Release notes

Corrections to the documentation

1 Jul 2016
Corrected description of <Annotation> and <BiographicalNote> to clarify that XHTML is enabled.
24 Aug 2014
Corrected description of <Publisher> composite: the <PublishingRole> element is optional (and if it is omitted, the default is ‘publisher’, code 01 in List 45).
25 Feb 2014
Added Data element summary to highlight nesting structure of elements.
19 Jul 2013
Marked <IntermediaryAvailabilityCode> as deprecated to clarify a change made in rev.01.
Corrected a typo in the examples of the use of <SalesRights> and <NotForSale> composites.
19 Nov 2012
Made available as an HTML document combining both Product Record Format and XML Message Specification.
Clarification on use of non-ASCII characters in Sample records in Section 2. Addition of element tags to examples in Section 3 (note there is no significance to the choice of Reference names or Short tags in each example). Minor changes in some examples to avoid using deprecated code values (eg from List 44, List 92). Correction of examples in PR.24.16, PR.24.64, correction of format and example in PR.25.17 and clarification of misleading example in PR.13.10. Addition of attribute examples in Section 4. Removed unnecessary note about upward compatibility in PR.24.65. Other minor wording changes to avoid page number references.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 04 (April 2011)

Revision 04 of Release 2.1 has been issued to allow a small number of extensions to be made, solely to meet needs that have been identified in Japanese ONIX implementations.

In the text of this document, changes since rev.03 that apply only to those who wish to implement Revision 04 (for Japan) are shown in green. Updates that are merely clarifications of Release 2.1 are shown, like the rest of the text, in black.

New elements have where necessary been numbered with suffixes a, b, c etc, so that no existing element numbers have been changed.

New elements in revision 04

Addition of new <PubSequenceNumberWithinSeries> element to carry actual publication order of a product within a series.
Addition of new <Contact> composite to carry contact information for publisher’s staff who are able to answer trade queries concerned with individual products.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 03 (January 2006)

Revision 03 of Release 2.1 has been issued to allow a small number of extensions to be made, principally to meet needs that have been identified in the Australian and Spanish ONIX implementations. At the same time, the opportunity has been taken to correct a few errors identified in Release 2.1 revision 02.

In the text of this document, changes since rev.02 that apply only to those who wish to implement Revision 03 are shown in gold. Updates that are merely clarifications of Release 2.1 are shown, like the rest of the text, in black.

New elements in revision 03

Added new composite <StockQuantityCoded> to allow stock levels to be communicated without disclosing exact quantities.
Added new composite <OnOrderDetail> to allow details of an expected stock shipment, normally from overseas, to be included.
Added elements for consistency with other territory statements.
Added new element <ReprintDetail> for use in markets where it is customary to use reprint history as part of the promotion of a book.

Corrections to the DTD in revision 03

Group PR.18
The definitions have been amended so that PR.18.15 <ComponentNumber> can be sent without the requirement that PR.18.14 <ComponentTypeName> must also be present.

Changes to the documentation in revision 03

Clarified wording to better explain the use of this element. Corrected examples to reflect current practise on product identifiers.
Group PR.10
Clarified wording of introductory text to this section.
Corrected errors in examples.
Changed the definition of the <PublicationDate> element from "date of first publication of this product in the market in which it is first released" to "date of first publication of this product in the home market of the publisher named in PR.19".
Changed wording to emphasise that <ProductAvailability> is now the preferred element.
Changed text introducing the <NewSupplier> composite to refer to <ProductAvailability>.
Corrected error in the Format for <ExpectedShipDate>.
Amended text describing the <OnHand> element to specify that either the <StockQuantityCoded> composite or the <OnHand> element is mandatory in any instance of the <Stock> composite.
Corrected error in short tag for <TerritoryExcluded> – is <j308>, not <j305>.
Other minor typographical corrections.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 02 (July 2004)

Revision 02 of Release 2.1 has been issued to allow a small number of extensions to be made, principally to meet needs that have been identified in the Australian and Canadian ONIX implementations. At the same time, the opportunity has been taken to correct a few errors identified in Release 2.1 revision 01. In February 2005, a few further errors have been corrected, and text has been revised and extended as indicated below.

In the text of this document, changes that were made in revision 2 are shown in orange. It is assumed that all implementers of ONIX 2.1 implement at least rev.02.

Changes to the documentation, February 2005

Text in PR.2.1, PR.2.2, PR.2.11, PR 2.12, PR.3.12, PR 3.13, PR.21.7, PR.21.8, PR.23.8 and PR.23.9 has been revised to take account of the forthcoming transition from ISBN-10 to ISBN-13.
Group PR.2
Introductory text describing the <ProductIdentifier> composite has been expanded to take account of the forthcoming transition from ISBN-10 to ISBN-13. Other occurrences of the composite in PR.3, PR.6, PR.21 and PR.23 have been cross-referenced to the first occurrence.
PR.3.4, PR.3.20, PR.23.19
The headings and descriptive text for the <ProductFormFeatureValue> element in have been corrected so that they are identical in each of the three occurrences of the element.
PR.8.16, PR.8.17
References to <ContributorNameIDType> have been corrected to read <PersonNameIDType>.
The text describing the <DistinctiveTitle> element has been expanded to specify that the element does not include a subtitle.
Group PR.7
In the introductory description of the <Title> composite, and in the descriptions of the <TitleText> and <TitleWithoutPrefix> elements, the wording has been expanded to specify that a subtitle, if any, should always be sent as a separate element, and must not be included in the title text, with or without prefix.
The short tag for the <TextSourceCorporate> element has been amended from <d374> to <b374>, for consistency with the DTD.

New elements in revision 02

PR.8.33, PR.8.34
New <CountryCode> and <RegionCode> elements have been added to specify a country and/or region that is associated with a contributor, where this information is material to the marketing of a book.
A new element <SupplyRestrictionDetail> has been added to describe a non-geographical restriction of the market covered by a distributor or other supplier.
Group PR.25
A new optional data element Group PR.25 has been added, comprising a single composite <MarketRepresentation>. This is intended to be used in countries where a large proportion of the market consists of imported books, and allows a local publisher or sales agent to be designated, together with a local view of the publishing status of the book if so required.
Group PR.26
The former Group PR.25 has been renumbered PR.26.

Corrections to the DTD in revision 02

Group PR.8
The <LanguageCode> element has been made repeatable, as specified in the documentation.
Group PR.18
The <WorkIdentifier> composite in <ContentItem> has been made repeatable, as specified in the documentation.
Group PR.21
The DTD definition of the <SalesRights> composite has been modified to make it more congruent with the documentation. The change should not affect any message that is consistent with the documented rules.
Group PR.24
The supplier <Website> composite has been moved to follow the supplier <EmailAddress>, as specified in the documentation.
The DTD definition of the group of <SupplyTo…> elements, beginning with <SupplyToCountry>, has been modified to make it more congruent with the documentation. The change should not affect any message that is consistent with the documented rules, but may pick up certain errors that previous versions of the DTD would have allowed.
The DTD definition of the element pair <AudienceRestrictionFlag> and <AudienceRestrictionNote> has been modified to make it more congruent with the documentation. The change should not affect any message that is consistent with the documented rules.

One non-fatal technical issue (a duplicate attribute declaration) has been put right.

Changes to the documentation in revision 02

Section 2
Indents to the <Price> composite in the sample records have been corrected.
The <ItemQuantity> element is now specified as “optional and non-repeating”.
Groups PR.7, PR.18
The text introducing the <WorkIdentifier> composite has been revised to specify “optional and repeatable”.
Group PR.12
An example of the use of the <Extent> composite has been added, and examples of individual elements have been made self-consistent.
Group PR.21
The special note on “Open Market” and UK “Airport” or “Airside” editions has been revised to include US “Open Market” editions.
The text describing the <OnSaleDate> element has been expanded to show that, in the UK, publishers who are following the PA/BA Launch Dates Code of Practice should use this element for the Launch Date.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 01 (November 2003)

Revision 01 of Release 2.1 has been issued to correct a number of deficiencies in either the documentation or the DTD that have been identified during the period June to October 2003. In addition, the opportunity has been taken to add three new elements, the need for which arose out of continuing work on availability status coding.

New elements in revision 01

Group PR.20
New <PublishingStatus> and <PublishingStatusNote> elements have been added to allow publishing status to be described as an attribute of the product independent of its availability in particular markets. Subsequent elements in Group PR.20 have been renumbered.
A new element <LastDateForReturns> has been added to allow a supplier to specify a date beyond which no further returns will be accepted.
A new <ProductAvailability> element has been added as a recommended successor to <AvailabilityCode>. Subsequent elements in Group PR.24 have been renumbered.
The description of the <IntermediaryAvailabilityCode> element has been changed to reflect the fact that, in the light of recent work on availability coding, it will not now be brought into general use, having been replaced by <ProductAvailability>.

Corrections to the DTD in revision 01

Group PR.2
The <BarcodeIndicator> element has been made repeatable, with a consequent change to the documentation on page 21.
Group PR.3
The <ProductFormDetail> and <ProductContentType> elements have been made repeatable wherever they occur, ie in Group PR.23 as well as PR.3; with consequent changes to the documentation on pages 22, 25, 27, 30, 141 and 143.
Group PR.6
The <Title> composite has been added to the DTD, as specified in the documentation on page 41.
Group PR.8
The DTD has been corrected to reflect the requirement that, if the <SequenceNumberWithinRole> element is used, the <ContributorRole> element must not be repeated.
The <PersonName> and <PersonNameInverted> elements have been added to the <Name> composite, as specified in the documentation on page 57.
Group PR.10
The <BibleContents> element has been made repeatable, with a consequent change to the documentation on page 71.
Group PR.13
The <MainSubject> composite has been made repeatable so that a main subject can be specified in two or more different schemes.
Group PR.20
The <CopyrightStatement> composite has been made repeatable, as specified in the documentation on page 121.
Group PR.21
The <RightsTerritory> element has been made non-repeating, as specified in the documentation on pages 125 and 126.
The <ProductIdentifier> composite has been added to the DTD, as specified in the documentation on page 127.
Group PR.24
The short tag for the <SupplyToTerritory> element has been changed to <j397>, to avoid a partial duplication of tag names.
In the original release, the <SupplyToCountryExcluded> element was omitted from the DTD. It has been reinstated.
In the <Reissue> composite, the <MediaFile> composite has been made repeatable, as specified in the documentation on page 170.

Changes to the documentation in revision 01

PR.3.2, PR.3.18, PR.23.17
The format of the <ProductFormDetail> code has been specified, and an example added.

PR.3.4, PR.3.20
Text describing the usage of the <ProductFormFeatureValue> element has been revised. This element also appears at PR.23.19, but without detailed description.
Text describing the <ProductFormDescription> element has been revised to emphasize that the correct method of describing mixed media products is now to use the <ContainedItem> composite in a properly structured way.
PR.3.10, PR.3.26, PR.23.25
The entries for the <TradeCategory> element have been revised for consistency with recent revision of product form coding.
PR3.11, PR.3.27, PR.23.26
Text describing the <ProductContentType> element has been revised to clarify its usage in accordance with the revision of product form coding.
The headings of elements that are repeated within the <ContainedItem> composite have been revised for greater clarity.
A misleading example for the <ProductFormDescription> element within <ContainedItem> has been replaced.
The format of the <SeriesIDType> element has been corrected to read “two numeric digits”.
PR.5.9, PR.8.36, PR.10.5
References to BIC in the text describing the <NoSeries/>, <NoContributor/> and <NoEdition/> elements have been removed, to make it clear that these elements may be used in other ONIX accreditation schemes.
Group PR.6
The description of the elements used for enumeration and titles of set parts and set items has been revised for greater clarity.
Text describing the <TitleText> element has been revised to make it clear that this element is not mandatory in the <Title> composite provided that one of the valid text content options is followed.
The bar marking the end of the <PersonNameIdentifier> composite has been corrected.
The short tag for <PersonDateRole> has been changed to <b305> for consistency with the DTD.
The <BibleVersion> element is now defined as repeatable, matching the DTD.
The format of the <BiblePurpose> element has been corrected to read “two letters”.
PR.10.14, PR.10.15
The format of code lists 89 and 90 has been marked “to be confirmed”, since the <ReligiousTextFeature> composite has not yet been brought into use.
The reference name in PR.10.15 has been corrected.
A cut-and-paste error in the description of the <TextSourceCorporate> element has been corrected.
The suggested maximum length of the <DistinctiveTitle> element has been corrected to 300 characters.
Group PR.21
Text at the head of the <SalesRights> composite has been corrected to be consistent with the text introducing Group PR.21 as a whole.
The new element <SalesRestrictionDetail>, which was included in the original Release 2.1 DTD but was omitted from the documentation, has been added.
PR.23.25, PR.23.26
The short tags for the <TradeCategory> and <ProductContentType> elements have been corrected.
To avoid misunderstanding, the words “after the <ExpectedShipDate>” have been deleted from the explanatory text for the <OnSaleDate> element.
Text describing elements in the <DiscountCoded> composite has been corrected.
Release 2.1 (initial release, June 2003)

Release 2.1 is a substantial release, but with full upwards compatibility from Release 2.0. There are many additions to the ONIX for Books <Product> record format, but senders of ONIX records who do not wish to use the added elements need do nothing more in the first instance than change the release number in the header of their ONIX messages.

Notable areas of extension include the following:

  1. A number of new elements have been added in Group PR.3 and elsewhere to support a major improvement in product form coding. At the date of release of the new DTD, the code lists are still under development. They will be issued when ready, without waiting for a new release of the DTD.
  2. A new <Website> composite has been added in a number of places to enable website links to be inserted in different contexts. It should be noted that some receivers of ONIX data feeds will not accept URLs as part of general text elements. It is now possible, for example, to provide an author’s website link as a separate instance of the new composite, rather than as an embedded URL in the <BiographicalNote> element.
  3. The <Title> composite has been enhanced, and added in a number of places where titles may be required (eg for set or series), so that the same flexibility is available in each context.
  4. Identifier composites, based on a consistent common structure, have been added in a number of places where persons or organisations may be named, so that, where a suitable identifier scheme exists, they can alternatively be identified by a code.
  5. New elements and code lists have been added in Group PR.10 to enable different Bible editions to be exactly identified, particularly in the first instance for the US religious book trade, which is starting to implement ONIX. The code lists can be further developed to meet other national requirements.
  6. Group PR.21 has been extended to enable worldwide territorial rights and certain types of non-territorial sales restrictions to be fully described.
  7. In Group PR.24, provision has been added to carry stock information if required, and to handle specified types of re-issue.

Changes in Release 2.1

Code lists are no longer included in individual data element definitions. Instead, there are hot links to an accompanying HTML document which carries the latest version of each code list, and which can be updated from time to time without re-issuing either the DTD or this record format specification. Code list issues will in future be numbered independently of DTD releases. The issue of the code lists which accompanies Release 2.1 is considered to be Issue 1. Future issues will be sequentially numbered 2, 3, 4 etc. The expectation is that new issues of the code lists will occur regularly every six months, and exceptionally at other times if a particular list has been significantly extended, and users have an urgent need for the new version. Hot links are of the form List 9. Each list is separately displayed. The issue number for the code lists as a whole appears as part of each list heading. If a list has new values in the current issue, the list heading and the new values are displayed in red. If the list is unchanged, it is displayed in black.
Where a generalized composite exists as an alternative to individual data elements (eg <RelatedProduct> versus <ReplacesISBN>), the text of the individual data element specifications has been revised to emphasize that the composite is to be preferred, and that the individual elements are retained only for purposes of upwards compatibility. Elements whose use is no longer recommended are labeled ‘deprecated’. They remain, however, entirely valid for existing applications; but they should be avoided in new applications.
One additional XML attribute, textcase, has been defined which can in principle be used in any ONIX element (individual field or composite) containing text. Attributes are not defined in this document, but in Section 4 of the separate ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification document.
The sample records have been revised to show current recommended ‘best practise’ as regards the use of composites rather than single elements.
Group PR.1
A note has been added to the code list for <NotificationType> to explain that code 04 for updates is not used in current ONIX practise, which is for a complete replacement record to be sent.
The separate code list for <RecordSourceIdentifierType> has been deleted, and the element now shares code List 44.
Group PR.2
New values for LCCN and GTIN-14 have been added to the <ProductIDType> code list.
Group PR.3
A new optional element <ProductFormDetail> has been added to carry a second level of coding across the whole range of product forms. Code lists will be issued later.
A new optional and repeatable composite <ProductFormFeature> has been added to enable a variety of additional features to be defined now and in future simply by extending code lists. This will be used initially for the following features of printed Bibles which may also be applicable to other books: binding color, page edge color, font size, thumb index.
The <BookFormDetail> element has been superseded by <ProductFormDetail>. For upwards compatibility, it remains in the DTD and documentation, but has been marked ‘deprecated’.
A new optional element <ProductPackaging> has been added to specify how a product is packaged, eg ‘slipcased’.
A new optional element <TradeCategory> has been added to specify certain types of trade category closely related to product form, eg ‘mass market paperback’. Code lists will be issued later.
A new optional element <ProductContentType> has been added to specify certain types of content closely related to product form, eg ‘audiobook’.
The introductory text for the <ContainedItem> composite has been expanded to make it clear that the composite can be used without an identifier for each item.
A <ProductIdentifier> composite has been added within the <ContainedItem> composite, to allow different types of identifier to be assigned flexibly at contained item level, as was already possible at product level.
The new elements <ProductFormDetail>, <ProductFormFeature>, <ProductPackaging>, <TradeCategory>, and <ProductContentType> have all been added to the <ContainedItem> composite.
In <ProductClassificationType>, the weblinks from the code list have been corrected and updated, and a new code value has been added for the UK Customs & Excise product classification.
A new optional element <Percent> has been added to allow the unit value of a mixed product to be spread across two or more product classifications.
Group PR.4
There are no substantive changes in Group PR.4, but the text has been revised to clarify the conventions for handling multiple ebook formats when the ONIX record is set up to describe an electronic ‘content package’ available in several formats, rather than a single manifestation.
Group PR.5
A <Title> composite has been added within the <Series> composite, to allow series titles to be entered in the same variety of forms as product titles.
An optional empty element <NoSeries> has been added to enable a positive statement to be made that a product is not part of a series.
Group PR.6
A <Title> composite has been added within the <Set> composite, to allow set titles to be entered in the same variety of forms as product titles.
Group PR.7
The DTD has been changed so that it is possible to send a title both as a single element and as a pair of elements comprising a prefix and text without prefix, instead of either/or.
New values have been added to the <TitleType> code list.
The elements <TitlePrefix> and <TitleWithoutPrefix> have been added to the <Title> composite so that titles can be fully represented within the composite. All other occurrences of the <Title> composite include these changes.
A new <Website> composite has been added to allow a website related to a work to be identified.
A group of three new elements has been added to enable a thesis or dissertation to be described.
Group PR.8
New values have been added to the <ContributorRole> code list.
A new optional element <SequenceNumberWithinRole> has been added in the <Contributor> composite to meet the needs of certain ONIX applications where contributors must be numbered within role.
The example in the <PrefixToKey> element has been corrected. A new <PersonNameIdentifier> composite has been added to enable contributors to be identified by codes from any specified scheme. Text and an example have been added to the <Name> composite to show how it can be used for cases such as X writing as Y. A new <PersonDate> composite has been added to allow dates (eg birth, death) associated with a contributor to be sent.
A new <ProfessionalAffiliation> composite has been added to allow multiple positions and affiliations to be shown for a single contributor.
A new <Website> composite has been added to allow a contributor website link to be included in an ONIX record without embedding it in the text of an author biography.
An optional empty element <NoContributor> has been added to enable a positive statement to be made that a product carries no authorship.
Group PR.9
A new repeatable <Conference> composite has been added, including all the individual elements of conference detail available outside the composite. This will allow a product to be associated with more than one conference.
New elements <ConferenceAcronym> and <ConferenceTheme>, and a repeatable composite <ConferenceSponsor> have been added for consistency with CrossRef requirements for conference description.
A new <Website> composite has been added within the <Conference> composite, to provide links to a conference website.
Group PR.10
New values and extended definitions have been added to the <EditionTypeCode> list.
The text describing the <EditionStatement> element has been expanded to clarify its proper use.
An optional empty element <NoEdition> has been added to enable a positive statement to be made that a product has no edition information.
A new repeatable <ReligiousText> composite has been added, including a <Bible> composite for describing an edition of a Bible or selected Biblical text, and a <ReligiousTextFeature> composite to enable descriptions of other religious texts to be added if needed without waiting for a new ONIX release.
Group PR.12
New values have been added to the <IllustrationType> code list.
A new <IllustrationTypeDescription> element has been added to the <Illustrations> composite to describe types of illustration or other content that are not adequately specified by a code. The <Number> element in the composite is no longer specified as mandatory, so that illustrative material or other content to which a number is not applicable can also be handled.
The <MapScale> element has been made repeatable, to allow more than one scale to be specified.
Group PR.13
New values have been added to the <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier> code list. New values have been added to the <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> code list.
A new <PersonNameIdentifier> composite has been added to the <PersonAsSubject> composite, to allow an identifier to be used instead of or as well as a name.
Group PR.14
The element labeled <USSchoolGrade> in the DTD was wrongly designated as <USSchoolGrades> in Release 2.0 of this document. The name has been corrected to match the DTD.
The definition of the <AudienceRangeValue> element has been extended to allow strings to be carried instead of integers only, so that audience ranges can be specified in both numeric and non-numeric terms. This is particularly applicable to US school and pre-school levels.
The section describing the <AudienceRange> composite has been expanded, without any other substantive change, to clarify its structure and use.
Group PR.15
New values have been added to the <TextTypeCode> list, to cover Reading Group Guides. New annotations have been added to some existing codes to clarify usage.
A new <TextSourceCorporate> element has been added to the <OtherText> composite to allow (eg) the source of Reading Group Guide material to be named.
New <StartDate> and <EndDate> elements have been added to the <OtherText> composite to enable the validity dates of (eg) a piece of time-limited promotional text to be specified.
Group PR.16
A new <MediaFileDate> element has been added to the <MediaFile> composite to allow the date when a linked image or media file was last changed to be specified. This is intended to allow the receiver of an updated ONIX record to determine whether it is necessary to download a new copy of the file.
A new <WebsiteRole> element has been added to the <ProductWebsite> composite, for consistency with the generic <Website> composite which has been added elsewhere.
Group PR.17
A new <PrizeJury> element has been added to the <Prize> composite to allow the members of a prize jury to be listed as free text.
Group PR.18
A new <PageRun> composite has been added within the <TextItem> composite to allow discontinuous pagination to be described.
A new <Website> composite has been added to the <ContentItem> composite, to carry a link to a website related to the content item.
The following elements and composites have been added within the <ContentItem> composite: <ContributorStatement>, <Subject>, <PersonAsSubject>, <CorporateBodyAsSubject>, <PlaceAsSubject>, <OtherText>, <MediaFile>.
Group PR.19
A new value has been added to the <PublishingRoleCode> list for ‘Published for / on behalf of’.
New values have been added to the <NameCodeType> code list for the Deutsche Bibliothek publisher identifier, the Börsenverein Verkehrsnummer, and the German ISBN Agency publisher number.
A new <Website> composite has been added to the <Publisher> composite, so that a link to a publisher’s website can be carried alongside the publisher’s identity.
The element labeled <OriginalPublisher> in the DTD was wrongly designated as <OriginalPublisherName> in Release 2.0 of this document. The name has been corrected to match the DTD.
Group PR.20
A new <TradeAnnouncementDate> element has been added to specify an announcement date to the book trade while announcement to the general public remains embargoed. The existing <AnnouncementDate> element is defined as referring to an announcement to the public.
The text describing the <PublicationDate> element has been expanded to clarify its relationship to the dates which may be carried in the <SupplyDetail> composite.
A new <CopyrightStatement> composite has been added to allow structured copyright statements to be carried.
Group PR.21
Group PR.21 has been renamed Territorial rights and other sales restrictions, and the introductory text has been revised accordingly.
The specification of the <RightsCountry> element has been revised to allow a single occurrence to carry a list of country codes separated by spaces.
A new <RightsTerritory> element has been added to allow rights territories that are not countries to be encoded. This replaces the <RightsRegion> element, and includes codes for country subdivisions where needed.
The <RightsRegion> element is left unchanged for reasons of upwards compatibility, but is now deprecated.
The new <RightsTerritory> element has been added also to the <NotForSale> composite.
A new <SalesRestriction> composite has been added to allow non-territorial sales restrictions to be described.
Group PR.22
A new value has been added to the <MeasureTypeCode> list for ‘diameter’ (eg of a globe).
Group PR.23
The DTD has been modified so that it is valid to have an occurrence of the <RelatedProduct> composite which carries only a <RelationCode> and either a product identifier or product form. The introductory text for the composite has been revised accordingly.
New values have been added to the <RelationType> code list for the following relationships: Includes, Is part of (use for ‘also available as part of’), Has ancillary or supplementary product, Is ancillary or supplementary to, Is remaindered as, Is remainder of. (The last two codes cover the US practise where remainder merchants sticker their own ISBNs on remainder stock.)
A new <Website> composite has been added to the <RelatedProduct> composite, so that a link to a product website can be carried alongside the product identity.
All new elements added to the product form area in Group PR.3 have also been added to the <RelatedProduct> composite.
A <Publisher> composite has been added to the <RelatedProduct> composite so that the publisher of a related item can be identified, when different from the publisher of the item described in the ONIX record.
Group PR.24
The DTD has been changed so that both an EAN location number and a book trade SAN can be included for a supplier.
A new <SupplierIdentifier> composite has been added so that any identifier scheme can be used for a supplier without requiring the addition of a specific data element.
A new <Website> composite has been added so that a link to a supplier’s website can be included.
A new <SupplierRole> element has been added to allow a supplier to be identified as the publisher, a publisher’s distributor, a wholesaler etc.
The specification of the <SupplyToCountry> element has been revised to allow a single occurrence to carry a list of country codes separated by spaces.
A new <SupplyToTerritory> element has been added to allow supply territories that are not countries to be encoded. This replaces the <SupplyToRegion> element, and includes codes for country subdivisions where needed.
The <SupplyToRegion> element is left unchanged for reasons of upwards compatibility, but is now deprecated.
The specification of the <SupplyToCountryExcluded> element has been revised to allow a single occurrence to carry a list of country codes separated by spaces.
New values have been added to the <ReturnsCodeType> code list for US and UK returns conditions codes.
New values have been added to the <AvailabilityCode> list.
A new <IntermediaryAvailabilityCode> element has been added to make it possible for a statement of availability from a wholesaler or importing distributor to be sent in addition to or instead of a statement of availability.
A new <SupplierIdentifier> composite has been added to the <NewSupplier> composite so that any identification scheme can be used.
The text describing the <OnSaleDate> element has been revised to make it clear that using this element implies that there is an embargo on consumer sales prior to the stated date.
A new <Stock> composite has been added so that an ONIX message can report stock availability at a supplier’s warehouse.
A new value has been added to the <UnpricedItemType> list for items ‘not sold separately’.
The DTD has been changed so that the <PriceTypeCode> element is no longer mandatory, to allow a default price type specified in the header to be used with prices in the <Price> composite.
A new <DiscountCoded> composite has been added so that any discount code scheme, proprietary or otherwise, can be used.
A new <Reissue> composite has been added so that an ONIX record can signal the fact that a product is being reissued under the same ISBN within a particular market.

