ONIX Code Lists Issue 63, October 2023

List 45: Publishing role

Value Description Notes
01 Publisher
02 Co-publisher Use where two or more publishers co-publish the exact same product, either under a single ISBN (in which case both publishers are co-publishers), or under different ISBNs (in which case the publisher of THIS ISBN is the publisher and the publishers of OTHER ISBNs are co-publishers. Note this is different from publication of ‘co-editions’
03 Sponsor
04 Publisher of original-language version Of a translated work
05 Host/distributor of electronic content
06 Published for/on behalf of
07 Published in association with Use also for ‘Published in cooperation with’
09 New or acquiring publisher When ownership of a product or title is transferred from one publisher to another
10 Publishing group The group to which a publisher (publishing role 01) belongs: use only if a publisher has been identified with role code 01
11 Publisher of facsimile original The publisher of the edition of which a product is a facsimile
12 Repackager of prebound edition The repackager of a prebound edition that has been assigned its own identifier. (In the US, a ‘prebound edition’ is a book that was previously bound, normally as a paperback, and has been rebound with a library-quality hardcover binding by a supplier other than the original publisher.) Required when the <EditionType> is coded PRB. The original publisher should be named as the ‘publisher’
13 Former publisher When ownership of a product or title is transferred from one publisher to another (complement of code 09)
14 Publication funder Body funding publication fees, if different from the body funding the underlying research. Intended primarily for use with open access publications
15 Research funder Body funding the research on which publication is based, if different from the body funding the publication. Intended primarily for use with open access publications
16 Funding body Body funding research and publication. Intended primarily for use with open access publications
17 Printer Organisation responsible for printing a printed product. Supplied primarily to meet legal deposit requirements, and may apply only to the first impression. The organisation may also be responsible for binding, when a separate binder is not specified
18 Binder Organisation responsible for binding a printed product (where distinct from the printer). Supplied primarily to meet legal deposit requirements, and may apply only to the first impression
19 Manufacturer Organisation primarily responsible for physical manufacture of a product, when neither Printer nor Binder is directly appropriate (for example, with disc or tape products, or digital products on a physical carrier)