ONIX Code Lists Issue 63, October 2023

List 13: Collection identifier type

Value Description Notes
01 Proprietary For example, publisher’s own series ID. Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers
02 ISSN International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits
03 German National Bibliography series ID Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
04 German Books in Print series ID Maintained by VLB
05 Electre series ID Maintained by Electre Information, France
06 DOI Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set)
15 ISBN-13 Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product
22 URN Uniform Resource Name using full URN syntax, eg urn:issn:1476-4687 – though where a specific code for the identifier type is available, use of that code (ie code 02 for ISSN) is preferred
27 JP Magazine ID Japanese magazine identifier, similar in scope to ISSN. Five digits to identify the periodical, without any hyphen or two digit extension. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
29 BNF Control number French National Bibliography series ID. Identifiant des publications en série maintenu par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France
35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library)
38 ISSN-L International Standard Serial Number ‘linking ISSN’, used when distinct from the serial ISSN. Unhyphenated, 8 digits. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later