Sample records

This section shows the same sample record, first using plain text “Reference names” in XML, and second using “Short tags”. These sample records have been revised to show the use of composite data elements which is now recommended in ONIX. The Reference names version demonstrates the use of named character entities for non-ASCII characters, whereas the Short tags version assumes a suitable character encoding declaration has been included (see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 6) and uses native non-ASCII characters. The difference is clear in the <Text>/<d104> data elements.

Reference names
        <TitleText textcase="02">British English, A to Zed</TitleText>
        <PersonNameInverted>Schur, Norman W</PersonNameInverted>
        <BiographicalNote>A Harvard graduate in Latin and Italian literature, Norman Schur attended the University of Rome and the Sorbonne before returning to the United States to study law at Harvard and Columbia Law Schools. Now retired from legal practise, Mr Schur is a fluent speaker and writer of both British and American English.</BiographicalNote>
        <Text>BRITISH ENGLISH, A TO ZED is the thoroughly updated, revised, and expanded third edition of Norman Schur&rsquo;s highly acclaimed transatlantic dictionary for English speakers. First published as BRITISH SELF-TAUGHT and then as ENGLISH ENGLISH, this collection of Briticisms for Americans, and Americanisms for the British, is a scholarly yet witty lexicon, combining definitions with commentary on the most frequently used and some lesser known words and phrases. Highly readable, it&rsquo;s a snip of a book, and one that sorts out &hellip; through comments in American &hellip; the &ldquo;Queen&rsquo;s English&rdquo; &hellip; confounding as it may seem.</Text>
        <Text>Norman Schur is without doubt the outstanding authority on the similarities and differences between British and American English. BRITISH ENGLISH, A TO ZED attests not only to his expertise, but also to his undiminished powers to inform, amuse and entertain. &ndash; Laurence Urdang, Editor, VERBATIM, The Language Quarterly, Spring 1988</Text>
        <ImprintName>Facts on File Publications</ImprintName>
        <PublisherName>Facts on File Inc</PublisherName>
Short tags
        <b203 textcase="02">British English, A to Zed</b203>
        <b037>Schur, Norman W</b037>
        <b044>A Harvard graduate in Latin and Italian literature, Norman Schur attended the University of Rome and the Sorbonne before returning to the United States to study law at Harvard and Columbia Law Schools. Now retired from legal practise, Mr Schur is a fluent speaker and writer of both British and American English.</b044>
        <d104>BRITISH ENGLISH, A TO ZED is the thoroughly updated, revised, and expanded third edition of Norman Schur’s highly acclaimed transatlantic dictionary for English speakers. First published as BRITISH SELF-TAUGHT and then as ENGLISH ENGLISH, this collection of Briticisms for Americans, and Americanisms for the British, is a scholarly yet witty lexicon, combining definitions with commentary on the most frequently used and some lesser known words and phrases. Highly readable, it’s a snip of a book, and one that sorts out – through comments in American – the “Queen’s English” – confounding as it may seem.</d104>
        <d104>Norman Schur is without doubt the outstanding authority on the similarities and differences between British and American English. BRITISH ENGLISH, A TO ZED attests not only to his expertise, but also to his undiminished powers to inform, amuse and entertain. – Laurence Urdang, Editor, VERBATIM, The Language Quarterly, Spring 1988</d104>
        <b079>Facts on File Publications</b079>
        <b081>Facts on File Inc</b081>

ONIX for Books Product record

Product record

A product is described by a group of data elements beginning with an XML label <Product> and ending with an XML label </Product>. The entire group of data elements which is enclosed between these two labels constitutes an ONIX product record. The product record is the fundamental unit within an ONIX Product Information message. In almost every case, each product record describes an individually tradable item.


PR.1 Record reference number, type and source

Two mandatory data elements must be included at the beginning of every product record or update. The first, <RecordReference>, is a number which uniquely identifies the record. The second, <NotificationType>, is a code which specifies the type of notification or update.

If the record is sent as a deletion, the reason for deletion can optionally be indicated as a code (<DeletionCode>) or as plain text (<DeletionText>).

The source of the record can optionally be indicated by one or more of the elements <RecordSourceType>, <RecordSourceIdentifier> (with <RecordSourceIdentifierType>), and <RecordSourceName>.

PR.1.1 Record reference number

For every product, you must choose a single number which will uniquely identify the Information record which you send out about that product, and which will remain as its permanent identifier every time you send an update. It doesn’t matter what number you choose, provided that it is unique and permanent. This number doesn’t really identify the product – even though you may choose to use the ISBN or another product identifier – it identifies your information record about the product, so that the person to whom you are sending an update can match it with what you have previously sent. A good way of generating numbers which are not part of a recognized product identification scheme but which can be guaranteed to be unique is to preface the number with an Internet domain name which is registered to your organisation.

This field is mandatory and non-repeating.

Variable-length, alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 32 characters.
PR.1.2 Notification or update type code

An ONIX code which indicates the type of notification or update which you are sending. Mandatory and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 1
<a002>02</a002>    Advance notification
PR.1.3 Reason for deletion code

An ONIX code which indicates the reason why an ONIX record is being deleted. Optional and non-repeating; and may occur only when the <NotificationType> element carries the code value 05. Note that it refers to the reason why the record is being deleted, not the reason why a product has been “deleted” (in industries which use this terminology when a product is withdrawn).

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 2
PR.1.4 Reason for deletion

Free text which indicates the reason why an ONIX record is being deleted. Optional and non-repeating; and may occur only when the <NotificationType> element carries the code value 05. Note that it refers to the reason why the record is being deleted, not the reason why a product has been “deleted” (in industries which use this terminology when a product is withdrawn).

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<a199>Issued in error</a199>
PR.1.5 Record source type code

An ONIX code which indicates the type of source which has issued the ONIX record. Optional and non-repeating, independently of the occurrence of any other field.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 3
<RecordSourceType>01</RecordSourceType>    Publisher
PR.1.6 Record source identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <RecordSourceIdentifier> element is taken. Optional and non-repeating, but <RecordSourceIdentifier> must also be present if this field is present.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 44
<a195>03</a195>    Deutsche Bibliothek publisher identifier
PR.1.7 Record source identifier

An identifier for the party which issued the record, from the scheme specified in <RecordSourceIdentifierType>. Optional and non-repeating, but <RecordSourceIdentifierType> must also be present if this field is present.

Defined by the identifier scheme specified in <RecordSourceIdentifierType>
PR.1.8 Record source name

The name of the party which issued the record, as free text. Optional and non-repeating, independently of the occurrence of any other field.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<RecordSourceName>Cambridge University Press</RecordSourceName>

PR.2 Product numbers

Any individual product number may occur once only in the description of a product. If only one is given, the EAN-13 article number is the preferred identifier for international use across a range of product types. Other product numbers should be included where they exist. The XML DTD requires at least one number to be sent, but does not enforce or rule out any particular types or combinations.

This Group should now be limited to identifiers of the product which is being described. In early ONIX releases, it also carried the identifier of any past product which the current product replaces. These elements are retained for upwards compatibility, but the recommended practise is to use the <RelatedProduct> composite in Group PR.23.

PR.2.1 ISBN-10

The 10-character International Standard Book Number, the recognized standard identifier for books and certain other non-serial publications up to 31 December 2006. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred. The <ISBN> element is on no account to be used to carry a 13-digit ISBN.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X. The last character is a check character calculated in accordance with rules given at
PR.2.2 EAN.UCC-13 article number

The cross-industry product code administered by EAN International and its member agencies worldwide, in association with UCC in the US. Optional and non-repeating. For books, an EAN number can be derived from a ten-character ISBN by (a) prefixing it with the three digits 978, (b) deleting the ISBN check character, and (c) attaching a new check digit calculated according to EAN rules. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits. The last digit is a modulus-10 check digit calculated in accordance with the rules given at
PR.2.3 UPC

Universal Product Code, the cross-industry product numbering and bar-coding system administered in the USA by the Uniform Code Council. Optional and non-repeating. In the US book trade, required for mass-market editions sold in supermarkets and other non-book-trade outlets. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 12 numeric digits. The last digit is a modulus-10 check digit. For more information see
PR.2.4 Publisher’s product number

A product code assigned by the publisher of a product, not taken from a recognized standard numbering scheme. Optional and non-repeating. To be used only when the product does not have a number from a recognized industry standard scheme (eg ISBN or ISMN), but may occur together with an EAN-13 number. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 35 characters.

International Standard Music Number, the recognized standard identifier for printed music. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, letter M followed by nine numeric digits, the last of which is a check character calculated according to rules given at
PR.2.6 DOI

Digital Object Identifier. The international identifier for intellectual property in the digital environment. See Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite below provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters.
Product identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a product in accordance with a specified scheme, allowing new types of product identifier to be included without defining additional data elements. In particular, the composite allows proprietary identifiers (SKUs) assigned by wholesalers or vendors to be sent as part of the ONIX record.

To support the transition from ten-character ISBNs to 13-digit ISBNs, effective from 1 January 2007, there are distinct <ProductIDType> codes for ISBN-10 and ISBN-13, as well as for EAN.UCC-13.

ISBN-13 numbers in their unhyphenated form constitute a range of EAN.UCC-13 numbers that has been reserved for the international book trade. It has been agreed by ONIX national groups that it will be mandatory in an ONIX <Product> record for any item carrying an ISBN-13 to include the ISBN-13 labelled as an EAN.UCC number (ProductIDType code 03), since this is how the ISBN-13 will be universally used in trading transactions. For many ONIX applications this will also be sufficient.

For some ONIX applications, however, particularly when data is to be supplied to the library sector, there may be reasons why the ISBN-13 must also be sent labelled distinctively as an ISBN-13 (ProductIDType code 15); or, if the item also has an ISBN-10, why it may still be desirable to send the ISBN-10 even after the end of 2006. Users should consult national “good practice” guidelines and/or discuss with their trading partners.

PR.2.7 Product identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 5
<ProductIDType>02</ProductIDType>    ISBN-10
PR.2.8 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <ProductIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.2.9 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <ProductIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <ProductIDType>
End of product identifier composite
PR.2.10 Barcode indicator

An ONIX code indicating whether a product is bar-coded. Optional, and repeatable if the product carries two or more barcodes from different schemes. The absence of this field does NOT mean that a product is not bar-coded.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 6
<Barcode>01</Barcode>    Barcoded, scheme unspecified
PR.2.11 Replaces ISBN-10

10-character International Standard Book Number of a former product which the current product replaces. Optional and non-repeating. Note, however, that the <RelatedProduct> composite in Group PR.23 provides a more general method of handling this type of link. This is now the preferred ONIX approach. The <ReplacesISBN> element is retained only for upwards compatibility. This element is on no account to be used to carry a 13-digit ISBN.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X.
PR.2.12 Replaces EAN.UCC-13 article number

The EAN.UCC-13 article number of a former product which the current product replaces. Optional and non-repeating. Note, however, that the <RelatedProduct> composite in Group PR.23 provides a more general method of handling this type of link. This is now the preferred ONIX approach. The <ReplacesISBN> element is retained only for upwards compatibility.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits.

PR.3 Product form

The primary form of a product is defined by a single code in PR.3.1, which may be supplemented by description in PR.3.3. If the primary form code indicates that the product is a mixed media item, a quantity pack for retail sale, or a trade pack (dumpbin, counterpack or shrinkwrap), the “contained item” composite may be used to specify the identifier(s), form, and quantity of the items contained in the product.

PR.3.1 Product form code

An ONIX code which indicates the primary form of the product. Mandatory and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters.
List 7
<ProductForm>BB</ProductForm>    Hardback book
PR.3.2 Product form detail

An ONIX code which provides added detail of the medium and/or format of the product. Optional and repeatable.

Fixed-length, four characters: one letter followed by three numeric digits
List 78
<b333>B206</b333>    Pop-up book
Product form feature composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe an aspect of product form that is too specific to be covered in the <ProductForm> and <ProductFormDetail> elements. Optional.

PR.3.3 Product form feature type

An ONIX code which specifies the feature described by an instance of the <ProductFormFeature> composite, eg binding color. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 79
<ProductFormFeatureType>02</ProductFormFeatureType>    Page edge color
PR.3.4 Product form feature value

A controlled value that describes a product form feature. Presence or absence of this element depends on the <ProductFormFeatureType>, since some product form features (eg thumb index) do not require an accompanying value, while others (eg text font) require free text in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>. Non-repeating.

Dependent on the scheme specified in <ProductFormFeatureType>
Dependent on the scheme specified in <ProductFormFeatureType>
For binding color, see List 98
For page edge color, see List 98
For text font, use free text in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>, which may include font name and/or size
For special cover material, see List 99
For DVD region codes, see List 76
Further features with corresponding code lists may be added from time to time without a re-issue of this document: see the latest release of Code List 79.
<b335>BLK</b335>    Black (binding color)
PR.3.5 Product form feature description

If the <ProductFormFeatureType> requires free text rather than a code value, or if the code in <ProductFormFeatureValue> does not adequately describe the feature, a short text description may be added. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b336>11pt Helvetia</b336>
End of product form feature composite
PR.3.6 Book form detail

An ONIX code specifying more detail of the product format when the product is a book. Repeatable when two or more coded characteristics apply. This field is optional, but must only be included when the code in the <ProductForm> element begins with letter B. This field will be superseded by the new element <ProductFormDetail>, and the code list will not be further developed. The field is retained only for purposes of upwards compatibility, and its use is now to be deprecated.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 8
<BookFormDetail>04</BookFormDetail>    Paper over boards
PR.3.7 Product packaging type code

An ONIX code which indicates the type of packaging used for the product. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 80
<b225>05</b225>    Jewel case
PR.3.8 Product form description

If product form codes do not adequately describe the product, a short text description may be added to give a more detailed specification of the product form. The field is optional and non-repeating. Although this element was originally included to allow the number and type of pieces contained in a multiple product to be stated, as in the example below, the correct method of describing mixed media products in Release 2.1 is to use two or more occurrences of the <ContainedItem> composite to give a properly structured specification of each media type.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters.
<b014>3 volumes with 2 audiocassettes</b014>
PR.3.9 Number of pieces

If the product is homogeneous (ie all items or pieces which constitute the product have the same form), the number of items or pieces may be included here. If the product consists of a number of items or pieces of different forms (eg books and audio cassettes), the <ContainedItem> composite should be used – see below. This field is optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits.
PR.3.10 Trade category code

An ONIX code which indicates a trade category which is somewhat related to but not properly an attribute of product form. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 12
<TradeCategory>03</TradeCategory>    Sonderausgabe (Germany)
PR.3.11 Product content type code

An ONIX code which indicates certain types of content which are closely related to but not strictly an attribute of product form, eg audiobook. Optional and repeatable. The element is intended to be used with products where content is delivered in the form of a digital or analogue recording. It is not expected to be used for books.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 81
<b385>01</b385>    Audiobook
Contained item composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe an item which is part of or contained within the current product. The composite may be used to specify the item(s) and item quantity/ies carried in a dumpbin, or included in (eg) a classroom pack, or simply to state the product forms contained within a mixed media product, without specifying their identifiers or quantity. The composite is used only when the product form coding for the product as a whole indicates that the product includes two or more different items, or multiple copies of the same item.

Each instance of the <ContainedItem> composite must carry at least either a product identifier, or a product form code, or both. In other words, it is valid to send an instance of the composite with an identifier and no product form code, or with a product form code and no identifier.

PR.3.12 Contained item ISBN-10

10-character ISBN of the contained item. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite provides a more general method of handling product codes, and is preferred. The <ISBN> element is on no account to be used to carry a 13-digit ISBN.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X
PR.3.13 Contained item EAN.UCC-13 article number

EAN.UCC-13 number of the contained item. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite provides a more general method of handling product codes, and is preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits. The last digit is a modulus-10 check digit calculated in accordance with the rules given at
Contained item product identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a product in accordance with a specified scheme, used here to carry the product identifier of a contained item. See notes on the <ProductIdentifier> composite in section PR.2 for details of the handling of ISBN-13.

PR.3.14 Product identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 5
<b221>02</b221>    ISBN-10
PR.3.15 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <ProductIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.3.16 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <ProductIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <ProductIDType>
End of contained item product identifier composite
PR.3.17 Contained item product form code

An ONIX code which indicates the primary form of the contained item. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters.
List 7
<ProductForm>BB</ProductForm>    Hardback book
PR.3.18 Contained item product form detail

An ONIX code which provides added detail of the medium and/or format of the contained item. Optional and repeatable. This field can only occur if the <ContainedItem> composite has a <ProductForm> code.

Fixed-length, four characters: one letter followed by three numeric digits
List 78
<b333>B206</b333>    Pop-up book
Contained item product form feature composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe an aspect of product form that is too specific to be covered in the <ProductForm> and <ProductFormDetail> elements. Optional. The <ProductFormFeature> composite can only occur if the <ContainedItem> composite has a <ProductForm> code.

