ONIX Code Lists Issue 63, October 2023

List 44: Name identifier type

Value Description Notes
01 Proprietary Note that <IDTypeName> is required with proprietary identifiers
02 Proprietary DEPRECATED – use 01
03 DNB publisher identifier Deutsche Nationalbibliothek publisher identifier
04 Börsenverein Verkehrsnummer (de: Verkehrsnummer des Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels)
05 German ISBN Agency publisher identifier (de: MVB-Kennnummer)
06 GLN GS1 global location number (formerly EAN location number)
07 SAN Book trade Standard Address Number – US, UK etc
08 MARC organization code MARC code list for organizations – see http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html
10 Centraal Boekhuis Relatie ID Trading party identifier used in the Netherlands
12 Distributeurscode Boekenbank Flemish supplier code. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
13 Fondscode Boekenbank Flemish publisher code
15 Y-tunnus Business Identity Code (Finland). See http://www.ytj.fi/ (in Finnish)
16 ISNI International Standard Name Identifier. A sixteen digit number. Usually presented with spaces or hyphens dividing the number into four groups of four digits, but in ONIX the spaces or hyphens should be omitted. See https://isni.org/
17 PND Personennamendatei – person name authority file used by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and in other German-speaking countries. See http://www.dnb.de/standardisierung/normdateien/pnd.htm (German) or http://www.dnb.de/eng/standardisierung/normdateien/pnd.htm (English). DEPRECATED in favor of the GND
18 NACO A control number assigned to a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) Name Authority / NACO record
19 Japanese Publisher identifier Publisher identifier administered by Japanese ISBN Agency
20 GKD Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei – Corporate Body Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See http://www.dnb.de/standardisierung/normdateien/gkd.htm (German) or http://www.dnb.de/eng/standardisierung/normdateien/gkd.htm (English). DEPRECATED in favor of the GND
21 ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID. A sixteen digit number. Usually presented with hyphens dividing the number into four groups of four digits, but in ONIX the hyphens should be omitted. See http://www.orcid.org/
22 GAPP Publisher Identifier Publisher identifier maintained by the Chinese ISBN Agency (GAPP)
23 VAT Identity Number Identifier for a business organization for VAT purposes, eg within the EU’s VIES system. See http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/faqvies.do for EU VAT ID formats, which vary from country to country. Generally these consist of a two-letter country code followed by the 8–12 digits of the national VAT ID. Some countries include one or two letters within their VAT ID. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAT_identification_number for non-EU countries that maintain similar identifiers. Spaces, dashes etc should be omitted
24 JP Distribution Identifier 4-digit business organization identifier controlled by the Japanese Publication Wholesalers Association
25 GND Gemeinsame Normdatei – Joint Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See http://www.dnb.de/EN/gnd (English). Combines the PND, SWD and GKD into a single authority file, and should be used in preference
26 DUNS Dunn and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System, see http://www.dnb.co.uk/dandb-duns-number
27 Ringgold ID Ringgold organizational identifier, see http://www.ringgold.com/identify.html
28 Identifiant Editeur Electre French Electre publisher identifier
29 EIDR Party DOI DOI used in EIDR party registry, for example ‘10.5237/C9F6-F41F’ (Sam Raimi). See http://eidr.org
30 Identifiant Marque Electre French Electre imprint Identifier
31 VIAF ID Virtual Internet Authority File. <IDValue> should be a number. The URI form of the identifier can be created by prefixing the number with ‘https://viaf.org/viaf/’. See https://viaf.org
32 FundRef DOI DOI used in CrossRef’s Open Funder Registry list of academic research funding bodies, for example ‘10.13039/100004440’ (Wellcome Trust). See http://www.crossref.org/fundingdata/registry.html
33 BNE CN Control number assigned to a Name Authority record by the Biblioteca Nacional de España
34 BNF Control Number Numéro de la notice de personne BNF
35 ARK Archival Resource Key, as a URL (including the address of the ARK resolver provided by eg a national library)
36 Nasjonalt autoritetsregister Nasjonalt autoritetsregister for navn – Norwegian national authority file for personal and corporate names. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
37 GRID Global Research Identifier Database ID (see https://www.grid.ac). Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later. Deprecated – ROR is now generally preferred
38 IDRef Party ID from Identifiers and Standards for Higher Education and Research (fr: Identifiants et Référentiels pour l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche). Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later. See https://www.idref.fr
39 IPI Party ID from CISAC’s proprietary Interested Party Information scheme, used primarily in rights and royalies administration. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
40 ROR Research organisation registry identifier (see https://ror.org), leading 0 followed by 8 alphanumeric characters (including 2-digit checksum). Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
41 EORI Economic Operators Registration and Identification, identifier for businesses that import into or export from the EU. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
42 LEI Legal Entity Identifier, administered by the Global LEI Foundation, as 20 alphanumeric characters without spaces or hyphens. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
43 SIREN French business identifier, issued by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE). 9 digits, without spaces. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
44 SIRET French business and location identifier, issued by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE). 14 digits (the SIREN plus a further five digits), without spaces, or occasionally an alphanumeric code. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later