ONIX Code Lists Issue 66, July 2024

List 168: Price condition quantity type

Value Description Notes
01 Time period The price condition quantity represents a time period
02 Number of updates The price condition quantity is a number of updates
03 Number of linked products Use with Price condition type 06 and a Quantity of units. Price is valid when purchased with a specific number of products from a list of product identifiers provided in the associated <ProductIdentifier> composites. Use for example when describing a price for this product which is valid if it is purchased along with any two from a list of other products
04 Number of copies of this product Use with Price condition type 06 and a Quantity of units. Meeting the Price condition qualifies for purchase of a specified number of copies of this product at this price. Use for example when describing a price that applies to the specified number of units of this product which is valid if they are purchased along with a number of copies of another product
05 Minimum number of linked products Use with Price condition type 06 and a Quantity of units. Price is valid when purchased with at least a specific number of products from a list of product identifiers provided in the associated <ProductIdentifier> composites. Use for example when describing a price for this product which is valid if it is purchased along with any two from a list of other products
06 Maximum number of copies of this product (at this price). Use with Price condition type 06 and a Quantity of units. Meeting the Price condition qualifies for purchase of up to the specified number of copies of this product at this price. Use for example when describing a price that applies to the specified number of units of this product which is valid if they are purchased along with a number of copies of another product