PR.3.19 Product form feature type

An ONIX code which specifies the feature described by an instance of the <ProductFormFeature> composite. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 79
<b334>02</b334>    Page edge color
PR.3.20 Product form feature value

A controlled value that describes a product form feature. Presence or absence of this element depends on the <ProductFormFeatureType>, since some product form features (eg thumb index) do not require an accompanying value, while others (eg text font) require free text in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>. Non-repeating.

Dependent on the scheme specified in <ProductFormFeatureType>
Dependent on the scheme specified in <ProductFormFeatureType>
For binding color, see List 98
For page edge color, see List 98
For text font, use free text in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>, which may include font name and/or size
For special cover material, see List 99
For DVD region codes, see List 76
Further features with corresponding code lists may be added from time to time without a re-issue of this document: see the latest release of Code List 79.
<b335>BLK</b335>    Black (binding color)
PR.3.21 Product form feature description

If the code in <ProductFormFeatureValue> does not adequately describe the feature, a short text description may be added.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b336>11pt Helvetia</b336>
End of contained item product form feature composite
PR.3.22 Contained item book form detail

An ONIX code specifying more detail of the contained item when the item is a book. Optional and repeatable, and must only be included when the <ProductForm> code for the contained item begins with letter B. This field will be superseded by the new element <ProductFormDetail>, and the code list will not be further developed. The field is retained only for purposes of upwards compatibility, and its use is now to be deprecated.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 8
<BookFormDetail>04</BookFormDetail>    Paper over boards
PR.3.23 Contained item product packaging type code

An ONIX code which indicates the type of packaging used for the contained item. Optional and non-repeating. This field can only occur if the <ContainedItem> composite has a <ProductForm> code.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 80
<ProductPackaging>05</ProductPackaging>    Jewel case
PR.3.24 Contained item product form description

If product form codes do not adequately describe the contained item, a short text description may be added. Optional and non-repeating. This field can only occur if the <ContainedItem> composite has a <ProductForm> code.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters.
<b014>Birdsong recordings illustrating the accompanying text</b014>
PR.3.25 Contained item number of pieces

If the contained item consists of a number of different pieces of the same form, the number may be included here. Optional and non-repeating. This field can only occur if the <ContainedItem> composite has a <ProductForm> code.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits.
PR.3.26 Contained item trade category code

An ONIX code which indicates a trade category which is somewhat related to but not properly an attribute of product form. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 12
<TradeCategory>03</TradeCategory>    Sonderausgabe (Germany)
PR.3.27 Contained item product content type code

An ONIX code which indicates certain types of content which are closely related to but not strictly an attribute of product form, eg audiobook. Optional and repeatable. The element is intended to be used with products where content is delivered in the form of a digital or analogue recording. It is not expected to be used for books.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 81
<b385>01</b385>    Audiobook
PR.3.28 Contained item quantity

For filled dumpbins and counter packs, and for retail packs containing a number of copies of the same item, the number of copies of the specified item contained in the pack. <ItemQuantity> is used to state a quantity of identical items, when a pack contains either a quantity of a single item, or a quantity of each of two or more different items (eg a dumpbin carrying copies of two different books, or a classroom pack containing a teacher’s text and twenty student texts). Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, maximum four digits
End of contained item composite

Examples of the use of the <ContainedItem> composite

Short tags
<b012>WW</b012>Mixed media product
    <b012>BB</b012>Contains hardback book(s)
    <b210>2</b210>Two volumes
    <b012>DB</b012>Contains CD-ROM(s)
    <b210>3</b210>Three CDs
<b012>WX</b012>Quantity pack for retail sale
        <b233>9780123456784</b233>Contains EAN-13 9780123456784
    <b015>20</b015>20 copies

These two examples illustrate the distinction between <b210> Number of pieces and <b015> Item quantity. It would be perfectly possible to use both within the same composite, eg for a retail pack containing 20 copies of a two-volume book:

Short tags
<b012>WX</b012>Quantity pack for retail sale
        <b233>9780123456784</b233>Contains EAN-13 9780123456784
    <b012>BB</b012>Hardback book
    <b210>2</b210>Two volumes
    <b015>20</b015>20 copies
Product classification composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define a product classification (NOT to be confused with a subject classification). The intended use is to enable national or international trade classifications (aka commodity codes) to be carried in an ONIX record.

PR.3.29 Product classification type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in <ProductClassificationCode> is taken. Mandatory in any instance of the <ProductClassification> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 9
<ProductClassificationType>02</ProductClassificationType>    UNSPSC
PR.3.30 Product classification code

A classification code from the scheme specified in <ProductClassificationType>. Mandatory in any instance of the <ProductClassification> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <ProductClassificationType>
<b275>55101514</b275>    Sheet music (in UNSPSC)
PR.3.31 Percentage

The percentage of the unit value of the product that is assignable to a designated product classification. Optional and non-repeating. Used when a mixed product (eg book and CD) belongs partly to two or more product classifications.

Real decimal number in the range 0 to 100
End of product classification composite

PR.4 Epublication detail

Elements in this Group are used only when the <ProductForm> code for the product is DG, to specify the form of an epublication. There are three groups:

Fields PR.4.1 to PR.4.3 specify and where necessary describe an epublication type in accordance with a separately published code list. At least field PR.4.1 is mandatory in any ONIX record describing an epublication.

Fields PR.4.4 to PR.4.6, which are optional, make it possible separately to specify the underlying format of an epublication, though this may also be implicit in the epublication type.

Fields PR.4.7 to 4.9 would apply only to ONIX exchanges between publishers and epublication intermediaries, and make it possible to specify the format of the source file supplied by the publisher.

PR.4.1 Epublication type code

An ONIX code identifying the type of an epublication. This element is mandatory if and only if the <ProductForm> code for the product is DG; and non-repeating.

In general, an <EpubType> code identifies a particular form in which an epublication is traded. The exception to this is that code 000 identifies a “content package” which is published electronically in a number of different forms. This value is used when the ONIX record describes and identifies the content package independently of the forms in which it is made available. Each available form can then be described by using the <RelatedProduct> composite in Group PR.23.

Fixed-length, 3 numeric digits
List 10
<EpubType>004</EpubType>    Adobe Ebook Reader
PR.4.2 Epublication type version number

A version number which applies to a specific epublication type. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 10 characters
PR.4.3 Epublication type description

A free text description of an epublication type. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<EpubTypeDescription>Adobe Ebook Reader</EpubTypeDescription>
PR.4.4 Epublication format code

An ONIX code identifying the underlying format of an epublication. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present. Note that where the epublication type is wholly defined by the delivery format, this element effectively duplicates the <EpubType> field.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 11
PR.4.5 Epublication format version number

A version number which applies to an epublication format. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubFormat> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 10 characters
PR.4.6 Epublication format description

A free text description of an epublication format. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present, but it does not require the presence of the <EpubFormat> field.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<b216>Screen optimized PDF, with low-res figures</b216>
PR.4.7 Epublication source file format code

An ONIX code identifying the source file format of an epublication when shipped by a publisher to an intermediary for conversion to one or more forms of deliverable. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 11
PR.4.8 Epublication source file format version number

A version number which applies to an epublication source file format. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubSource> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 10 characters
PR.4.9 Epublication source file format description

A free text description of an epublication source file format. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present, but it does not require the presence of the <EpubSource> field.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<b280>Screen optimized PDF, with low-res figures</b280>
PR.4.10 Epublication type note

A free text description of features of a product which are specific to its appearance as a particular epublication type. Optional and non-repeatable, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<b277>First appearance of this title in Microsoft Reader format</b277>

PR.5 Series

A “series” means an indefinite number of products, published over an indefinite time period, and grouped together under a series title, primarily for marketing purposes. A series does not have an EAN-13 number, ISBN or UPC, and it is not traded as a single item, although it may be possible to place a standing order for successive items in the series to be supplied automatically.

A product may occasionally belong to two or more series. Consequently the series elements constitute a repeatable composite.

Series elements include a series code if any, the series title, and any enumeration of the product within the series.

Series composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a series of which the product is part.

PR.5.1 ISSN of series

International Standard Serial Number identifying a series of which the product forms part. ISSNs are the standard numbering scheme for journals, and most publishers’ book series are not eligible to be identified by an ISSN. ISSNs may be used, however, for established scholarly series such as Annual Reviews of… or Methods in… which are shelved in libraries as if they were journals. The field is optional and non-repeating. The <SeriesIdentifier> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling this and other series identifiers, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, eight numeric digits, of which the last is a check digit; see
PR.5.2 Publisher’s series code

A code or mnemonic assigned by the publisher to designate a series (and therefore not guaranteed to be unique). Optional and non-repeating. The <SeriesIdentifier> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling this and other series identifiers, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
Series identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define an identifier of a series or subseries. The composite is optional, and may only repeat if two or more identifiers of different types are sent. It is not permissible to have two identifiers of the same type.

PR.5.3 Series identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SeriesIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 13
PR.5.4 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <SeriesIDType> field indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a publisher’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.5.5 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <SeriesIDType> field. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SeriesIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in field PR.5.3
End of series identifier composite
PR.5.6 Series title

The full title of the series, without abbreviation or abridgement. Non-repeating. Either the <TitleOfSeries> element or at least one occurrence of the <Title> composite must occur in each occurrence of the <Series> composite. The <Title> composite provides a more comprehensive representation of a series title, and allows alternative forms to be sent.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<TitleOfSeries>Blue Guides</TitleOfSeries>
Title composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together give the text of a title, including a subtitle where applicable, and specify its type. Please see Group PR.7 for details.

End of title composite
Contributor composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a personal or corporate contributor to the series. The composite is optional in any occurrence of the <Series> composite. Please see Group PR.8 for details.

End of contributor composite
PR.5.7 Number within series

The distinctive enumeration of a product within a series. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<NumberWithinSeries>Volume 14</NumberWithinSeries>
PR.5.7a Publication sequence within series

Data element specifying the publication order of products within a series, when it is distinct from the <NumberWithinSeries> (ie when products are published out of their ‘logical’ series order). For example, the third in a five-product series may be published before parts 1 and 2, and those three may be followed by parts 4 and 5.

Integer, up to four digits
PR.5.8 Year of annual

The nominal year of an annual publication. May be entered as either a single year YYYY or a span of two consecutive years YYYY-YYYY. Optional and non-repeating.

Either four numeric digits, or four numeric digits followed by hyphen followed by four numeric digits
End of series composite
PR.5.9 “No series” indicator

An empty element that provides a positive indication that a product does not belong to a series. Intended to be used in an ONIX accreditation scheme to confirm that series information is being consistently supplied in publisher ONIX feeds. Optional and non-repeating. Must only be sent in a record that has no instances of the <Series> composite.

XML empty element

PR.6 Set

A “set” means a finite number of products grouped together under a set title. The products may originally be published over a period of time, but generally they have become or will become available for simultaneous purchase. A set may be traded as a single item or in separate parts or both. If traded as a single item, a set should have its own product identifier such as an EAN-13 number and/or an ISBN.

A set may be further divided into two or more parts or “subsets”, each with its own distinctive title. A “subset” is an intermediate level between the set as a whole and the individual product, as in A History of Western Europe, Part II: The Dark Ages, Volume I: After Rome.

A product may belong to two or more sets. Consequently the set elements constitute a repeatable composite.

Set elements include a set product number if any, the set title, and whatever elements of enumeration and title are needed to provide a complete identification of a product within the set. All these elements should be entered in Group PR.6, even if they are duplicated in a title in Group PR.7.

Set composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a set of which the product is part.

PR.6.1 ISBN-10 of set

A 10-character ISBN identifying a set of which the product forms part. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X
PR.6.2 EAN.UCC-13 number of set

EAN.UCC-13 article number identifying a set of which the product forms part. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits
Product identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a product in accordance with a specified scheme, used here to carry the product identifier for a set. See notes on the <ProductIdentifier> composite in section PR.2 for details of the handling of ISBN-13.

PR.6.3 Product identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 5
<b221>02</b221>    ISBN
PR.6.4 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <ProductIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.6.5 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <ProductIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <ProductIDType>
End of product identifier composite
PR.6.6 Set title

The full title of the set, without abbreviation or abridgement. Non-repeating. Either the <TitleOfSet> element or at least one occurrence of the <Title> composite must occur in each occurrence of the <Set> composite. The <Title> composite provides a more comprehensive representation of a set title, and allows alternative forms to be sent.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<b023>Lives of the Artists</b023>
Title composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together give the text of a title, including a subtitle where applicable, and specify its type. Please see Group PR.7 for details.

End of title composite
PR.6.7 Set part (“subset”) number

The distinctive enumeration of a “subset” of which the product is a member, used only when a set is itself divided into two levels, eg A History of Western Europe, Part II: The Dark Ages, Volume I: After Rome. Optional and non-repeating. Note that this element is used for the first subdivision of a set which has two levels, regardless of the nomenclature (part, volume, etc) which the publisher uses at each level.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<SetPartNumber>Part II</SetPartNumber>
PR.6.8 Set part (“subset”) title

The title of a “subset” of which the product is a member, used only when a set is itself divided into two levels, eg A History of Western Europe, Part II: The Dark Ages, Volume I: After Rome. Use this field only for the section of the whole title which is shared by, and only by, the members of the subset. Optional and non-repeating. Note that this element is used for the first subdivision of a set which has two levels, regardless of the nomenclature (part, volume, etc) which the publisher uses at each level.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<b025>The Dark Ages</b025>
PR.6.9 Item number within set

The distinctive enumeration of the product as an item within a set (or within a part of a set). Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<ItemNumberWithinSet>Volume 1</ItemNumberWithinSet>
PR.6.10 Level sequence number

A number which specifies the position of an item in a set within a multi-level hierarchy of such items. Numbering starts at the top level in the hierarchy, and the first item at the top level is numbered 1. Optional and non-repeating. The purpose of this element is to make it possible to describe structured sets in a normalized way, since enumeration carried as <ItemNumberWithinSet> may take a wide variety of forms.

Variable-length string of integers, each successive integer being separated by a full stop, suggested maximum length 100 characters
PR.6.11 Set item title

The title which the product carries as an item within a set, eg After Rome in A History of Western Europe, Part II: The Dark Ages, Volume I: After Rome. This will invariably duplicate at least part of the product title in Group PR.7, but by entering it in this group it is possible to assure a correctly structured entry for the set. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<SetItemTitle>After Rome</SetItemTitle>
End of set composite

Use of title and enumeration elements in the <Set> composite

For a set that has only one level of subdivision: use <ItemNumberWithinSet> and <SetItemTitle>, regardless of the nomenclature (part, volume, etc) that is used for the item within the set.

For a set that has two levels of subdivision: use <SetPartNumber> and <SetPartTitle> for the higher level subdivision, and <ItemNumberWithinSet> and <SetItemTitle> for the lower level, regardless of the nomenclature (part, volume, etc) that is used by the publisher at each level.

PR.7 Title

Group PR.7 carries the title or titles of the product described in the ONIX record, and includes the primary occurrence of the <Title> composite, which is also used elsewhere in the Product Record format.

Title elements include the title and subtitle of the product, the title of the work in its original language if the product is a translation, and a previous title if the work has been published in the past under a different title.

The preferred method of sending any form of title is to use the <Title> composite. Other individual title elements are retained for upwards compatibility.

Group PR.7 also includes a <WorkIdentifier> composite to carry encoded links between different editions (or “manifestations”) of the same original work.

PR.7.1 Text case flag

An ONIX code indicating the case in which the title elements are sent. The default is “unspecified”. Optional and non-repeating. Text case can now be indicated by an XML attribute on any text element, and this method is preferred. See ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 4.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 14
PR.7.2 Distinctive title of product

The full text of the distinctive title of the product, without abbreviation or abridgement, but excluding the subtitle (if any). Where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a distinctive title. Where the product is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate product title, a product title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, with suitable punctuation, as in the second example below. (If, however, there is a separate product title, or if more description of each individual work is required, the <ContentItem> composite can be used for the individual works – see Group PR.18.) Optional and non-repeating. The <Title> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<DistinctiveTitle>A People’s Tragedy</DistinctiveTitle>
<b028>Pride and prejudice / Sense and sensibility / Northanger Abbey</b028>
PR.7.3 Title prefix

Text at the beginning of the distinctive title of the product which is to be ignored for alphabetical sorting. Optional and non-repeating; can only be used if the <TitleWithoutPrefix> element is also present. These two elements may be used in combination in applications where it is necessary to distinguish an initial word or character string which is to be ignored for filing purposes, eg in library systems and in some bookshop databases. The <Title> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.7.4 Title text without prefix

Full text of the distinctive title of the product, without abbreviation or abridgement, and without the title prefix. Optional and non-repeating; can only be used if the <TitlePrefix> element is also present. The <Title> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<b031>shameful life of Salvador Dali</b031>
PR.7.5 Subtitle of product

The full text of the subtitle of the product, if any. “Subtitle” means any added words which appear with the title of the product and which amplify and explain the title, but which are not considered to be part of the distinctive title. Optional and non-repeating. The <Title> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<Subtitle>The Russian Revolution 1891-1924</Subtitle>
PR.7.6 Translation-of title

Title of a work from which the product is translated, without abbreviation or abridgement. Optional and non-repeating. The <Title> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<b032 language="ita">L’Isola del Giorno Prima</b032>
PR.7.7 Former title

A different title under which the work was previously published, without abbreviation or abridgement. Optional, and repeatable if the work has had more than one former title. The <Title> composite below provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<FormerTitle>English English</FormerTitle>
Title composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together give the text of a title and specify its type. The composite may also be used to send a title which has been abbreviated where necessary to keep it within a specified maximum length. Any occurrence of the <Title> composite must include one of the following: <TitleText> only, <TitlePrefix> with <TitleWithoutPrefix>, <TitleText> and <TitlePrefix> with <TitleWithoutPrefix>. If there is a subtitle, it should not be sent as part of the title text, but as a separate <Subtitle> element, The <Title> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase, where these are shared by all text elements within the composite.

PR.7.8 Title type code

An ONIX code indicating the type of a title. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Title> composite, and non-repeating. Additional types of title can now be defined by adding code values without requiring a new ONIX release.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 15
PR.7.9 Abbreviated title length

If the <Title> composite is used to carry an abbreviated title, the length to which the title is abbreviated may be indicated by giving the maximum number of characters (regardless of whether in each specific instance abbreviation has been required in order to meet this limit). The <TitleType> code should indicate the form of the title that has been abbreviated. Optional and non-repeating. If this element is present, the <TitleText> element must be used to carry the abbreviated form. [The option also exists to send an abbreviated title as a separate <TitleType> without using <AbbreviatedLength>, which is simpler, but less informative.]

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum 3 digits
PR.7.10 Text case flag

An ONIX code indicating the case in which the text elements in an occurrence of the <Title> composite are sent. The default is “unspecified”. Optional and non-repeating. Text case can now be indicated by an XML attribute on any text element, and this method is preferred. See ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 4.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 14
PR.7.11 Title text

The text of the title specified by the <TitleType> code; and excluding the subtitle, if any. Optional and non-repeating: see text at the head of the <Title> composite for details of valid title text options. The <TitleText> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 300 characters
<TitleText>Nicholas Nickleby</TitleText>
PR.7.12 Title prefix

Text at the beginning of a title which is to be ignored for alphabetical sorting. Optional and non-repeating; can only be used if the <TitleWithoutPrefix> element is also present. These two elements may be used in combination in applications where it is necessary to distinguish an initial word or character string which is to be ignored for filing purposes, eg in library systems and in some bookshop databases. The <TitlePrefix> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.7.13 Title text without prefix

Full text of a title, without abbreviation or abridgement, and without the title prefix; and excluding the subtitle, if any. Optional and non-repeating; can only be used if the <TitlePrefix> element is also present. The <TitleWithoutPrefix> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<TitleWithoutPrefix textcase="01">shameful life of Salvador Dali</TitleWithoutPrefix>
PR.7.14 Subtitle

The full text of a subtitle, if any. “Subtitle” means any added words which appear with the title given in an occurrence of the <Title> composite, and which amplify and explain the title, but which are not considered to be part of the title itself. Optional and non-repeating. The <Subtitle> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 300 characters
<b029>The Russian Revolution 1891&ndash;1924</b029>
End of title composite

Examples of the use of the <Title> composite

“The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton”
Reference names
    <TitleType>01</TitleType>Distinctive title
    <TitleText textcase=”01”>The all-true travels and adventures of Lidie Newton</TitleText>Sentence case
Short tags
<title textcase=”03”>All capitals
    <b202>01</b202>Distinctive title
    <b276>30</b276>Abbreviated to 30 characters
In the first example a textcase attribute is used in the <TitleText> element. In the second example it is used in the <Title> element. Either approach is valid.
Work identifier composite

A group of data elements which together define the identifier of a work which is manifested in the product described by an ONIX <Product> record. Optional and repeatable.

PR.7.15 Work identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in <IDValue> is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <WorkIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 16
<WorkIDType>01</WorkIDType>    Proprietary
PR.7.16 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in <WorkIDType> indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a bibliographic agency’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.7.17 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in <WorkIDType>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <WorkIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <WorkIDType>
End of work identifier composite
Website composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the work identified in an occurrence of the <WorkIdentifier> composite.

PR.7.18 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>05</WebsiteRole>    Online resource contents page
PR.7.19 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.7.20 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
PR.7.21 Thesis type code

An ONIX code identifying a thesis type, when the ONIX record describes an item which was originally presented as an academic thesis or dissertation. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 72
<ThesisType>01</ThesisType>    Habilitationsschrift
PR.7.22 Thesis presented to

The name of an academic institution to which a thesis was presented. Optional and non-repeating, but if this element is present, <ThesisType> must also be present.

Free text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
PR.7.23 Year of thesis

The year in which a thesis was presented. Optional and non-repeating, but if this element is present, <ThesisType> must also be present.

