ONIX Code Lists Issue 66, July 2024

List 253: Resource file feature type

Value Description Notes
01 File format Resource File Feature Value carries a code from List 178
04 Filename Resource File Feature Value carries the filename of the supporting resource, necessary only when it is different from the last part of the path provided in <ResourceFileLink>
05 Approximate download file size in megabytes Resource File Feature Value carries a decimal number only, suggested no more than 2 or 3 significant digits (eg 1.7, not 1.7462 or 1.75MB)
06 MD5 hash value MD5 hash value of the resource file. <ResourceFileFeatureValue> should contain the 128-bit digest value (as 32 hexadecimal digits). Can be used as a cryptographic check on the integrity of a resource after it has been retrieved
07 Exact download file size in bytes Resource File Feature Value carries a integer number only (eg 1831023)
08 SHA-256 hash value SHA-256 hash value of the resource file. <ResourceFileFeatureValue> should contain the 256-bit digest value (as 64 hexadecimal digits). Can be used as a cryptographic check on the integrity of a resource after it has been retrieved
31 Audio loudness Resource File Feature Value is the loudness in LKFS (LUFS) used for audio normalisation – see ITU-R BS.1770