ONIX Code Lists Issue 66, July 2024

List 57: Unpriced item type

Value Description Notes
01 Free of charge
02 Price to be announced
03 Not sold separately Not sold separately at retail
04 Contact supplier May be used for books that do not carry a recommended retail price; when goods can only be ordered ‘in person’ from a sales representative; when an ONIX file is ‘broadcast’ rather than sent one-to-one to a single trading partner; or for digital products offered on subscription or with pricing which is too complex to specify in ONIX
05 Not sold as set When a collection that is not sold as a set nevertheless has its own ONIX record
06 Revenue share Unpriced, but available via a pre-determined revenue share agreement
07 Calculated from contents Price calculated as sum of individual prices of components listed as Product parts. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later
08 Supplier does not supply The supplier does not operate, or does not offer this product, in this part of the market as indicated by <territory>. Use when other prices apply in different parts of the market (eg when the market is global, but the particular supplier does not operate outside its domestic territory). Use code 04 when the supplier does supply but has not set a price for part of the market. Only for use in ONIX 3.0 or later