Fixed-length, four numeric digits

PR.8 Authorship

Authorship and other forms of contribution are described by repeats of the <Contributor> composite, within which the recommended form of representation of a person name is the structured data element group consisting of Person name part 1 to Person name part 8. If desired, more than one form of representation of the same name may be sent in a single occurrence of the composite.

A contributor composite is valid in terms of the XML DTD provided it contains at least a <ContributorRole> code and:

  1. one or more of the forms of representation of a person name, with or without an occurrence of the <PersonNameIdentifier> composite, or
  2. a <CorporateName> element, or
  3. an occurrence of the <PersonNameIdentifier> composite without any accompanying name element(s), or
  4. an <UnnamedPersons> element.

Other elements are optional.

The <ContributorStatement> element may be used to provide a free text statement of the whole of the authorship of the product in the form in which the publisher intends it to be displayed. Individual name elements must still be sent for indexing to support computer searching.

A new optional element <NoContributor> may be used to make a positive statement in an ONIX record that the item has no named authorship.

Contributor composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a personal or corporate contributor to the product.

PR.8.1 Contributor sequence number

A number which specifies a single overall sequence of contributor names. Optional and non-repeating. There are two ways of approaching the sequencing of contributor names: by defining a single sequence across all contributors, which is the general ONIX practise; or by defining an individual sequence for each contributor role, using the element <SequenceNumberWithinRole> on the next page. Some applications require this more precise sequencing. Where it is not required, it is strongly recommended that each occurrence of the <Contributor> composite should carry an overall <SequenceNumber>.

Variable-length integer, 1, 2, 3 etc, suggested maximum length 3 digits
PR.8.2 Contributor role

An ONIX code indicating the role played by a person or corporate body in the creation of the product. Mandatory in each occurrence of a <Contributor> composite, and may be repeated if the same person or corporate body has more than one role in relation to the product. Note, however, that if the <SequenceNumberWithinRole> element is used to establish individual sequences of contributor names by role, the <ContributorRole> element must not be repeated. There must instead be separate occurrences of the <Contributor> composite if the same person has two or more roles.

Fixed-length, one letter and two numeric digits
List 17
<ContributorRole>A01</ContributorRole>    Author
PR.8.3 Language from which a translation was made

Used only when the <ContributorRole> code value is B06, B08 or B10 indicating a translator, to specify the language from which the translation was made. This makes it possible to specify a translator’s exact responsibility when a work involved translation from two or more languages. Optional and repeatable in the unlikely event that a single person has been responsible for translation from two or more languages.

Fixed-length, three lower-case letters. Note that ISO 639 specifies that these codes should always be in lower-case.
ISO 639-2/B List 74
PR.8.4 Contributor sequence number within role

A number which specifies the sequence of contributor names within a specified role, for applications which require this form of numbering. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, 1, 2, 3 etc, suggested maximum length 3 digits
PR.8.5 Person name

The name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product, unstructured, and presented in normal order. Optional and non-repeating: see Group PR.8 introductory text for valid options.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<PersonName>James J. Johnson III</PersonName>
PR.8.6 Person name, inverted

The name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product, presented in inverted order, with the element used for alphabetical sorting placed first. Optional and non-repeating: see Group PR.8 introductory text for valid options.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b037>Johnson, James J., III</b037>
PR.8.7 Person name part 1: titles before names

The first part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: qualifications and/or titles preceding a person’s names, eg Professor or HRH Prince or Saint. Optional and non-repeating: see Group PR.8 introductory text for valid options.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b038>HRH Prince</b038>
PR.8.8 Person name part 2: names before key name

The second part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: name(s) and/or initial(s) preceding a person’s key name(s), eg James J. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<NamesBeforeKey>James J.</NamesBeforeKey>
PR.8.9 Person name part 3: prefix to key name

The third part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: a prefix which precedes the key name(s) but which is not to be treated as part of the key name, eg van in Ludwig van Beethoven. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
PR.8.10 Person name part 4: key name(s)

The fourth part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: key name(s), ie the name elements normally used to open an entry in an alphabetical list, eg Smith or Garcia Marquez or Madonna or Francis de Sales (in Saint Francis de Sales). Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
PR.8.11 Person name part 5: names after key names

The fifth part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: name suffix, or name(s) following a person’s key name(s), eg Ibrahim (in Anwar Ibrahim). Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
PR.8.12 Person name part 6: suffix after key names

The sixth part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: a suffix following a person’s key name(s), eg Jr or III. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
PR.8.13 Person name part 7: qualifications and honors after names

The seventh part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: qualifications and honors following a person’s names, eg CBE FRS. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b042>MB FRCS</b042>
PR.8.14 Person name part 8: titles after names

The eighth part of a structured name of a person who contributed to the creation of the product: titles following a person’s names, eg Duke of Edinburgh. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<TitlesAfterNames>Duke of Edinburgh</TitlesAfterNames>
Person name identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify a party name identifier, used here to carry an identifier for a name given in an occurrence of the <Contributor> composite. Optional: see Group PR.8 introductory text for valid options.

PR.8.15 Person name identifier type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the value in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <PersonNameIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 101
<PersonNameIDType>02</PersonNameIDType>    Personennamendatei
PR.8.16 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <PersonNameIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.8.17 Identifier value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in the <PersonNameIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <PersonNameIDType>
End of person name identifier composite
Name composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together represent a personal name, and specify its type. The <Name> composite may be used to send alternate names for the same person, eg to handle such cases as Ian Rankin writing as Jack Harvey.

PR.8.18 Person name type

An ONIX code indicating the type of the person name sent in an occurrence of the <Name> composite. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 18
<PersonNameType>01</PersonNameType>    Pseudonym
Other elements in the name composite

Within the <Name> composite, all of fields PR.8.5 to PR.8.17 may be used in exactly the same way as specified on preceding pages.

End of name composite

Example of the use of the <Name> composite

Reference names
    <KeyNames>Rankin</KeyNames>Ian Rankin
        <KeyNames>Harvey</KeyNames>Jack Harvey
Person date composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify a date associated with the person identified in an occurrence of the <Contributor> composite, eg birth or death.

PR.8.19 Person date role code

An ONIX code indicating the significance of the date in relation to the contributor name. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <PersonDate> composite.

Fixed-length, three numeric digits
List 75
<PersonDateRole>007</PersonDateRole>    Date of birth
PR.8.20 Date format

An ONIX code indicating the format in which the date is given in <Date>. Optional and non-repeating. When omitted, the format is assumed to be YYYYMMDD.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 55
<DateFormat>05</DateFormat>    YYYY
PR.8.21 Date

The date specified in the <PersonDateRole> field. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <PersonDate> composite.

As specified by the value in <DateFormat>: default YYYYMMDD
End of person date composite
PR.8.22 Professional position

A professional position held by a contributor to the product at the time of its creation. Optional and non-repeating. May only occur with a person name, not with a corporate name.

The <ProfessionalAffiliation> composite below provides a more general method of handling positions and affiliations, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b045>Humboldt Professor of Oceanography</b045>
PR.8.23 Affiliation

An organisation to which a contributor to the product was affiliated at the time of its creation. Optional and non-repeating. May only occur with a person name, not with a corporate name.

The <ProfessionalAffiliation> composite below provides a more general method of handling positions and affiliations, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<Affiliation>Universidad de La Laguna</Affiliation>
Professional affiliation composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify a contributor’s professional position and/or affiliation, allowing multiple positions and affiliations to be specified.

PR.8.24 Professional position

A professional position held by a contributor to the product at the time of its creation. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b045>Humboldt Professor of Oceanography</b045>
PR.8.25 Affiliation

An organisation to which a contributor to the product was affiliated at the time of its creation, and – if the <ProfessionalPosition> element is also present – where s/he held that position. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<Affiliation>Universidad de La Laguna</Affiliation>
End of professional affiliation composite
PR.8.26 Corporate contributor name

The name of a corporate body which contributed to the creation of the product, unstructured. Optional and non-repeating: see Group PR.8 introductory text for valid options.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<b047>Good Housekeeping Institute</b047>
PR.8.27 Biographical note

A biographical note about a contributor to the product. (See the <OtherText> composite in Group PR.15 for a biographical note covering all contributors to a product in a single text.) Optional and non-repeating. May occur with a person name or with a corporate name. A biographical note in ONIX should always contain the name of the person or body concerned, and it should always be presented as a piece of continuous text consisting of full sentences. Some recipients of ONIX data feeds will not accept text which has embedded URLs. A contributor website link can be sent using the <Website> composite on the next page.

The <BiographicalNote> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 500 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
<BiographicalNote>Umberto Eco, professor of semiotics at the University of Bologna, and author of “The Name Of The Rose” and “Foucault’s Pendulum”, is one of the world’s bestselling novelists.</BiographicalNote>
Website composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the party identified in an occurrence of the <Contributor> composite.

PR.8.28 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>06</WebsiteRole>    Contributor’s website
PR.8.29 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.8.30 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
PR.8.31 Contributor description

Brief text describing a contributor to the product, at the publisher’s discretion. Optional and non-repeating. It may be used with either a person or corporate name, to draw attention to any aspect of a contributor’s background which supports the promotion of the book.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<b048>Skipper of the winning crew in the Americas Cup, 1998</b048>
PR.8.32 Unnamed person(s)

An ONIX code allowing a positive indication to be given when authorship is unknown or anonymous, or when as a matter of editorial policy only a limited number of contributors are named. Optional and non-repeating: see Group PR.8 introductory text for valid options.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 19
<UnnamedPersons>02</UnnamedPersons>    Anonymous
PR.8.33 Country code

A code identifying a country with which a contributor is particularly associated, when this is significant for the marketing of a product. Optional and repeatable.

Fixed-length, two letters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes List 91
<CountryCode>US</CountryCode>    USA
PR.8.34 Region code

An ONIX code identifying a region with which a contributor is particularly associated, when this is significant for the marketing of a product. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length code, consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 8 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<b398>CA-BC</b398>    British Columbia
End of contributor composite
PR.8.35 Contributor statement

Free text showing how the authorship should be described in an online display, when a standard concatenation of individual contributor elements would not give a satisfactory presentation. When this field is sent, the receiver should use it to replace all name detail sent in the <Contributor> composite for display purposes only. It does not replace the <BiographicalNote> element. The individual name detail must also be sent in the <Contributor> composite for indexing and retrieval.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 1000 characters
<b049>Written and illustrated by Fred and Emily Jackson</b049>
PR.8.36 “No authorship” indicator

An empty element that provides a positive indication that a product has no stated authorship. Intended to be used in an ONIX accreditation scheme to confirm that author information is being consistently supplied in publisher ONIX feeds. Optional and non-repeating. Must only be sent in a record that has no other elements from Group PR.8.

XML empty element

PR.9 Conference

Data element Group PR.9 describes a conference or conferences to which the product is related. The recommended form of description of a conference in ONIX 2.1 is the newly added <Conference> composite, which allows more than one conference to be associated with a single product. Previous methods of description remain available, for upwards compatibility.

PR.9.1 Conference description

Free text detailing all relevant information about a conference to which the product is related. If this element is sent, no other fields from Group PR.9 must be sent. The <Conference> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling conference detail, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<ConferenceDescription>Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Typesetting Conference</ConferenceDescription>
PR.9.2 Conference role

An ONIX code which indicates the relationship between the product and a conference to which it is related, eg Proceedings of / Selected papers from / Developed from. Optional and non-repeating. The <Conference> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling conference detail, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 20
PR.9.3 Conference name

The name of a conference or conference series to which the product is related. This element is mandatory unless the <ConferenceDescription> element or the <Conference> composite is used, and is non-repeating. The <Conference> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling conference detail, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters.
PR.9.4 Conference number

The number of a conference to which the product is related, within a conference series. Optional and non-repeating. The <Conference> composite below provides a more general method of handling conference detail, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 characters
PR.9.5 Conference date

The date of a conference to which the product is related. Optional and non-repeating. The <Conference> composite below provides a more general method of handling conference detail, and is to be preferred.

Date as year (YYYY) or month and year (YYYYMM).
PR.9.6 Conference place

The place of a conference to which the product is related. Optional and non-repeating. The <Conference> composite below provides a more general method of handling conference detail, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
Conference composite

A group of data elements which together describe a conference to which the product is related. Repeatable if the product contains material from two or more conferences.

PR.9.7 Conference role

An ONIX code which indicates the relationship between the product and a conference to which it is related, eg Proceedings of / Selected papers from / Developed from. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 20
PR.9.8 Conference name

The name of a conference or conference series to which the product is related. This element is mandatory in each occurrence of the <Conference> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters.
PR.9.9 Conference acronym

An acronym used as a short form of the name of a conference or conference series given in the <ConferenceName> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.9.10 Conference number

The number of a conference to which the product is related, within a conference series. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 characters
PR.9.11 Conference thematic title

The thematic title of an individual conference in a series that has a series name in the <ConferenceName> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
PR.9.12 Conference date

The date of a conference to which the product is related. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year (YYYY) or month and year (YYYYMM).
PR.9.13 Conference place

The place of a conference to which the product is related. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
Conference sponsor composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify a sponsor of a conference.

Conference sponsor identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together carry a coded identifier for a sponsor of a conference.

PR.9.14 Conference sponsor identifier type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the value in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ConferenceSponsorIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 44
<ConferenceSponsorIDType>01</ConferenceSponsorIDType>    Proprietary
PR.9.15 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <ConferenceSponsorIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.9.16 Identifier value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in the <ConferenceSponsorIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <ConferenceSponsorIDType>
End of conference sponsor identifier composite
PR.9.17 Person name

The name of a person, used here for a personal sponsor of a conference.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b036>James J. Johnson III</b036>
PR.9.18 Corporate name

The name of a corporate body, used here for a corporate sponsor of a conference.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<CorporateName>Johnson & Johnson</CorporateName>
End of conference sponsor composite
Website composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the conference identified in an occurrence of the <Conference> composite.

PR.9.19 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<b367>01</b367>    Publisher’s website
PR.9.20 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.9.21 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
End of conference composite

PR.10 Edition

Data element Group PR.10 describes an edition of a work which is manifested in the product. Its use should generally be limited to describing an edition whose content is materially different from that of other editions of the same work. However, it may sometimes be used to specify a feature of a published product (eg “bilingual edition”) without necessarily implying that another, different, edition also exists.

PR.10.1 Edition type code

An ONIX code, indicating the type of a version or edition. Optional, and repeatable if the product has characteristics of two or more types (eg revised and annotated).

Fixed-length, three upper-case letters
List 21
<EditionTypeCode>ILL</EditionTypeCode>    Illustrated
PR.10.2 Edition number

The number of a numbered edition. Optional and non-repeating. Normally sent only for the second and subsequent editions of a work, but by agreement between parties to an ONIX exchange a first edition may be explicitly numbered.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits.
<b057>3</b057>    3rd edition
PR.10.3 Edition version number

The number of a numbered revision within an edition number. To be used only where a publisher uses such two-level numbering to indicate revisions which do not constitute a new edition under a new ISBN or other distinctive product identifier. Optional and non-repeating. If this field is used, an <EditionNumber> must also be present.

Free form, suggested maximum length 20 characters.
PR.10.4 Edition statement

A short free-text description of a version or edition. Optional and non-repeating. When used, the <EditionStatement> must carry a complete description of the nature of the edition, ie it should not be treated as merely supplementary to an <EditionTypeCode> or an <EditionNumber>. The <EditionStatement> should be strictly limited to describing features of the content of the edition, and should not include aspects such as rights or market restrictions which are properly covered elsewhere in the ONIX record.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b058>3rd edition, revised with an introduction and notes</b058>
PR.10.5 “No edition” indicator

An empty element that provides a positive indication that a product does not carry any edition information. Intended to be used an ONIX accreditation scheme to confirm that edition information is being consistently supplied in publisher ONIX feeds. Optional and non-repeating. Must only be sent in a record that has no instances of any of the four preceding Edition elements.

XML empty element
Religious text composite

An optional, non-repeating, group of data elements which together describe features of the content of an edition of a religious text, and intended to meet the special needs of religious publishers and booksellers. The <ReligiousText> composite may carry either a <Bible> composite or a <ReligiousTextID> element accompanied by multiple repeats of the <ReligiousTextFeature> composite. This approach is adopted to enable other devotional texts to be included if need arises without requiring a new ONIX release.

Bible composite

A group of data elements which together describe features of an edition of the Bible or of a selected Biblical text. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ReligiousText> composite that does not include a <ReligiousTextID> element, and non-repeating.

PR.10.6 Bible contents

An ONIX code indicating the content of an edition of the Bible or selected Biblical text, for example New Testament, Apocrypha, Pentateuch. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Bible> composite, and repeatable so that a list such as Old Testament and Apocrypha can be expressed.

Fixed-length, two letters
List 82
<b352>OT</b352>    Old Testament
PR.10.7 Bible version

An ONIX code indicating the version of a Bible or selected Biblical text, for example King James, Jerusalem, New American Standard, Reina Valera. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Bible> composite, and repeatable if a work includes text in two or more versions.

Fixed-length, three letters
List 83
<BibleVersion>JER</BibleVersion>    Jerusalem
PR.10.8 Study Bible type

An ONIX code identifying a particular study version of a Bible or selected Biblical text, for example Life Application. Optional and non-repeating. Some study Bibles are available in different editions based on different text versions.

Fixed-length, three letters
List 84
<b389>OXF</b389>    Oxford Annotated
PR.10.9 Bible purpose

An ONIX code indicating the purpose for which a Bible or selected Biblical text is intended, for example Family, Lectern/pulpit. Optional and repeatable.

Fixed-length, two letters
List 85
<BiblePurpose>LP</BiblePurpose>    Lectern/pulpit
PR.10.10 Bible text organization

An ONIX code indicating the way in which the content of a Bible or selected Biblical text is organized, for example Chronological, Chain reference. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, three letters
List 86
<b355>CHA</b355>    Chain reference
PR.10.11 Bible reference location

An ONIX code indicating where references are located as part of the content of a Bible or selected Biblical text, for example Center column. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, three letters
List 87
<BibleReferenceLocation>CCL</BibleReferenceLocation>    Center column
PR.10.12 Bible text feature

An ONIX code specifying a feature of a Bible text not covered elsewhere, eg red letter. Optional and repeatable.

Fixed-length, two letters
List 97
<b357>RL</b357>    Red letter
End of Bible composite
PR.10.13 Religious text identifier

An ONIX code indicating a religious text other than the Bible. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ReligiousText> composite that does not include a <Bible> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 88
Religious text feature composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify and describe a feature of a religious text.

PR.10.14 Religious text feature type

An ONIX code specifying a feature described in the associated <ReligiousTextFeatureCode> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ReligiousTextFeature> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, to be confirmed
List 89
PR.10.15 Religious text feature code

An ONIX code describing a feature specified in the associated <ReligiousTextFeatureType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ReligiousTextFeature> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, to be confirmed
List 90
PR.10.16 Religious text feature description

Free text describing a feature that is not adequately defined by code values alone. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 100 characters
End of religious text feature composite
End of religious text composite

PR.11 Language

These elements specify the language(s) of the text of a product and/or of the original work of which it is a translation. Group PR.11 is not mandatory. A default language of text can be declared in an ONIX message header – see field MH.20 in ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification.

PR.11.1 Language of text

A code indicating a language in which the text of the product is written: optional, and repeatable if the text is in two or more languages. The <Language> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling language detail, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, three lower-case letters. Note that ISO 639 specifies that these codes should always be in lower-case.
ISO 639-2/B List 74
PR.11.2 Original language of a translated work

A code indicating the language from which the text of the product was translated. Optional and non-repeating. The <Language> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling language detail, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, three lower-case letters.
ISO 639-2/B List 74
Language composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together represent a language, and specify its role and, where required, whether it is a country variant.

PR.11.3 Language role

An ONIX code indicating the “role” of a language in the context of the ONIX record. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Language> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 22
PR.11.4 Language code

An ISO code indicating a language. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Language> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, three lower-case letters. Note that ISO 639 specifies that these codes should always be in lower-case.
ISO 639-2/B List 74
PR.11.5 Country code

A code identifying the country when this specifies a variant of the language, eg US English. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes List 91
End of language composite

PR.12 Extents and other content

These elements provide additional detail which is applicable only to specific media (printed books or similar text matter, and maps). Because of this, they cannot be defined as mandatory in the XML DTD, but in some cases they should be regarded as required for the media to which they apply.

PR.12.1 Approximate number of pages

An indication of the total number of pages in a book or other printed product. This is not intended to represent a precise count of numbered and unnumbered pages. It is usually sufficient to take the number from the last numbered page. If there are two or more separate numbering sequences (eg xviii + 344), the numbers in each sequence may be added together to make an overall total (in this case 362), but do not count unnumbered pages except if the book does not have numbered pages at all.

For multi-volume books, enter the total for all the volumes combined.

This field is optional, but it is normally required for a printed book unless the <PagesRoman> and <PagesArabic> elements are used, and is non-repeating.

Variable length integer, suggested maximum length 6 digits.
PR.12.2 Number of pages, roman

The number of pages numbered in roman numerals. The <PagesRoman> and <PagesArabic> elements together represent an alternative to <NumberOfPages> where there is a requirement to specify these numbering sequences separately. For most ONIX applications, however, <NumberOfPages> will be preferred. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable length alphabetic, suggested maximum length 10 characters.
PR.12.3 Number of pages, Arabic

The number of pages numbered in Arabic numerals. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable length numeric, suggested maximum length 6 characters.
Extent composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe an extent pertaining to the product.

PR.12.4 Extent type code

An ONIX code which identifies the type of extent carried in the composite, eg running time for an audio or video product. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Extent> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 23
<ExtentType>09</ExtentType>    Duration (running time)
PR.12.5 Extent value

The numeric value of the extent specified in <ExtentType>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Extent> composite, and non-repeating.

