. Certification numbers may be checked at http://info.fsc.org/
33 FSC certified – recycled Product carries FSC logo (Recycled). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Certification number (ie either a Chain Of Custody (COC) number or a Trademark License number) printed on the book. Format: Chain of Custody number is two to five letters-COC-six digits (the digits should include leading zeroes if necessary), eg ‘AB-COC-001234’ or ‘ABCDE-COC-123456’; Trademark License number is C followed by six digits, eg ‘C005678’ (this would normally be prefixed by ‘FSC®’ when displayed). Should be accompanied by a Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36. Certification numbers may be checked at http://info.fsc.org/
34 PEFC certified Product carries PEFC logo (certified). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Chain Of Custody (COC) number printed on the book. May be accompanied by a Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36
35 PEFC recycled Product carries PEFC logo (recycled). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Chain Of Custody (COC) number printed on the book. Should be accompanied by a Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36
36 FSC or PEFC certified Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) percentage The percentage of recycled Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) used in a product where the composition is certified by FSC or PEFC. <ProductFormFeatureValue> is an integer. May occur together with type code 32, 33, 34 or 35
37 Claimed Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) percentage The percentage of recycled Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) claimed to be used in a product where the composition is not certified by FSC or PEFC. <Product FormFeatureValue> is an integer. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> may carry free text supporting the claim. Must be accompanied by type code 30
40 Paper produced by ‘green’ technology Product made from paper produced using environmentally-conscious technology. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> may carry free text with a more detailed statement