ONIX Code Lists Issue 63, October 2023

List 197: Collection sequence type

Value Description Notes
01 Proprietary A short explanatory label for the sequence should be provided in <CollectionSequenceTypeName>
02 Title order Order as specified by the title, eg by volume or part number sequence, provided for confirmation
03 Publication order Order of publication of products within the collection
04 Temporal/narrative order Order defined by a continuing narrative or temporal sequence within products in the collection. Applicable to either fiction or to non-fiction (eg within a collection of history textbooks)
05 Original publication order Original publication order, for a republished collection or collected works originally published outside a collection
06 Suggested reading order Where it is different from the title order, publication order, narrative order etc
07 Suggested display order Where it is different from the title order, publication order, narrative order, reading order etc