Numeric, with decimal point where required, as specified in field PR.12.4
PR.12.6 Extent unit

An ONIX code indicating the unit used for the <ExtentValue> and the format in which the value is presented. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Extent> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 24
<ExtentUnit>04</ExtentUnit>    Hours as integer and decimals
End of extent composite

Example of the use of the <Extent> composite

Reference names
    <ExtentType>22</ExtentType>File size
PR.12.7 Number of illustrations

The total number of illustrations in a book or other printed product. The more informative free text field <IllustrationsNote> or the <Illustrations> composite are preferred, but where the sender of the product information maintains only a simple numeric field, the <NumberOfIllustrations> element may be used. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable length integer, suggested maximum length 6 digits.
PR.12.8 Illustrations and other contents note

For books or other text media only, this data element carries text stating the number and type of illustrations. The text may also include other content items, eg maps, bibliography, tables, index etc. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters.
<IllustrationsNote>500 illustrations, 210 in full color</IllustrationsNote>
Illustrations and other content composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify the number of illustrations or other content items of a stated type which the product carries. Use of the <Illustrations> composite is optional.

PR.12.9 Illustration or other content type code

An ONIX code which identifies the type of illustration or other content to which an occurrence of the composite refers. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Illustrations> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 25
<b256>09</b256>    Illustrations (unspecified)
PR.12.10 Illustration or other content type description

Text describing the type of illustration or other content to which an occurrence of the composite refers, when a code is insufficient. Optional and non-repeating. Required when <IllustrationType> carries the value 00.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
PR.12.11 Number of illustrations

The number of illustrations or other content items of the type specified in <IllustrationType>. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 6 digits.
End of illustrations and other content composite
PR.12.12 Map scale

The scale of a map, expressed as a ratio 1:nnnnn; only the number nnnnn is carried in the data element, without spaces or punctuation. Optional, and repeatable if the product comprises maps with two or more different scales.

Variable length integer, suggested maximum length 6 digits.

PR.13 Subject

Elements PR.13.1 to PR.13.4 are not repeatable. PR.13.1 and PR.13.2 allow a BISAC subject code to be sent as “main subject”. PR.13.3 and PR.13.4 allow a BIC subject code to be sent as “main subject”. The <MainSubject> composite allows other schemes recognized as book trade standards in other countries or regions, to be used.

While the XML DTD will allow an ONIX record to be sent without subject elements, it is emphasized that all ONIX descriptions should carry at least a main subject. US users are reminded that most US retailers and wholesalers require a BISAC subject heading in order to load a record into their files; and for UK users a BIC subject heading is mandatory in order to meet BIC Basic criteria.

Elements PR.13.9 to PR.13.13 form an additional <Subject> composite, which may use any of a number of subject schemes, and which is repeatable. The remaining elements in group 12 are for subject indicators which are not taken from controlled schemes. All should be repeatable.

PR.13.1 BISAC main subject category

A BISAC subject category code which identifies the main subject of the product. Optional and non-repeating. Additional BISAC subject category codes may be sent using the <Subject> composite. Note that the data element reference name was assigned during a period when the BISAC name had been changed to “BASIC”. The name has now officially reverted to “BISAC”, but the ONIX data element name cannot be changed for reasons of upwards compatibility.

Fixed-length, three upper-case letters and six numeric digits.
BISAC Subject Heading Codes. Please contact for details, or check the BISG website at
PR.13.2 BISAC subject category version number

A number identifying the version of the BISAC subject categories used in <BASICMainSubject>. Optional and non-repeating, and may only occur when <BASICMainSubject> is also present.

Free form – in practise expected to be an integer or a decimal number such as “2.01”. Suggested maximum length 10 characters, for consistency with other version number elements.
PR.13.3 BIC main subject category

A BIC subject category code which identifies the main subject of the product. Optional and non-repeating. Additional BIC subject category codes may be sent using the <Subject> composite.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 10 characters to allow for expansion.
BIC Subject Category Codes. Available for downloading from
PR.13.4 BIC subject category version number

A number identifying the version of the BIC subject category scheme used in <BICMainSubject>. Optional and non-repeating, and may only occur when <BICMainSubject> is also present.

Free form – in practise expected to be an integer. Suggested maximum length 10 characters, for consistency with other version number elements.
Main subject composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together describe a main subject classification or subject heading which is taken from a recognized scheme other than BISAC or BIC.

PR.13.5 Main subject scheme identifier

An ONIX code which identifies a subject scheme which is designated for use in a <MainSubject> composite. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

When the scheme listed in the code list display is annotated “Code”, use the associated <SubjectCode> element to carry the value (if so required, the <SubjectHeadingText> element can be used simultaneously to carry the text equivalent of the code). When the scheme is annotated “Text”, use the <SubjectHeadingText> element to carry the text of the subject heading.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 26
<b191>25</b191>    Latin American Tabla de materias ISBN
PR.13.6 Subject scheme version number

A number which identifies a version or edition of the subject scheme specified in the associated <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Free form. Suggested maximum length 10 characters, for consistency with other version number elements.
PR.13.7 Subject code

A subject class or category code from the scheme specified in the <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier> element. Either <SubjectCode> or <SubjectHeadingText> or both must be present in each occurrence of the <MainSubject> composite. Non-repeating.

Variable-length, alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters.
The scheme specified in <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier>
PR.13.8 Subject heading text

The text of a heading taken from the scheme specified in the <MainSubjectSchemeIdentifier> element; or the text equivalent to the <SubjectCode> value, if both code and text are sent. Either <SubjectCode> or <SubjectHeadingText> or both must be present in each occurrence of the <MainSubject> composite. Non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b070>Labor and industrial relations</b070>
End of main subject composite
Additional subject composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together describe a subject classification or subject heading which is additional to the BISAC, BIC or other main subject category.

PR.13.9 Subject scheme identifier

An ONIX code which identifies the subject scheme which is used in an occurrence of the <Subject> composite. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

When the scheme listed in the code list display is annotated “Code”, use the associated <SubjectCode> element to carry the value (if so required, the <SubjectHeadingText> element can be used simultaneously to carry the text equivalent of the code). When the scheme is annotated “Text”, use the <SubjectHeadingText> element to carry the text of the subject heading.

Scheme code 23 may be used for a publisher’s own subject category code, by agreement with trading partners to whom product information is sent. Scheme code 24, with a name in the <SubjectSchemeName> element, may be used to identify a proprietary scheme, eg one used by a bibliographic agency or wholesaler.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 27
<b067>03</b067>    LC classification
PR.13.10 Proprietary subject scheme name

A name identifying a proprietary subject scheme when <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> is coded “24”. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
PR.13.11 Subject scheme version number

A number which identifies a version or edition of the subject scheme specified in the associated <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Free form. Suggested maximum length 10 characters, for consistency with other version number elements.
PR.13.12 Subject code

A subject class or category code from the scheme specified in the <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> element. Either <SubjectCode> or <SubjectHeadingText> or both must be present in each occurrence of the <Subject> composite. Non-repeating.

Variable-length, alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters.
The scheme specified in the associated <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> element.
PR.13.13 Subject heading text

The text of a subject heading taken from the scheme specified in the <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> element, or of free language keywords if the scheme is specified as “keywords”; or the text equivalent to the <SubjectCode> value, if both code and text are sent. Either <SubjectCode> or <SubjectHeadingText> or both must be present in each occurrence of the <Subject> composite. Non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b070>Labor and industrial relations</b070>
End of additional subject composite
Person as subject composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together represent the name of a person who is part of the subject of a product.


Within the <PersonAsSubject> composite, elements defined for person names as contributors may be used as follows:

  • PR.8.5 Person name, for an unstructured name in normal order, eg John F. Kennedy
  • PR.8.6 Person name, inverted, for an unstructured name in inverted order, eg Kennedy, John F.
  • PR.8.7 to PR.8.14 Person name parts 1 to 8, for a fully structured name
  • <PersonNameIdentifier> composite, PR.8.15 to PR.8.17, for a coded name identifier.

A valid occurrence of the <PersonAsSubject> composite should carry one or more of these forms. Any combination is permitted, provided that only the <PersonNameIdentifier> composite is repeatable, in the unlikely event that more than one coded identifier is given for the same person.

End of person as subject composite
PR.13.14 Corporate body as subject

The name of a corporate body which is part of the subject of the product. Optional, and repeatable if more than one corporate body is involved.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters.
<b071>Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra</b071>
PR.13.15 Place as subject

The name of a place or region or geographical entity which is part of the subject of the product. Optional, and repeatable if the subject of the product includes more than one place.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 100 characters.
<PlaceAsSubject>Indian Ocean</PlaceAsSubject>

PR.14 Audience

Data element Group PR.14 covers a range of methods of indicating the intended audience for a product. None is defined as mandatory in the XML DTD.

Note that UK educational levels are covered in the BIC educational purpose qualifier, part of the BIC Subject Categories scheme (see the <Subject> composite in Group PR.13).

PR.14.1 Audience code

An ONIX code, derived from BISAC and BIC lists, which identifies the broad audience or readership for whom a product is intended. Optional, and repeatable if the product is intended for two or more groups.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 28
<AudienceCode>04</AudienceCode>    K–12 school
Audience composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe an audience to which the product is directed.

PR.14.2 Audience code type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the code in <AudienceCodeValue> is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Audience> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 29
<b204>02</b204>    Proprietary
PR.14.3 Audience code type name

A name which identifies a proprietary audience code when the code in <AudienceCodeType> indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a vendor’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.14.4 Audience code value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in <AudienceCodeType>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Audience> composite, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <AudienceCodeType>.
End of audience composite
PR.14.5 US school grades

A text element specifying a US school Grade or range of Grades, which should be entered strictly according to the conventions defined below. Optional and non-repeating. The <AudienceRange> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling grade and other ranges, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, maximum 15 characters.
Permitted forms
from n1 to n2    Grade range from n1 to n2
from n    From Grade n upwards
to n    Up to Grade n
n    Grade n only
where n is a grade number or one of the words Pre-school or Kindergarten, which may be abbreviated to letters P or K
<USSchoolGrade>from 6 to 8</USSchoolGrade>
<b189>P</b189>    Pre-school
PR.14.6 Interest age(s)

A text element specifying a target interest age of range of ages. which should be entered strictly according to the conventions defined below. Optional and non-repeating. The <AudienceRange> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling interest age and other ranges, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, maximum 15 characters.
Permitted forms
from n1 to n2    Age range from n1 to n2
from n    From age n upwards
to n    Up to age n
n    Age n only
where n is an integer representing age in years
<InterestAge>from 9 to 12</InterestAge>
Audience range composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together describe an audience or readership range for which a product is intended. The composite can carry a single value from, to, or exact, or a pair of values with an explicit from and to. See examples below.

PR.14.7 Audience range qualifier

An ONIX code specifying the attribute (age, school grade etc) which is measured by the value in the <AudienceRangeValue> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <AudienceRange> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 30
<b074>11</b074>    US School Grade range
PR.14.8 Audience range precision (1)

An ONIX code specifying the “precision” of the value in the <AudienceRangeValue> element which follows (From, To, Exact). Mandatory in each occurrence of the <AudienceRange> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 31
<AudienceRangePrecision>03</AudienceRangePrecision>    From
PR.14.9 Audience range value (1)

A value indicating an exact position within a range, or the upper or lower end of a range.

Variable-length string, suggested maximum 10 characters. (This element was previously defined as a variable-length integer, but its definition is extended in ONIX 2.1 to enable certain non-numeric values to be carried. For values that BISAC has defined for US school grades and pre-school levels, see List 77.)
PR.14.10 Audience range precision (2)

An ONIX code specifying the “precision” of the value in <AudienceRangeValue> element which follows. Optional and non-repeating. This second occurrence of the two elements <AudienceRangePrecision> and <AudienceRangeValue> is required only when a “From … to …” range is specified.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 31 The only value which is valid in this element is 04 (“To”)
<b075>04</b075>    To
PR.14.11 Audience range value (2)

A value indicating the upper end of a range.

Variable-length string, suggested maximum 10 characters. (This element was previously defined as a variable-length integer, but its definition is extended in ONIX 2.1 to enable certain non-numeric values to be carried. For values that BISAC has defined for US school grades and pre-school levels, see List 77.)
End of audience range composite

Examples of the use of the audience range composite

Short tags
<audiencerange>US school grade up to 4
<audiencerange>US school grade from 9 to 12
PR.14.12 Audience description

Free text describing the audience for which a product is intended. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 1000 characters.
Complexity composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together describe the level of complexity of a text.

PR.14.13 Complexity scheme identifier

An ONIX code specifying the scheme from which the value in <ComplexityCode> is taken.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 32
PR.14.14 Complexity code

A code specifying the level of complexity of a text.

Variable-length, alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters.
The scheme specified in the <ComplexitySchemeIdentifier> element
End of complexity composite

PR.15 Descriptions and other supporting text

Group PR.15 is optional. It includes the <OtherText> composite, which is the preferred method of sending text describing a product; and three individual elements, each of which can also be carried as an instance of the composite, and which are retained for reasons of upwards compatibility only.

PR.15.1 Annotation

A brief descriptive paragraph about the product, length strictly limited to 350 characters. Optional and non-repeating. The <OtherText> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling annotations, and is to be preferred.

The <Annotation> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, maximum 350 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
<d100>Set on the Greek island of Cephallonia during World War II, this is the story of a beautiful young woman and her two suitors: a gentle fisherman turned ruthless guerrilla, and the charming mandolin-playing head of the Italian garrison on the island.</d100>
PR.15.2 Main description

Descriptive text about the product, audience unspecified. Optional and non-repeating.

The <OtherText> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling descriptions, and is to be preferred.

The <MainDescription> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 2,000 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
<MainDescription>This volume tells the story of Europe, East and West, from prehistory to the present day. It lays down the chronological and geographical grid on which the dramas of European history have been played out. It zooms in from the distant focus of Chapter One, which explores the first five million years of the continent’s evolution, to the close focus of the last two chapters, which cover the 20th century at roughly one page per year. Alongside Europe’s better-known stories – human, national and continental – it brings into focus areas often ignored or misunderstood, remembering the stateless nation as well as the nation-state. Minority communities, from heretics and lepers to Jews, Romanies and Muslims have not been forgotten. This history reveals not only the rich variety of Europe’s past but also the many and rewarding prisms through which it can be viewed. Each chapter contains a selection of telephoto “capsules”, illustrating narrower themes and topics that cut across the chronological flow. It then concludes with a wide-angle “snapshot” of the whole continent as seen from one particular vantage point.</MainDescription>
Other text composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify and either include, or provide pointers to, text related to the product.

PR.15.3 Other text type code

An ONIX code which identifies the type of text which is sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <OtherText> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two characters (initially allocated as 01, 02 etc)
List 33
<d102>33</d102>    Introduction text
PR.15.4 Other text format

An ONIX code which identifies the format of text which is sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element. Optional and non-repeating. It is now possible to use a “textformat” attribute in the <Text> element for this purpose, and this is the recommended practise when the text is sent in the ONIX record. The <TextFormat> element may still be used when the text is held outside the ONIX record, and referenced by the <TextLink> element.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 34
<d103>02</d103>    HTML
PR.15.5 Other text

The text specified in the <TextTypeCode> element, if it is suitable to be sent in full as part of the ONIX record. Either the <Text> element or both of the <TextLinkType> and <TextLink> elements must be present in any occurrence of the <OtherText> composite. Non-repeating.

The <Text> element may carry any of the following ONIX attributes: textformat, language, transliteration, textcase.

Variable length text (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
<Text textformat="06">Introduction: aesthetics and modernity; aesthetics and post-modernity. Part 1 Modern philosophy and the emergence of aesthetic theory – Kant: self-consciousness, knowledge and freedom; the unity of the subject; the unification of nature; the purpose of beauty; the limits of beauty. Part 2 German idealism and early German Romanticism: the “new mythology”; the romantic “new mythology”. Part 3 Reflections on the subject – Fichte, Holderlin and Novalis. Part 4 Schelling – art as the “organ of philosophy”: the development of consciousness; the structure of the “system of transcendental idealism”; the aesthetic absolute; mythology, art and language; mythology, language and being. Part 5 Hegel – the beginning of aesthetic theory and the end of art: the reflexive absolute; music and the idea; language, consciousness and being; the idea as sensuous appearance; the prose of the modern world; aesthetics and non-identity. Part 6 Schleiermacher – aesthetics and hermeneutics: individuality; immediate self-consciousness; art as free production; interpretation as art; literature and the “musical”. Part 7 Music, language and literature: language and music; Hegel and music – the sayable and the unsayable; the presence of music; infinite reflection and music. Part 8 Nietzsche – the divorce of art and reason: Schopenhauer – the world as embodied music; Marx, myth and art; art, myth and music in “The Birth of Tragedy”; myth, music and language; the illusion of truth; music and metaphysics; aesthetics, interpretation and subjectivity. Appendix: the so-called “oldest system-programme of German idealism” (1796).</Text>
PR.15.6 Other text link type

An ONIX code which identifies the type of link which is given in the <TextLink> element.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 35
<TextLinkType>05</TextLinkType>    FTP address
PR.15.7 Other text link

A link to the text item specified in the <TextTypeCode> element, using the link type specified in <TextLinkType>.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
PR.15.8 Author of other text

The name of the author of text sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element, eg if it is a review or promotional quote.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<TextAuthor>Martin Amis</TextAuthor>
PR.15.9 Corporate source of other text

The name of a company or corporate body responsible for the text sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element, eg if it is part of a Reading Group Guide. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<b374>Random House</b374>
PR.15.10 Title of source of other text

The title of a publication from which the text sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element, was taken, eg if it is a review quote. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<TextSourceTitle>New York Times</TextSourceTitle>
PR.15.11 Publication date of other text

The date on which text sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element, was published. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as four, six or eight digits (YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD)
PR.15.12 Text valid from date

The date from which text sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element, is intended to be used, eg for date-limited promotions. Optional and non-repeating, but either both or neither of <StartDate> and <EndDate> must be present.

Fixed-length, 8 numeric digits, YYYYMMDD
PR.15.13 Text valid until date

The date until which text sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element, is intended to be used, eg for date-limited promotions. Optional and non-repeating, but either both or neither of <StartDate> and <EndDate> must be present.

Fixed-length, 8 numeric digits, YYYYMMDD
End of other text composite
PR.15.14 Review quote (complete)

A free text excerpt from a review. Optional and repeatable. At the end of the text of the quote, the authorship, source title, and date (if known) should always be included.

The <OtherText> composite on preceding pages provides a more general method of handling review quotes, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 500 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
<ReviewQuote>Norman Schur is without doubt the outstanding authority on the similarities and differences between British and American English. BRITISH ENGLISH, A TO ZED attests not only to his expertise, but also to his undiminished powers to inform, amuse and entertain. – Laurence Urdang, Editor, VERBATIM, The Language Quarterly, Spring 1992</ReviewQuote>

PR.16 Links to image/audio/video files

Group PR.16 is optional. It includes the <MediaFile> composite, which is the preferred method of sending a link to an image or audiovisual file; and three individual elements, each of which can also be carried in an instance of the composite, and which are retained for reasons of upwards compatibility only. It also includes provision for a link to a product-specific website.

PR.16.1 Front cover image file format code

An ONIX code which specifies the image file format used for the front cover image. JPEG, GIF and TIF are supported. The data element group consisting of <CoverImageFormatCode>, <CoverImageLinkTypeCode>, and <CoverImageLink> is optional and non-repeating, but if any one of the three elements is present, all three must be present.

The <MediaFile> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling cover images, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 36
<CoverImageFormatCode>03</CoverImageFormatCode>    JPEG
PR.16.2 Front cover image file link type code

An ONIX code which identifies the type of link which is given in <CoverImageLink>.

The <MediaFile> composite on the next page provides a more general method of handling cover images, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 37
<f112>05</f112>    FTP address
PR.16.3 Front cover image file link

A link to a front cover image file, using the link type specified in <CoverImageLinkTypeCode>.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
Image/audio/video file link composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to, an image, audio or video file related to the product.

PR.16.4 Image/audio/video file type code

An ONIX code which identifies the type of image/audio/video file which is linked by the <MediaFileLink> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <MediaFile> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two characters (initially allocated as 01, 02 etc)
List 38
<MediaFileTypeCode>17</MediaFileTypeCode>    Publisher’s logo
PR.16.5 Image/audio/video file format code

An ONIX code which identifies the format of the image/audio/video file which is linked by the <MediaFileLink> element. For image files, JPEG, GIF and TIF are supported. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 39
<f115>02</f115>    GIF
PR.16.6 Image resolution

The resolution of an image file which is linked by the <MediaFileLink> element, expressed as dots or pixels per inch. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 6 digits
PR.16.7 Image/audio/video file link type

An ONIX code which identifies the type of link which is given in the <MediaFileLink> element, for example a URL, DOI, filename etc. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <MediaFile> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 40
<MediaFileLinkTypeCode>05</MediaFileLinkTypeCode>    FTP address
PR.16.8 Image/audio/video file link

A link to the image/audio/video file specified by the <MediaFileTypeCode>, using the link type specified by the <MediaFileLinkTypeCode>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <MediaFile> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
PR.16.9 Text accompanying download

Unstructured text associated with a file which is available for download, and intended to be displayed whenever the file content is used. Optional and non-repeating. Text may include credits, copyright notice, etc. If this field is sent, the individual elements <DownloadCaption>, <DownloadCredit>, and <DownloadCopyrightNotice> must not be sent, and vice versa.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 1,000 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.16.10 Download caption

Text of a caption associated with a download file, and intended to be displayed whenever the file content is used. Optional and non-repeating. The <DownloadCaption> element may be sent together with either or both of fields <DownloadCredit>, or <DownloadCopyrightNotice>.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 500 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.16.11 Download credit

Text of a personal or corporate credit associated with a download file, and intended to be displayed whenever the file content is used. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.16.12 Download copyright notice

Text of a copyright notice associated with a download file, and intended to be displayed whenever the file content is used. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.16.13 Download terms

Text of any terms and conditions associated with a download file. Optional and non-repeating. This field may be sent alone, or with the <TextWithDownload> element, or with any combination of the <DownloadCaption>, <DownloadCredit>, and <DownloadCopyrightNotice> elements.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 500 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.16.14 Media file date

The date when the image referenced by the <MediaFileLink> element was last changed. Optional and non-repeating. This element is intended to allow the receiver of an updated ONIX record to determine whether it is necessary to download a new copy of the file.

Fixed-length, 8 numeric digits, YYYYMMDD
End of image/audio/video file link composite
Product website composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the product.

PR.16.15 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through <ProductWebsiteLink>. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>02<WebsiteRole>    Publisher’s website for work
PR.16.16 Product website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through <ProductWebsiteLink>. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.16.17 Link to product website

A URL for a website carrying additional information related to the product, which is available to be viewed for promotional purposes. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductWebsite> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of product website composite

PR.17 Prizes

Group PR.17 is optional. It includes the <Prize> composite, which is the preferred method of describing a prize or award; and an individual <PrizesDescription> element, which can better be represented by one or more instances of the composite, and which is retained for reasons of upwards compatibility only.

PR.17.1 Prizes or awards description

Free text describing prizes or awards which the product has received. Optional and non-repeating. If this field is used, the <Prize< composite must not be used; and vice versa.

The <Prize> composite below provides a more general method of handling prizes, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 500 characters
<g124>Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, 1998</g124>
Prize or award composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a prize or award won by the product.

PR.17.2 Prize or award name

The name of a prize or award which the product has received. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Prize> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<g126>Booker Prize</g126>
PR.17.3 Prize or award year

The year in which a prize or award was given. Optional and non-repeating.

Four digits, YYYY
PR.17.4 Prize or award country

An ISO standard code identifying the country in which a prize or award is given. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
PR.17.5 Prize or award achievement code

An ONIX code indicating the achievement of the product in relation to a prize or award, eg winner, runner-up, shortlisted. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 41
<PrizeCode>02</PrizeCode>    Runner-up
PR.17.6 Prize or award jury

Free text listing members of the jury that awarded the prize. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 500 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
End of prize or award composite

PR.18 Content items

In principle, any parts of a complete ONIX description could be nested within a <ContentItem> composite. In Release 2.1, the composite has been extended to carry a number of additional element groups.

Content item composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a content item within a product.

PR.18.1 Level sequence number

A number which specifies the position of a content item in a multi-level hierarchy of such items. Numbering starts at the top level in the hierarchy, which may represent (eg) chapters in a printed book, and the first item at the top level is numbered 1. Numbers should be assigned solely with a view to the logic of the ONIX description and not in relation to any other characteristics of the items being numbered (such as their typographical layout in a printed table of contents). <LevelSequenceNumber> is not a required field, but it is strongly recommended for structured tables of contents. If used, it must occur once and only once in each occurrence of the <ContentItem> composite.

Variable-length string of integers, each successive integer being separated by a full stop, suggested maximum length 100 characters
Text item composite

A group of data elements which are specific to text content. The composite must occur once and only once in a <ContentItem> composite which describes a text content item. (Similar composites are being defined for other media, and the occurrence of one of them will be mandatory in any <ContentItem> composite.)

PR.18.2 Text item type code

An ONIX code which identifies the nature of a text item. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <TextItem> composite, and non-repeatable.

Fixed length, 2 numeric digits
List 42
<b290>04</b290>    Back matter
Text item identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define an identifier of a text item in accordance with a specified scheme. The composite is optional.

PR.18.3 Text item identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in <IDValue> is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <TextItemIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 43
<b285>01</b285>    Proprietary
PR.18.4 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in <TextItemIDType> indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a publisher’s own code. Optional and non-repeating

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.18.5 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in <TextItemIDType>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <TextItemIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <TextItemIDType>
End of text item identifier composite
PR.18.6 First page number

The number of the page on which a text item begins in a paginated product. Optional and non-repeating; required when the text item is being referenced as part of a structured table of contents.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.18.7 Last page number

The number of the page on which a text item ends in a paginated product. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only when <FirstPageNumber> is also present.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters
Page run composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define a run of contiguous pages on which a text item appears. The composite is optional, but may be repeated where the text item covers two or more separate page runs.

PR.18.8 First page number

The number of the first page of a sequence of contiguous pages. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <PageRun> composite, and non-repeating. Note that here and in the <LastPageNumber> element a page “number” may be arabic, roman, or an alphanumeric string (eg L123).

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.18.9 Last page number

The number of the last page of a sequence of contiguous pages (ignoring any blank verso which is left after the last text page). This element is omitted if an item begins and ends on the same page; otherwise it should occur once and only once in each occurrence of the <PageRun> composite.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters
End of page run composite
PR.18.10 Number of pages

The page extent of a text item within a paginated product. Optional and non-repeating, but normally expected when the text item is being referenced as part of a structured table of contents.

Variable length integer, suggested maximum length 6 digits.
End of text item composite
Website composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to a content item.

PR.18.11 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<b367>02</b367>    Publisher’s website for work
PR.18.12 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.18.13 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
PR.18.14 Component type name

The generic name (if any) which is given in the product to the type of section which the content item represents, eg Chapter, Part, Track. Optional and non-repeating; but either this field or a title (in <DistinctiveTitle> or in a <Title> composite) or both must be present in any occurrence of the <ContentItem> composite.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.18.15 Component number

The number (if any) which is given to the content item in the product, in the form (eg Arabic or roman) in which it is given in the product. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 20 characters
PR.18.16 Component title

The distinctive title of a content item. Optional and non-repeating; but either this field (or a title in a <Title>composite) or a <ComponentTypeName> must be present in any occurrence of the <ContentItem> composite. The <Title> composite provides a more general method of handling all forms of title, and is to be preferred.

Variable-length alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 300 characters
<DistinctiveTitle>Introducing XML</DistinctiveTitle>
Title composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together give the text of a title of a content item and specify its type, used here to give alternate forms of title for a content item. Please see Group PR.7 for details.

End of title composite
Work identifier composite

A group of data elements which together define the identifier of a work which is manifested in the content item. Optional and repeatable. Please see Group PR.7 for details.

End of work identifier composite
Contributor composite

A group of data elements which together describe a personal or corporate contributor to a content item. Optional and repeatable. Please see Group PR.8 for details.

End of contributor composite
PR.18.17 Contributor statement

Free text showing exactly how the authorship should be described in an online display, when a standard concatenation of individual contributor elements would not give a satisfactory presentation. When this field is sent, the receiving party is expected to use it to replace all names sent in the <Contributor> composite for display purposes only. It does not replace any biographical notes sent in the composite. The individual contributor elements must also be sent for indexing and retrieval.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 1000 characters
<b049>Written and illustrated by Fred and Emily Jackson</b049>
Subject composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a subject of a content item. Please see Group PR.13 for details.

End of subject composite
Person as subject composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify a person as a subject of a content item. Please see Group PR.13 for details.

End of person as subject composite
PR.18.18 Corporate body as subject

The name of a corporate body which is part of the subject of the content item. Optional, and repeatable if more than one corporate body is involved.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters.
<b071>Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra</b071>
PR.18.19 Place as subject

The name of a place or region or geographical entity which is part of the subject of the content item. Optional, and repeatable if the subject of the content item includes more than one place.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 100 characters.
<b072>Indian Ocean</b072>
Other text composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify, and either include or provide pointers to, text related to a content item. Please see Group PR.15 for details.

End of other text composite
Media file composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to an image, audio or video file related to a content item. Please see Group PR.16 for details.

End of media file composite
End of content item composite

PR.19 Publisher

In the absence of any yet established coding scheme for imprint and publisher names, it is very important to be consistent in the way in which imprint and publisher are named in product records.

The XML DTD allows either an imprint name or a publisher name or both to be sent.

PR.19 also allows provision of contact information for publisher’s staff linked to individual products.

Contact composite

An optional composite to carry contact information for a member of staff – likely in the publisher’s editorial, production, marketing, sales or publicity function, and with direct involvement with the product. Contact names are intended only for use within the trade. The composite is not repeatable.

PR.19.0A Contact company

The name of the organization represented by the contact, which should always be stated in a standard form – normally without Ltd, SA, Inc etc. This organization may be the publisher, or a sales agent, PR agency etc. Mandatory, non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 30 characters.
PR.19.0B Contact name

Free text giving the name, department, phone number etc for a person who is able to answer enquiries from the trade about the product. Mandatory and non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters.
<b397>Jessica Smith, publicity, +1 555 123 4567</b397>
PR.19.0C Contact email

E-mail address for the contact. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum 100 characters.
End of Contact composite
PR.19.1 Imprint or brand name

The full name of the imprint or brand under which the product is issued, as it appears on the title page of a book or in a corresponding position on a non-book product. Optional and non-repeating; and should not be used if the <Imprint> composite is used.

The <Imprint> composite below provides a more general method of handling imprint identities, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<ImprintName>Secker &amp; Warburg</ImprintName>
Imprint or brand composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify an imprint or brand under which the product is marketed. The composite must carry either a name code or a name or both.

PR.19.2 Name code type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the value in the <NameCodeValue> element is taken. Optional and non-repeating, but mandatory if the <Imprint> composite does not carry an <ImprintName>.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 44
<NameCodeType>01</NameCodeType>    Proprietary
PR.19.3 Name code type name

A name which identifies a proprietary name code when the code in <NameCodeType> indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a bibliographic agency’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.19.4 Name code value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in <NameCodeType>. Mandatory if and only if <NameCodeType> is present, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <NameCodeType>
PR.19.5 Imprint or brand name

The name of an imprint or brand under which the product is issued, as it appears on the product. Mandatory if there is no name code in an occurrence of the <Imprint> composite, and optional if a name code is included. Non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b079>Secker &amp; Warburg</b079>
End of imprint or brand composite
PR.19.6 Publisher name

The full name of the publisher who issues the product, in the form in which the publisher wishes to be identified, and controlled by the publisher to maintain consistency across products. Optional and non-repeating; and should not be used if the <Publisher> composite is used. Except where they are essential to the recognized form of the name, it is recommended that suffixes denoting incorporation (“Co”, “Inc”, “Ltd”, “SA”, “GmbH”) should be omitted.

The <Publisher> composite below provides a more general method of handling publisher identities, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<PublisherName>Reed International Books</PublisherName>
Publisher composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify an entity which is associated with the publishing of a product. The composite will allow additional publishing roles to be introduced without adding new fields. Each occurrence of the composite must carry either a name code or a name or both.

PR.19.7 Publishing role code

An ONIX code which identifies a role played by an entity in the publishing of a product. Optional and non-repeating. The default if the element is omitted is “publisher”.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 45
<PublishingRole>02</PublishingRole>    Co-publisher
PR.19.8 Name code type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the value in the <NameCodeValue> element is taken. Optional and non-repeating, but mandatory if the <Publisher> composite does not carry a <PublisherName>.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 44
<b241>03</b241>    Deutsche Bibliothek publisher identifier
PR.19.9 Name code type name

A name which identifies a proprietary name code when the code in <NameCodeType> indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a bibliographic agency’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.19.10 Name code value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in <NameCodeType>. Mandatory if and only if <NameCodeType> is present, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <NameCodeType>
PR.19.11 Publisher name

The name of an entity associated with the publishing of a product. Mandatory if there is no name code in an occurrence of the <Publisher> composite, and optional if a name code is included. Non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<PublisherName>Reed International Books</PublisherName>
Website composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the publisher identified in an occurrence of the <Publisher> composite.

PR.19.12 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>01</WebsiteRole>    Publisher’s corporate website
PR.19.13 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.19.14 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
End of publisher composite
PR.19.15 City or town of publication

The name of a city or town associated with the imprint or publisher. Optional, and repeatable if the imprint carries two or more cities of publication.

A place of publication is normally given in the form in which it appears on the title page. If the place name appears in more than one language, use the language of the title carried in the ONIX record. If this criterion does not apply, use the form that appears first. Alternatively, some ONIX applications may follow their own “house style”.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters.
<CityOfPublication>New York</CityOfPublication>
PR.19.16 Country of publication

A code identifying the country where the product is issued. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
PR.19.17 Co-publisher name

The name of a co-publisher of the product, in the form in which the co-publisher wishes to be identified, and controlled to maintain consistency across products. Except where they are essential to the recognized form of the name, it is recommended that suffixes denoting incorporation (“Co”, “Inc”, “Ltd”, “SA”, “GmbH”) should be omitted. Optional, and repeatable if there are two or more co-publishers.

The <Publisher> composite on preceding pages provides a more general method of handling publisher identities, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b084>Institute of Chartered Accountants</b084>
PR.19.18 Sponsor name

The name of a sponsor of the product, in the form in which the sponsor wishes to be identified. Except where they are essential to the recognized form of the name, it is recommended that suffixes denoting incorporation (“Co”, “Inc”, “Ltd”, “SA”, “GmbH”) should be omitted. Optional, and repeatable if there are two or more sponsors.

The <Publisher> composite on preceding pages provides a more general method of handling publisher identities, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<SponsorName>Andersen Consulting</SponsorName>
PR.19.19 Publisher of original-language version

The name of the publisher of the original-language version of a translated work. Except where they are essential to the recognized form of the name, it is recommended that suffixes denoting incorporation (“Co”, “Inc”, “Ltd”, “SA”, “GmbH”) should be omitted. Optional and non-repeating.

The <Publisher> composite on preceding pages provides a more general method of handling publisher identities, and is to be preferred.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<OriginalPublisher>Springer Verlag</OriginalPublisher>

PR.20 Publishing status and dates, and copyright

The XML DTD does not define any of these dates as mandatory. Only in exceptional circumstances, however, should an ONIX description be sent without a <PublicationDate> element.

PR.20.1 Publishing status

An ONIX code which identifies the status of a published product. Optional and non-repeating, but it is very strongly recommended that this element should be included in all ONIX Books Product records, and it is possible that it may be made mandatory in a future release, or that it will be treated as mandatory in national ONIX accreditation schemes.

Where the element is sent by a sender who is not the publisher, based on information that has been previously supplied by the publisher, it is strongly recommended that the element should carry a datestamp attribute to indicate its likely reliability. See ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 4, for details of the datestamp attribute.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 64
<PublishingStatus>02</PublishingStatus>    Forthcoming
PR.20.2 Publishing status note

Free text that describes the status of a published product, when the code in <PublishingStatus> is insufficient. Optional and non-repeating, but must be accompanied by the <PublishingStatus> element.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 300 characters.
<b395>Lost contact with publisher</b395>
PR.20.3 Announcement date

Date when information about the product can be issued to the general public. (Some publishers issue advance information under embargo.) Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
PR.20.4 Trade announcement date

Date when information about the product can be issued to the book trade, while remaining embargoed for the general public. (Some publishers issue advance information under embargo.) Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
PR.20.5 Publication date

The date of first publication of this product in the home market of the publisher named in PR.19 (that is, under the current ISBN or other identifier, as distinct from the date of first publication of the work, which may be given in <YearFirstPublished> on the next page). In advance information, this will be an expected date, which should be replaced by the actual date of publication when known. The date should be given as precisely as possible, but in early notifications a month and year are sufficient; and for backlist titles the year of publication is sufficient.

Note that in advance information this date must not be interpreted as the date when the product will first be available in a territory other than the publisher’s home market. See the <SupplyDetail> and <MarketRepresentation> composites, Groups PR.24 and PR.25, for other market-specific detail.

Optional and non-repeating.

Four, six or eight numeric digits (YYYY, YYYYMM, or YYYYMMDD).
Copyright statement composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together represent a structured copyright statement for the product. Either a structured copyright statement or statements, or a copyright year in the separate <CopyrightYear> element which follows the composite, but not both, may be sent.

PR.20.6 Copyright year

The copyright year as it appears in a copyright statement on the product. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <CopyrightStatement> composite, and repeatable if several years are listed.

Date as year only (YYYY)
Copyright owner composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together name a copyright owner. At least one occurrence is mandatory in each occurrence of the <CopyrightStatement> composite. Each occurrence of the <CopyrightOwner> composite must carry a single name (personal or corporate), or an identifier, or both.

Copyright owner identifier composite

A group of data elements which together represent a coded identification of a copyright owner. Optional, and non-repeating. May be sent either instead of or as well as a name.

PR.20.7 Copyright owner identifier type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the value in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <CopyrightOwnerIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 44
<CopyrightOwnerIDType>03</CopyrightOwnerIDType>    DNB Publisher ID
PR.20.8 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <CopyrightOwnerIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.20.9 Identifier value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in the <CopyrightOwnerIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <CopyrightOwnerIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <CopyrightOwnerIDType>
End of copyright owner identifier composite
PR.20.10 Person name

The name of a person, used here for a personal copyright owner. Optional and non-repeating. Each occurrence of the <CopyrightOwner> composite may carry a single name (personal or corporate), or an identifier, or both a name and an identifier.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<b036>James J. Johnson III</b036>
PR.20.11 Corporate name

The name of a corporate body, used here for a corporate copyright owner. Optional and non-repeating. Each occurrence of the <CopyrightOwner> composite may carry a single name (personal or corporate), or an identifier, or both a name and an identifier.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<CorporateName>Johnson &amp; Johnson Inc</CorporateName>
End of copyright owner composite
End of copyright statement composite
PR.20.12 Copyright year

The copyright year as it appears in a copyright statement on the product. If several years are listed, use the most recent. Optional and non-repeating, and may not occur if the <CopyrightStatement> composite is present.

Date as year only (YYYY)
PR.20.13 Year first published

The year when the work first appeared in any language or edition, if different from the copyright year. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year only (YYYY)

PR.21 Territorial rights and other sales restrictions

Release 2.1 allows rights to be specified for any geographical territory. Group PR.21 details the rights that the publisher chooses to exercise in the product described by the ONIX record. These may be different from the rights owned by the publisher in the underlying work (which are not specified in an ONIX for Books Product Record) and from the distribution rights exercised by a particular supplier (see Group PR.24).

The aim is to provide precise and reliable geographical rights information that can be used in a computer system to determine whether a product can or cannot be sold in a particular territory. There are no defaults. If no information if given about a particular territory, it must not be assumed that rights are, or are not, held.

The <SalesRights> composite allows rights to be specified as exclusive or non-exclusive or not-for-sale in any combination of countries or country subdivisions. It is also possible to specify rights as “worldwide” or “worldwide with specified exclusions” if this enables them to be stated more concisely.

The <NotForSale> composite allows details of an equivalent product to be sent in respect of a country or countries in which the product described in the ONIX record is not for sale. This information is particularly helpful in enabling international online booksellers to ensure that territorial rights are correctly identified and observed. It is therefore recommended that wherever possible the <NotForSale> composite should be used in preference to the <SalesRights> composite with code value 03 in <SalesRightsType>. However, both methods of expressing “not for sale” remain valid.

Special note on US and UK “Open Market”, and UK “Airport” or “Airside”, editions. It is expected that such editions, like any others, should carry a full statement of the territories in which they are available for sale. If it is desired, as a matter of convenience, to refer to them as “Open Market” or “Airside”, this should be additional to, not instead of, a full territorial rights statement, and should be handled through the new <TradeCategory> element in Group PR.3. Coding for “UK Airports” and “UK Airside” is included in the new element <RightsTerritory>, as these need to be distinguished as specific “territories”, but there should be no coding for “Open Market” within this data element group.

Sales rights composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify territorial sales rights which a publisher chooses to exercise in a product. The <SalesRights> composite may occur once for each value of <b089>. See examples at the end of Group PR.21.

PR.21.1 Sales rights type code

An ONIX code which identifies the type of sales right or exclusion which applies in the territories which are associated with it. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SalesRights>composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 46
<SalesRightsType>02</SalesRightsType>    For sale, non-exclusive
PR.21.2 Rights country

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes, for countries that share the sales rights specified in <SalesRightsType>. For upwards compatibility, the element remains repeatable, so that multiple countries can also be listed as multiple occurrences of the whole element. At least one occurrence of <RightsCountry> or <RightsTerritory> or <RightsRegion> is mandatory in any occurrence of the<SalesRights> composite.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 600 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<b090>US CA</b090>    USA and Canada
PR.21.3 Rights territory

One or more ONIX codes identifying a territory which is not a country, but which is precisely defined in geographical terms, eg World, Northern Ireland, Australian National Territory. Successive codes are separated by spaces, so that the element can carry an unlimited number of territory codes, for territories that share the sales rights specified in <SalesRightsType>. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 100 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<RightsTerritory>WORLD</RightsTerritory>    Whole world
<b388>GB-EWS</b388>    UK excluding Northern Ireland
PR.21.4 Rights region

An ONIX code identifying a territorial market which cannot be described in terms of ISO country codes. Optional, and repeatable for as many regions as share the sales rights specified in <SalesRightsType>. Superseded by the new element <RightsTerritory> above, but retained for purposes of upwards compatibility. See note on “Open Market” and “Airport” or “Airside” editions in the introduction to Group PR.21.

Fixed-length, three numeric digits.
List 47
<RightsRegion>000</RightsRegion>    Entire world
End of sales rights composite
Not for sale composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify a country or countries in which the product is not for sale, together with the ISBN and/or other product identifier and/or the name of the publisher of the same work in the specified country/ies.

PR.21.5 Rights country

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes, for countries for which details of another publisher’s product are given. For upwards compatibility, the element remains repeatable, so that multiple countries can also be listed as multiple occurrences of the whole element. At least one occurrence of <RightsCountry> or <RightsTerritory> is mandatory in each occurrence of the<NotForSale> composite.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 600 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<RightsCountry>US CA</RightsCountry>    USA and Canada
PR.21.6 Rights territory

One or more ONIX codes identifying a territory which is not a country, but which is precisely defined in geographical terms, eg World, Northern Ireland, Australian National Territory. Successive codes are separated by spaces, so that the element can carry an unlimited number of territory codes, for territories for which details of another publisher’s product are given. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 100 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<RightsTerritory>WORLD</RightsTerritory>    Whole world
<b388>GB-EWS</b388>    UK excluding Northern Ireland
PR.21.7 ISBN-10

10-character ISBN of the equivalent product which is available in the country/ies specified in <RightsCountry>. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred. The <ISBN> element is on no account to be used to carry a 13-digit ISBN.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X
PR.21.8 EAN.UCC-13 article number

EAN.UCC-13 number of the equivalent product available in the country/ies specified in <RightsCountry>. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite provides a more general method of handling this and other product codes, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits. The last digit is a modulus-10 check digit calculated in accordance with the rules given at
Product identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a product in accordance with a specified scheme, and allowing new types of product identifier to be included without defining additional data elements. See notes on the <ProductIdentifier> composite in section PR.2 for details of the handling of ISBN-13.

PR.21.9 Product identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 5
<ProductIDType>02</ProductIDType>    ISBN
PR.21.10 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <ProductIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.21.11 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <ProductIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <ProductIDType>
End of product identifier composite
PR.21.12 Publisher name

The full name of the publisher of the equivalent product which is available in the country/ies specified in <RightsCountry>. Optional and non-repeating. Except where they are essential to the recognized form of the name, it is recommended that suffixes denoting incorporation (“Co”, “Inc”, “Ltd”, “SA”, “GmbH”) should be omitted.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<PublisherName>Reed International Books</PublisherName>
End of not for sale composite

Examples of the use of the <SalesRights> and <NotForSale> composites

UK edition with ISBN of US equivalent
Short tags
   <b089>01</b089>Available with exclusive rights in
   <b090>GB IE AU NZ ZA</b090>UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
    <b089>02</b089>Available with non-exclusive rights in
    <b388>ROW</b388>Rest of world
<notforsale>Not for sale in
    <b090>US CA</b090>USA, Canada
        <b221>02</b221>ID type = ISBN
        <b244>0123456784</b244>ISBN of equivalent product in USA and Canada
Worldwide rights
Short tags
    <b089>01</b089>Available with exclusive rights in
Sales restriction composite

A group of data elements which together identify a non-territorial sales restriction which a publisher applies to a product. Optional and repeatable.

PR.21.13 Sales restriction type code

An ONIX code which identifies a non-territorial sales restriction. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SalesRestriction> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 71
<b381>02</b381>    To be sold only though office supplies wholesalers
Sales outlet composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify a sales outlet to which a restriction is linked. Each occurrence of the composite must include a <SalesOutletIdentifier> composite or a <SalesOutletName> or both.

Sales outlet identifier composite

A group of data elements which together represent a coded identification of a person or organization, used here to identify a sales outlet. Non-repeating in this context.

PR.21.14 Sales outlet identifier type

An ONIX code which identifies the scheme from which the value in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SalesOutletIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 102
<SalesOutletIDType>03</SalesOutletIDType>    ONIX sales outlet ID
PR.21.15 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <SalesOutletIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.21.16 Identifier value

A code value taken from the scheme specified in the <SalesOutletIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SalesOutletIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Determined by the scheme specified in <SalesOutletIDType>
<b244>CVS</b244>    CVS Drug Stores
End of sales outlet identifier composite
PR.21.17 Sales outlet name

The name of a wholesale or retail sales outlet to which a sales restriction is linked. Non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<SalesOutletName>Marks &amp; Spencer</SalesOutletName>
End of sales outlet composite
PR.21.18 Sales restriction detail

A free text field describing an “unspecified” restriction, or giving more explanation of a coded restriction type. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of sales restriction composite

PR.22 Dimensions

Product dimensions are preferably expressed as repeated occurrences of a <Measure> composite, which identifies the dimension which is to be specified, the measurement quantity, and the measure unit which is used. For reasons of upwards compatibility, Group PR.22 also lists four elements which were originally defined to allow a limited set of dimensions to be stated without using a composite. These elements should not be used in new implementations.

The <Dimensions> element is exclusively for legacy systems where a dimension statement is held only as a text string. Its use is generally deprecated.

Group PR.22 is not mandatory, but if it is used, any of the following content is valid:

  1. Repeats of the <Measure> composite only
  2. Some or all of the <Height>, <Width>, <Thickness>, <Weight> fields only
  3. <Dimensions> element only, or with (a) or (b).

In advance information, overall book sizes may be given as estimates based on the page trim size, but they should if possible be replaced by accurate details when they are known, or on publication.

Measure composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify a measurement and the units in which it is expressed.

PR.22.1 Measure type code

An ONIX code indicating the dimension which is specified by an occurrence of the measure composite. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Measure> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 48
<c093>01</c093>    Height
PR.22.2 Measurement

The number which represents the dimension specified in <MeasureTypeCode> in the measure units specified in <MeasureUnitCode>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Measure> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 6 characters including a decimal point.
PR.22.3 Measure unit code

An ONIX code indicating the measure unit in which dimensions are given. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Measure> composite, and non-repeating. This element must follow the dimension to which the measure unit applies. See example below.

Fixed-length, two letters
List 50
<c095>mm</c095>    Millimeters
End of measure composite

Example of the use of the measure composite

Short tags
    <c095>in</c095>Measured in inches
    <c095>in</c095>Measured in inches
    <c095>in</c095>Measured in inches
    <c093>08</c093>Unit weight
    <c095>gr</c095>Measured in grams
PR.22.4 Overall height

The overall height of the product: in the case of a book, the spine height, in the units specified in the message header, <DefaultLinearUnit> field, defined in the ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification. Optional and non-repeating; but required if either <Width> or <Thickness> is present. The <Measure> composite on a previous page provides a more general method of handling measurements, and is to be preferred.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 6 characters including a decimal point.
PR.22.5 Overall width

The overall width of the product: in the case of a book, the cover or case width, in the units specified in the message header, <DefaultLinearUnit> field, defined in the ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification. Optional and non-repeating. The <Measure> composite on a previous page provides a more general method of handling measurements, and is to be preferred.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 6 characters including a decimal point.
PR.22.6 Overall thickness

The overall thickness of the product: in the case of a book, the spine thickness, in the units specified in the message header, <DefaultLinearUnit> field, defined in the ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification. Optional and non-repeating. The <Measure> composite on a previous page provides a more general method of handling measurements, and is to be preferred.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 6 characters including a decimal point.
PR.22.7 Unit weight

The weight of a single unit of the product, in the units specified in the message header, <DefaultWeightUnit> field, defined in the ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification. Optional and non-repeating. The <Measure> composite on a previous page provides a more general method of handling weights, and is to be preferred.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 6 characters including a decimal point.
PR.22.8 Dimensions statement

Where a legacy system has no structured data for product dimensions, but has a free text statement, this field allows such a statement to be sent. However, this practise is deprecated: structured information is always greatly to be preferred. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.

PR.23 Related products

The <RelatedProduct> composite in Group PR.23 allows potentially any type of related product to be identified, and with any appropriate identifier. It is strongly recommended that new implementations should use the composite structure in preference to individual elements, since this will greatly simplify future development.

In this context, the XML DTD does not require a product number, nor does it enforce or rule out any particular types or combinations. Consequently, it is possible (eg) to list a number of renderings of an epublication content package without assigning an individual product number to each one.

PR.23.1 Replaced-by ISBN

International Standard Book Number identifying a new product which replaces the current product. Optional and non-repeating. The <RelatedProduct> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling related items, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X.
PR.23.2 Replaced-by EAN-13 article number

The EAN-13 article number of a new product which replaces the current product. Optional and non-repeating. The <RelatedProduct> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling related items, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits.
PR.23.3 Alternative-format ISBN

International Standard Book Number identifying an alternative format in which the product is available. Optional and non-repeating. The <RelatedProduct> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling related items, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X.
PR.23.4 Alternative format EAN-13 article number

EAN-13 article number identifying an alternative format in which the product is available. Optional and non-repeating. The <RelatedProduct> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling related items, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits.
PR.23.5 Other alternative product ISBN

International Standard Book Number identifying another product which is available and which the publisher suggests as an alternative. This element is used when the suggested alternative is neither a direct successor (new edition) nor the same product in an alternative format. Optional and non-repeating. The <RelatedProduct> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling related items, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X.
PR.23.6 Other alternative product EAN-13

EAN-13 article number identifying another product which is available and which the publisher suggests as an alternative. This element is used when the suggested alternative is neither a direct successor (new edition) nor the same product in an alternative format. Optional and non-repeating. The <RelatedProduct> composite on a later page provides a more general method of handling related items, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits.
Related product composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe a product which has a specified relationship to the product which is described in the ONIX record. Although for reasons of upwards compatibility the composite includes individual fields for ISBN and EAN-13 number, use of the nested <ProductIdentifier> composite is to be preferred, since it allows any recognized identifier scheme (eg DOI) to be used.

The minimum required content of an occurrence of the <RelatedProduct> composite is a <RelationCode> and either a product identifier or a <ProductForm> value. In other words, it is valid to list related products by relationship and identifier only, or by relationship and form only.

PR.23.7 Relation code

An ONIX code which identifies the nature of the relationship between two products, eg “replaced-by”. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <RelatedProduct> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed length, two numeric digits
List 51
<RelationCode>06</RelationCode>    Alternative format
PR.23.8 ISBN-10

10-character ISBN of the related product. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite provides a more general method of handling identifiers, and is to be preferred. The <ISBN> element is on no account to be used to carry a 13-digit ISBN.

Fixed-length, 10 characters, all numeric except last character, which may be letter X.
PR.23.9 EAN.UCC-13 article number

EAN.UCC-13 number of the related product. Optional and non-repeating. The <ProductIdentifier> composite provides a more general method of handling identifiers, and is to be preferred.

Fixed-length, 13 numeric digits.
Product identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a product in accordance with a specified scheme, and allowing other types of product identifier for a related product to be included without defining additional data elements. See notes on the <ProductIdentifier> composite in section PR.2 for details of the handling of ISBN-13.

PR.23.10 Product identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 5
<ProductIDType>02</ProductIDType>    ISBN
PR.23.11 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <ProductIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.23.12 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <ProductIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <ProductIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <ProductIDType>
End of product identifier composite
Website composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is relevant to the product identified in an occurrence of the <RelatedProduct> composite.

PR.23.13 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>11</WebsiteRole>    Other publisher’s website for work
PR.23.14 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.23.15 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
PR.23.16 Product form code

An ONIX code which indicates the primary form of the product. Optional and non-repeating; required in any occurrence of the <RelatedProduct> composite that does not carry a product identifier.

Fixed-length, two letters.
List 7
<b012>BB</b012>    Hardback book
PR.23.17 Product form detail

An ONIX code which provides added detail of the medium and/or format of the product. Optional and repeatable.

Fixed-length, four characters: one letter followed by three numeric digits
List 78
<ProductFormDetail>B206</ProductFormDetail>    Pop-up book
Product form feature composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together describe an aspect of product form that is too specific to be covered in the <ProductForm> and <ProductFormDetail> elements. Optional.

PR.23.18 Product form feature type

An ONIX code which specifies the feature described by an instance of the <ProductFormFeature> composite, eg binding color. Mandatory in each occurrence of the composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 79
<b334>02</b334>    Page edge color
PR.23.19 Product form feature value

A controlled value that describes a product form feature. Presence or absence of this element depends on the <ProductFormFeatureType>, since some product form features (eg thumb index) do not require an accompanying value, while others (eg text font) require free text in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>. Non-repeating.

Dependent on the scheme specified in <ProductFormFeatureType>
Dependent on the scheme specified in <ProductFormFeatureType>
<ProductFormFeatureValue>BLK</ProductFormFeatureValue>    Black (binding color)
PR.23.20 Product form feature description

If the code in <ProductFormFeatureValue> does not adequately describe the feature, a short text description may be added. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
<b336>11pt Helvetia</b336>
End of product form feature composite
PR.23.21 Book form detail

An ONIX code specifying more detail of the product format when the product is a book. Repeatable when two or more coded characteristics apply. This field is optional, but must only be included when the code in the <ProductForm> element begins with letter B. Note that this field has been superseded by the new element <ProductFormDetail>, and the code list will not be further developed. The field is retained only for purposes of upwards compatibility, and its use is now to be deprecated.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 8
<BookFormDetail>04</BookFormDetail>    Paper over boards
PR.23.22 Product packaging type code

An ONIX code which indicates the type of packaging used for the product. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 80
<b225>05</b225>    Jewel case
PR.23.23 Product form description

If product form codes do not adequately describe the product, a short text description may be added. The text may include the number and type of pieces contained in a multiple product, and/or a more detailed specification of the product form. The field is optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters.
<b014>3 volumes with 2 audiocassettes</b014>
PR.23.24 Number of pieces

If the product is homogeneous (ie all items or pieces which constitute the product have the same form), the number of items or pieces may be included here. If the product consists of a number of items or pieces of different forms (eg books and audio cassettes), the <ContainedItem> composite should be used – see below. This field is optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits.
PR.23.25 Trade category code

An ONIX code which indicates a trade category which is somewhat related to but not properly an attribute of product form. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 12
<b384>03</b384>    Sonderausgabe (Germany)
PR.23.26 Product content type code

An ONIX code which indicates certain types of content which are closely related to but not strictly an attribute of product form, eg audiobook. Optional and repeatable. The element is intended to be used with products where content is delivered in the form of a digital or analogue recording. It is not expected to be used for books.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 81
<ProductContentType>01</ProductContentType>    Audiobook
PR.23.27 Epublication type code

An ONIX code identifying the type of an epublication. This element is mandatory if and only if the <ProductForm> code for the product is DG.

Fixed-length, 3 numeric digits
List 10
<EpubType>002</EpubType>    PDF
PR.23.28 Epublication type version number

A version number which applies to a specific epublication type. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 10 characters
PR.23.29 Epublication type description

A free text description of an epublication type. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<b213>Adobe Ebook Reader</b213>
PR.23.30 Epublication format code

An ONIX code identifying the underlying format of an epublication. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present. Note that where the epublication type is wholly defined by the delivery format, this element effectively duplicates the <EpubType> field.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 11
<EpubFormat>02<EpubFormat>    PDF
PR.23.31 Epublication format version number

A version number which applies to an epublication format. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubFormat> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 10 characters
PR.23.32 Epublication format description

A free text description of an epublication format. Optional and non-repeating, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present, but it does not require the presence of the <EpubFormat> field.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<b216>Screen optimized PDF, with low-res figures</b216>
PR.23.33 Epublication type note

A free text description of features of a product which are specific to its appearance as a particular epublication type. Optional and non-repeatable, and can occur only if the <EpubType> field is present.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum 200 characters
<b277>First appearance of this title in Microsoft Reader format</b277>
Publisher composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together identify an entity which is associated with the publishing of a related product. The composite will allow additional publishing roles to be introduced without adding new fields. Each occurrence of the composite must carry a publishing role code and either a name code or a name or both. Please see Group PR.19 for details.

End of publisher composite
End of related product composite
PR.23.34 Out-of-print date

The date on which the publisher put the current product out-of-print. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)

PR.24 Supplier, availability and prices

The whole of this Group is a composite which is repeatable for each different supplier and the market within which it holds distribution rights. A supplier may be a publisher’s own trade order department, or a third party who undertakes order fulfilment for the publisher, or a wholesaler or other intermediary.

Supplier and trade data composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together give details of a trade supply source and the product price and availability from that source.

PR.24.1 Supplier EAN location number

An EAN-13 location number identifying a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Now also known as an “EAN-UCC Global Location Number” or GLN. Optional, but each occurrence of the <SupplyDetail> composite must carry either at least one supplier identifier, or a <SupplierName>.

Fixed-length, thirteen numeric digits, of which the last is a check digit.
PR.24.2 Supplier SAN

The book trade Standard Address Number that identifies the supplier with whom trade orders for the product should be placed. Used in the US and UK. Optional, but each occurrence of the <SupplyDetail> composite must carry either at least one supplier identifier, or a <SupplierName>.

Fixed-length, seven characters. The first six are numeric digits, and the seventh is a check character which may be a numeric digit or letter X.
Supplier identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a supplier in accordance with a specified scheme, and allowing different types of supplier identifier to be included without defining additional data elements. Optional, but each occurrence of the <SupplyDetail> composite must carry either at least one supplier identifier, or a <SupplierName>.

PR.24.3 Supplier identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SupplierIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 92
<j345>06</j345>    GLN
PR.24.4 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <SupplierIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.24.5 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <SupplierIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SupplierIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <SupplierIDType>
End of supplier identifier composite
PR.24.6 Supplier name

The name of a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and non-repeating; required if no supplier identifier is sent.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<j137>Littlehampton Book Services</j137>
PR.24.7 Supplier telephone number

A telephone number of a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<TelephoneNumber>+44 20 8843 8607</TelephoneNumber>
PR.24.8 Supplier fax number

A fax number of a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<FaxNumber>+44 20 8843 8744</FaxNumber>
PR.24.9 Supplier email address

An email address for a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
Website composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the supplier identified in an occurrence of the <SupplyDetail> composite.

PR.24.10 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>34</WebsiteRole>    Supplier’s B2B website
PR.24.11 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.24.12 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
PR.24.13 Supplier role

An ONIX code identifying the role of a supplier in relation to the product, eg Publisher, Publisher’s exclusive distributor, etc. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 93
<SupplierRole>01</SupplierRole>    Publisher
PR.24.14 Supply-to country

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country for which the supplier holds distribution rights for the product. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes. For upwards compatibility, the element remains repeatable, so that multiple countries can be listed as multiple occurrences of the whole element. Optional and repeatable.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 600 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<j138>US CA</j138>    USA and Canada
PR.24.15 Supply-to territory

One or more ONIX codes identifying a territory which is not a country, but which is precisely defined in geographical terms, eg World, Northern Ireland, Australian Capital Territory. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus the element can carry an unlimited number of territory codes, for territories for which the supplier has distribution rights. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 100 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<j397>WORLD</j397>    Whole world
<SupplyToTerritory>GB-EWS</SupplyToTerritory>    UK excluding Northern Ireland
PR.24.16 Supply-to region

An ONIX code for a region to which the supplier is able to supply. A full code list is yet to be defined. A provisional coding, for UK use only, is given for Open Market supply. This element will not be further developed, and is superseded by <SupplyToTerritory> above. It is retained for purposes of upwards compatibility only. Note that Open Market distribution rights should be specified, like any others, by listing countries and territories.

Fixed-length, three numeric digits
List 52
<SupplyToRegion>004</SupplyToRegion>    UK ‘open market’
PR.24.17 Supply-to country excluded

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country which is excluded from a territory specified in <SupplyToTerritory>. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes. For upwards compatibility, the element remains repeatable, so that multiple countries can be listed as multiple occurrences of the whole element. Optional and repeatable.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 300 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<SupplyToCountryExcluded>US CA</SupplyToCountryExcluded>
PR.24.17A Supply restriction detail

A free text field describing a non-geographical restriction of the market covered by a distributor or other supplier. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
PR.24.18 Returns conditions code type

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the returns conditions code in <ReturnsCode> is taken. Optional and non-repeating, but this field must be present if <ReturnsCode> is present.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 53
<ReturnsCodeType>01</ReturnsCodeType>    French returns conditions code
PR.24.19 Returns conditions code

A returns conditions code from the scheme specified in <ReturnsCodeType>. Optional and non-repeating, but this field must be present if <ReturnsCodeType> is present.

According to the scheme specified in <ReturnsCodeType>: for values defined by BISAC for US use, see List 66
PR.24.20 Last date for returns

The last date for returns, when the supplier has placed a time limit on returns from retailers. Typically this occurs when the publisher has made the product out-of-print. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
PR.24.21 Availability status code

An ONIX code indicating the availability of a product. Each occurrence of the <SupplyDetail> composite must carry either <AvailabilityCode> or <ProductAvailability>, or both, but <ProductAvailability> is now strongly preferred. Non-repeating.

Some code values require other accompanying data. Where the code lists state that one of the following is required or may optionally be sent, use the element indicated below:

  • Expected availability date – use <ExpectedShipDate>
  • Remainder date – <ExpectedShipDate> is again used
  • Estimated time to supply – <OrderTime>
  • Identifier of alternative or successor product – <RelatedProduct>, Group PR.23
  • New supplier – <NewSupplier>
Fixed-length, two letters
List 54
<AvailabilityCode>OP</AvailabilityCode>   Out of print
PR.24.22 Product availability

An ONIX code indicating the availability of a product from a supplier. This element has been added as a preferred successor to the <AvailabilityCode> element, and is intended to be used both by publishers (who should also include the new <PublishingStatus> element in PR.20) and by intermediary suppliers (who may also include <PublishingStatus> if they are in a position to do so. Each occurrence of the <SupplyDetail> composite must carry either <AvailabilityCode> or <ProductAvailability>, or both. The element is non-repeating. Recommended practise is in future to use this new element, and, where possible and appropriate, to include the <PublishingStatus> element in PR.20. It is likely that the <AvailabilityCode> element will be “deprecated” in due course in a future release.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 65
<j396>41</j396>    Replaced by new product
PR.24.23 Intermediary availability code

An ONIX code indicating the availability of a product from an intermediary supplier. This element was added in preparation for an expected revision of availability status coding, but in the event will not now be generally used. The element is being used as an interim measure by the Australian ONIX group to carry local availability status, but will be replaced on completion of the revised code lists. The element will be withdrawn from the ONIX format in a future release.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 63
New supplier composite

A group of data elements which together specify a new supply source to which orders are referred. Use only when the code in <ProductAvailability> or <AvailabilityCode> indicates “no longer available from us, refer to new supplier”. Only one occurrence of the composite is permitted in this context.

PR.24.24 EAN location number

An EAN-13 location number identifying a supplier. Now also known as an “EAN-UCC Global Location Number” or GLN. Optional and non-repeating, but each occurrence of the <NewSupplier> composite must carry either at least one supplier identifier, or a <SupplierName>.

Fixed-length, thirteen numeric digits, of which the last is a check digit.
PR.24.25 SAN

A book trade Standard Address Number identifying a supplier. Used in the US and UK. Optional, but each occurrence of the <NewSupplier> composite must carry either at least one supplier identifier, or a <SupplierName>.

Fixed-length, seven characters. The first six are numeric digits, and the seventh is a check character which may be a numeric digit or letter X.
Supplier identifier composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define the identifier of a supplier in accordance with a specified scheme, and allowing different types of supplier identifier to be included without defining additional data elements. Optional, but each occurrence of the <NewSupplier> composite must carry either at least one supplier identifier, or a <SupplierName>.

PR.24.26 Supplier identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SupplierIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 92
<SupplierIDType>06</SupplierIDType>    GLN
PR.24.27 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <SupplierIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.24.28 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <SupplierIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <SupplierIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <SupplierIDType>
End of supplier identifier composite
PR.24.29 Supplier name

The name of a supplier. Optional and non-repeating; required if no supplier identifier is sent in an occurrence of the <NewSupplier> composite.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<SupplierName>Littlehampton Book Services</SupplierName>
PR.24.30 Supplier telephone number

A telephone number of a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<TelephoneNumber>+44 20 8843 8607</TelephoneNumber>
PR.24.31 Supplier fax number

A fax number of a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<j271>+44 20 8843 8744</j271>
PR.24.32 Supplier email address

An email address for a supply source from which the product may be ordered by a trade customer. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
End of new supplier composite
PR.24.33 Expected availability date (ship date) format

An ONIX code which specifies the format of the date in <ExpectedShipDate>. Optional an non-repeating. If the field is omitted, the default format YYYYMMDD will be assumed.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 55
<j260>01</j260>    “Year and month” format YYYYMM
PR.24.34 Expected availability date (ship date)

If the product is not currently available, the date on which shipping from the supplier to retailers is expected to begin or resume. Optional and non-repeating; required with certain code values in the <AvailabilityCode> element. The format is as specified in the <DateFormat> field. The default format is YYYYMMDD, ie an exact year-month-day.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD) or as specified in <DateFormat>
PR.24.35 On sale date

The date when a new product can be placed on sale by retailers in the market served by the supplier. Optional and non-repeating. If the <OnSaleDate> element is used, it means that there is an embargo on sales to consumers before the stated date. Otherwise, sales to consumers are permitted as soon as stocks reach retailers. In the UK, publishers who are following the PA/BA Launch Dates Code of Practice should use this element for the Launch Date.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
PR.24.36 Order time

The expected average number of days from receipt of order to despatch (for items “manufactured on demand” or “only to order”). Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, one or two digits only
Stock quantity composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify a quantity of stock and, where a supplier has more than one warehouse, a supplier location. Optional.

Location identifier composite

A group of data elements which together define the identifier of a stock location in accordance with a specified scheme, and allowing different types of location identifier to be supported without defining additional data elements. Optional and non-repeating.

PR.24.37 Location identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <LocationIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 92
<LocationIDType>07</LocationIDType>    SAN
PR.24.38 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when the code in the <LocationIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.24.39 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <LocationIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <LocationIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <LocationIDType>
End of location identifier composite
PR.24.40 Location name

The name of a stock location. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
Stock quantity coded composite

A group of data elements which together specify coded stock level without stating the exact quantity of stock. Either <StockQuantityCoded> or <OnHand> is mandatory in each occurrence of the <Stock> composite, even if the onhand quantity is zero. Non-repeating.

PR.24.40A Stock quantity code type

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the value in the <StockQuantityCode> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <StockQuantityCoded> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 70
<StockQuantityCodeType>02</StockQuantityCodeType>    APA stock quantity code
PR.24.40B Stock quantity code type name

A name that identifies a proprietary stock quantity coding scheme when the code in the <StockQuantityCodeType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional, and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.24.40C Stock quantity code

A code value taken from the scheme specified in the <StockQuantityCodeType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <StockQuantityCoded> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the scheme specified in <StockQuantityCodeType>
End of stock quantity coded composite
PR.24.41 Quantity on hand

The quantity of stock on hand. Either <StockQuantityCoded> or <OnHand> is mandatory in each occurrence of the <Stock> composite, even if the onhand quantity is zero. Non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 7 digits
PR.24.42 Quantity on order

The quantity of stock on order. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 7 digits
PR.24.43 Committed backorder quantity

The quantity of stock on order which is already committed to meet backorders. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 7 digits
On order detail composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify details of a stock shipment currently awaited, normally from overseas. Optional.

PR.24.43A Quantity in shipment

The quantity of stock on order. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <OnOrderDetail> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 7 digits
PR.24.43B Shipment expected date

The date on which a stock shipment is expected. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <OnOrderDetail> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 8 numeric digits, YYYYMMDD
End of on order detail composite
End of stock quantity composite
PR.24.44 Pack or carton quantity

The quantity in each carton or binder’s pack in stock currently held by the supplier. (This element is placed in Group PR.24 since it cannot be assumed that pack quantities will be the same for stock held at different suppliers.)

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length four digits
PR.24.45 Audience restriction flag

Used with <AudienceRestrictionNote> where within a particular market there is an additional restriction on sale, imposed either by the publisher (eg an answer book to be sold only to bona fide teachers) or by another agency (eg “indexing” in the German market). Optional and non-repeating.

Provisional: fixed-length, single letter
List 56
<AudienceRestrictionFlag>R</AudienceRestrictionFlag>    Restrictions apply
PR.24.46 Audience restriction note

Free text describing a non-territorial restriction on supply, only when <AudienceRestrictionFlag> is present. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, maximum 300 characters
<j147>Answer book available only to teachers</j147>
PR.24.47 Unpriced item type

An ONIX code which specifies a reason why a price amount is not sent. If code value 02 is used to send advance information without giving a price, the price must be confirmed as soon as possible. Optional and non-repeating, but required if the <SupplyDetail> composite does not carry a price.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 57
<UnpricedItemType>01</UnpricedItemType>    Free of charge
PR.24.48 Price amount

The amount of a unit price. This price amount element, outside of the <Price> composite, may be used if and only if a default price type and currency have been specified in the message header, and only one price is to be given. The element is retained for purposes of upwards compatibility only, and all new implementations should use the <Price> composite.

Variable length real number, with explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 12 characters
Price composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify a unit price.

PR.24.49 Price type code

An ONIX code indicating the type of the price in the <PriceAmount> field within the <Price> composite. Optional, provided that a <DefaultPriceTypeCode> has been specified in the message header, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 58
<PriceTypeCode>21</PriceTypeCode>    Pre-publication RRP excluding tax
PR.24.50 Price type qualifier

An ONIX code which further specifies the type of price, eg member price, reduced price when purchased as part of a set. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 59
<PriceQualifier>01</PriceQualifier>    Member price
PR.24.51 Price type description

Free text which further describes the price type. Optional and non-repeating. In the Netherlands, when the <PriceQualifier> code identifies a “voucher price”, the <PriceTypeDescription> should give the “EAN action number” that identifies the offer.

Text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<j262>When purchased as part of a three-item set with …</j262>
PR.24.52 Unit of pricing

An ONIX code indicating the unit of product which is the basis for the price carried in an occurrence of the <Price> composite. Optional and non-repeating. Where the price applies to a copy of the whole product, this field is normally omitted.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 60
PR.24.53 Minimum order quantity

The minimum number of copies which must be ordered to obtain the price carried in an occurrence of the <Price> composite. Optional and non-repeating. If the field is present, the price is a quantity price. If the field is omitted, the price applies to a single unit.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits
Batch bonus composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify a batch bonus, ie a quantity of free copies which are supplied with a certain order quantity. The <BatchBonus> composite is optional.

PR.24.54 Batch quantity

The number of copies which must be ordered to obtain the free copies specified in <FreeQuantity>. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <BatchBonus> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits
PR.24.55 Free quantity

The number of free copies which will be supplied with an order for the batch quantity specified in the <BatchQuantity> field. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <BatchBonus> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer, suggested maximum length 4 digits
End of batch bonus composite
PR.24.56 Class of trade    USA only

Text indicating the class of trade to which the price carried in an occurrence of the <Price> composite is applicable, eg Institutional, General trade, Wholesale distributor, which may be represented by a suitable code or abbreviation agreed between trading partners. This element should be used only in the absence of a “Default class of trade” <m193> in the message header, or when the class of trade is other than the default.

Text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.24.57 BIC discount group code    UK only

A BIC code indicating the supplier’s discount group to which the price carried in an occurrence of the <Price> composite belongs. This code does not identify an absolute rate of discount, but it allows a bookseller to derive the actual discount by reference to a look-up table provided separately by the supplier.

Fixed-length, 8 characters
Position 1    A (identifying BIC as the source of the supplier code)
Positions 2–5    Supplier code, alphabetical, assigned by BIC
Positions 6–8    Discount group code, alphanumeric, assigned by the supplier. If less than three characters, the code is left justified and unused positions are sent as spaces.
Discount code composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together define a discount code from a specified scheme, and allowing different discount code schemes to be supported without defining additional data elements. Optional.

PR.24.58 Discount code type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the value in the <DiscountCode> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <DiscountCoded> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 100
<DiscountCodeType>02</DiscountCodeType>    Proprietary
PR.24.59 Discount code type name

A name which identifies a proprietary discount code when the code in the <DiscountCodeType> element indicates a proprietary scheme, eg a wholesaler’s own code. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.24.60 Discount code value

A discount code from the scheme specified in the <DiscountCodeType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <DiscountCoded> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the scheme specified in <DiscountCodeType>
End of discount code composite
PR.24.61 Discount percentage

The supplier’s discount percentage applicable to the price carried in an occurrence of the <Price> composite. Optional and non-repeating. Use only when an ONIX message is sent within the context of a specific trading relationship.

Variable-length numeric, including decimal point if required, suggested maximum length 6 characters
PR.24.62 Price status

An ONIX code which specifies the status of a price. Optional and non-repeating. If the field is omitted, the default “unspecified” will apply.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 61
<PriceStatus>01</PriceStatus>    Provisional
PR.24.63 Price amount

The amount of a price. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Price> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable length real number, with explicit decimal point when required, suggested maximum length 12 characters
PR.24.64 Currency code

An ISO standard code identifying the currency in which a price is given in <PriceAmount>, unless it is the default currency for the exchange. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, three letters
ISO 4217 currency codes – List 96
<j152>NLG</j152>    Netherlands Guilder
PR.24.65 Country code

A code identifying a country in which the price given in <PriceAmount> applies. This allows a supplier to list different prices for specific countries by repeating the <Price> composite rather than having to repeat the whole of the <SupplyDetail> composite. Optional, and repeatable if a single price applies to multiple countries.

Fixed-length, two letters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
PR.24.65A Territory

One or more ONIX codes identifying a territory, other than a country, in which the price given in <PriceAmount> applies. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus the element can carry an unlimited number of territory codes. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 100 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<Territory>ES-CN</Territory>    Canary Islands
PR.24.65B Country excluded

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country which is excluded from a territory specified in <Territory>. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 300 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<j304>US CA</j304>
PR.24.65C Territory excluded

One or more ONIX codes identifying a territory, which is excluded from a country specified in <CountryCode> or from a territory specified in <Territory>. Successive codes may be separated by spaces. Thus the element can carry an unlimited number of territory codes. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 100 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<j308>ES-CN</j308>    Canary Islands
PR.24.66 Tax rate 1, coded

A code which specifies a value added tax rate applying to the whole of the price, or to the amount of the price which is specified in <TaxableAmount1> if present. Optional and non-repeating.

If the product is taxable at a single rate, or is wholly exempt or zero-rated, <TaxRateCode1> may be sent on its own, or with any combination of <TaxRatePercent1>, <TaxableAmount1> and <TaxAmount1>, although it is best practise to send all these three elements.

If the product carries mixed tax rates, the minimum requirement is to send <TaxRateCode1>, <TaxRateCode2>, <TaxableAmount1> and <TaxableAmount2>, though again best practise would be to send all eight tax elements so that the tax calculation is made entirely explicit.

Fixed-length, one letter.
List 62
<TaxRateCode1>Z</TaxRateCode1>    Zero-rated
PR.24.67 Tax rate 1, percent

A tax rate expressed numerically as a percentage. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point where required.
PR.24.68 Amount of price taxable at tax rate 1

The amount of the unit price of the product, excluding tax, which is taxable at the rate specified by <TaxRateCode1> and/or <TaxRatePercent1>. This may be the whole of the unit price before tax, if the item carries tax at the same rate on the whole price; or part of the unit price in the case of a mixed tax rate product. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point where required.
PR.24.69 Tax amount at tax rate 1

The amount of tax chargeable at the rate specified by <TaxRateCode1> and/or <TaxRatePercent1>. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point where required.
PR.24.70 Tax rate 2, coded

A code which specifies a value added tax rate applying to the amount of the price which is specified in <TaxableAmount2>. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Fixed-length, one letter.
List 62
<j157>Z</j157>    Zero-rated
PR.24.71 Tax rate 2, percent

A tax rate expressed numerically as a percentage. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point where required.
PR.24.72 Amount of price taxable at tax rate 2

The amount of the unit price of the product, excluding tax, which is taxable at the rate specified by <TaxRateCode2> and/or <TaxRatePercent2>. This may be the whole of the unit price before tax, if the item carries tax at the same rate on the whole price; or part of the unit price in the case of a mixed tax rate product. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point where required.
PR.24.73 Tax amount at tax rate 2

The amount of tax chargeable at the rate specified by <TaxRateCode2> and/or <TaxRatePercent2>. See notes on <TaxRateCode1>.

Variable length real number, with an explicit decimal point where required.
PR.24.74 Price effective from

The date from which a price becomes effective. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
PR.24.75 Price effective until

The date until which a price remains effective. Optional and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
End of price composite
Reissue composite

A group of data elements which together specify that a product is to be reissued within the market to which the <SupplyDetail> composite applies. Optional and non-repeating. The <Reissue> composite is used only when the publisher intends to re-launch the product under the same ISBN. There are two possible cases:

  1. When the product is unavailable during the period immediately before reissue. In this case, the <AvailabilityCode> should carry the value UR for “unavailable, awaiting reissue”, and the ONIX record can be updated to describe the reissued product as soon as details can be made available
  2. When the product is still available during the period up to the reissue date. In this case, the ONIX record should continue to describe the existing product and the <AvailabilityCode> value should remain IP right up to the reissue date. At that date, the record should be updated to describe the reissued product, with the <AvailabilityCode> value remaining IP.

After reissue, it is recommended that the <Reissue> composite should be retained as a permanent element of the ONIX record, carrying only the <ReissueDate> element, which will then indicate “date last reissued”.

PR.24.76 Reissue date

The date on which the product will be reissued, or (after reissue) the date when it was last reissued. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Reissue> composite, and non-repeating.

Date as year, month, day (YYYYMMDD)
PR.24.77 Reissue description

Text explaining the nature of the reissue. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 500 characters
Price composite

A optional and repeatable group of data elements which together specify a unit price, used here to indicate a price that will apply when the product is reissued. Please see above, within Group PR.24, for details.

End of price composite
Media file composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to an image, audio or video file, used here to indicate that there is a new cover or jacket image for a reissue. Please see Group PR.16 for details.

End of media file composite
End of reissue composite
End of supplier and trade data composite
PR.25 Market representation

Group PR.25 gives information about a sales agent or local publisher in a specified market, as opposed to a distributor, for which see Group PR.24. This optional data element group is intended for use in countries where a substantial proportion of the market consists of imported books, and allows a sales agent or “local publisher” to be identified, along with a local view of the publishing status. Thus the <PublishingStatus> element in PR.20 gives a “global” view of publishing status; the <MarketPublishingStatus> element in PR.25 gives a “local market” view of publishing status; and the <ProductAvailability> element in PR.24 gives a “distribution warehouse” view of physical availability.

Market representation composite

A group of data elements which together specify a territorial market and the identity of a sales agent or local publisher responsible for marketing the product therein. Optional and repeatable.

Agent identifier composite

A group of data elements together defining the identifier of an agent or local publisher in accordance with a specified scheme. Optional, but each occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite must carry either at least one agent identifier, or an <AgentName>. Repeatable only if two or more identifiers are sent using different schemes.

PR.25.1 Agent identifier type code

An ONIX code identifying the scheme from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <AgentIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, 2 numeric digits
List 92
<j400>01</j400>    Proprietary
PR.25.2 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier scheme when, and only when, the code in the <AgentIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

Free text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
PR.25.3 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <AgentIDType> element. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <AgentIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <AgentIDType>
End of agent identifier composite
PR.25.4 Agent name

The name of an agent or local publisher. Optional and non-repeating; required if no agent identifier is sent in an occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
<AgentName>Littlehampton Book Services</AgentName>
PR.25.5 Agent telephone number

A telephone number of an agent or local publisher. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<j270>+44 20 8843 8607</j270>
PR.25.6 Agent fax number

A fax number of an agent or local publisher. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 20 characters
<FaxNumber>+44 20 8843 8744</FaxNumber>
PR.25.7 Agent email address

An email address for an agent or local publisher. Optional and repeatable.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters
Website composite

An optional and repeatable group of data elements which together identify and provide pointers to a website which is related to the agent or local publisher identified in an occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite.

PR.25.8 Website purpose

An ONIX code which identifies the role or purpose of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 73
<WebsiteRole>37</WebsiteRole>    Supplier’s B2B website for work
PR.25.9 Website description

Free text describing the nature of the website which is linked through the <WebsiteLink> element. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters (XHTML is enabled in this element – see ONIX for Books – Product Information Message – XML Message Specification, Section 7)
PR.25.10 Link to website

The URL for the website. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <Website> composite, and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
End of website composite
PR.25.11 Agent role

An ONIX code identifying the role of an agent in relation to the product in the specified market, eg Exclusive sales agent, Local publisher, etc. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 69
<AgentRole>07</AgentRole>    Local publisher
PR.25.12 Market country

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country in which the agent or local publisher markets the product. Successive codes are separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes. Optional, but each occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite must carry either an occurrence of <MarketCountry> or an occurrence of <MarketTerritory>, to specify the market concerned. Non-repeating.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 600 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<j403>US CA</j403>    USA and Canada
PR.25.13 Market territory

One or more ONIX codes identifying a territory which is not a country, but which is precisely defined in geographical terms, eg World, Northern Ireland, Australian Capital Territory. Successive codes are separated by spaces. Thus the element can carry an unlimited number of territory codes. Optional, but each occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite must carry either an occurrence of <MarketCountry> or an occurrence of <MarketTerritory>, to specify the market concerned. Non-repeating.

One or more variable-length codes, each consisting of upper case letters with or without a hyphen, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 100 characters.
List 49 Where possible and appropriate, country subdivision codes are derived from the UN LOCODE scheme based on ISO 3166.
<MarketTerritory>WORLD</MarketTerritory>    Whole world
<MarketTerritory>GB-EWS</MarketTerritory>    UK excluding Northern Ireland
PR.25.14 Market country excluded

One or more ISO standard codes identifying a country which is excluded from a territory specified in <MarketTerritory>. Successive codes are separated by spaces. Thus, a single occurrence of the element can carry an unlimited number of country codes. Optional and non-repeating.

One or more fixed-length codes, each with two upper case letters, successive codes being separated by spaces. Suggested maximum length 300 characters. [Note that ISO 3166-1 specifies that country codes shall be sent as upper case only.]
ISO 3166-1 two-letter country codes – List 91
<j405>US CA</j405>
PR.25.15 Market restriction detail

A free text field describing a non-geographical restriction of the market covered by a sales agent or local publisher. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
PR.25.16 Market publishing status

An ONIX code which identifies the status of a published product in the market defined in an occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 68
<j407>02</j407>    Forthcoming
Market date composite

A repeatable group of data elements which together specify a date associated with the publishing status of the product in the market identified in an occurrence of the <MarketRepresentation> composite, eg local publication date.

PR.25.17 Market date role code

An ONIX code indicating the significance of the date. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <MarketDate> composite.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 67
<MarketDateRole>01</MarketDateRole>    Local publication date
PR.25.18 Date format

An ONIX code indicating the format in which the date is given in <Date>. Optional and non-repeating. When omitted, the format is assumed to be YYYYMMDD.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 55
<DateFormat>05</DateFormat>    YYYY
PR.25.19 Date

The date specified in the <MarketDateRole> field. Mandatory in each occurrence of the <MarketDate> composite.

As specified by the value in <DateFormat>: default YYYYMMDD
End of market date composite
End of market representation composite
PR.26 Sales promotion information

This Group gives information about the publisher’s current promotional activity in support of the product and other detail intended primarily for book trade use.

PR.26.1 Promotion campaign information

Free text describing the promotion and adverting campaign for the product. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 1,000 characters
PR.26.2 Promotion contact details

Free text giving the name, department, phone number, email address etc for a promotional contact person for the product. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 300 characters
PR.26.3 Initial print run

In advance information about a new book, free text detailing the number of copies which will be printed and any related aspects of the initial publishing effort. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
PR.26.3A Reprint detail

Free text used to give details of the reprint history as part of the promotion of a book. Optional, and repeatable to give information about successive reprintings.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
PR.26.4 Copies sold

Free text detailing the number of copies already sold, eg for a new paperback, the copies sold in hardback. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
PR.26.5 Book club adoption

Free text describing the adoption of the product as a book club selection. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 200 characters
<k169>Book-Of-The-Month Club selection for May 2000</k169>

End of Product record

Annex 1

EDItEUR logo

ONIX for Books

Product Information Message
XML Message Specification

Release 2.1 rev.04, April 2011

The ONIX for Books XML Message Specification was originally compiled for EDItEUR by David Martin and Francis Cave, with 2011 changes by Graham Bell. The XML DTD and Schema which define the communication format for ONIX for Books Product Information Messages were developed by Francis Cave.

Copyright © 2006, 2008, 2011 EDItEUR Limited. All rights reserved.


1. Release notes

Changes to the documentation

15 Aug 2014
Fixed typo in example of method 2 in Section 7.4.
5 Jan 2014
Removed meaningless references to <MainSeriesRecord> and <SubSeriesRecord> in Section 2.3.
19 Jul 2013
Removed meaningless references to ‘Level 1’ ONIX in Section 3.
19 Nov 2012
Made available as part of an HTML document combining both Product Record Format and XML Message Specification.
Minor wording changes to avoid page number references.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 04 (April 2011)

Changes in Revision 04

Section 3
Removal of limitation to ASCII character set in various header data elements.
Section 4
Addition of textscript and collationkey attributes.
Section 7.2
Addition of information about incorporation of ruby glosses in metadata.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 03 (January 2006)

Changes in Revision 03

Section 2.3
References to the <MainSeriesRecord> and <SubSeriesRecord> elements have been removed, and the elements have been withdrawn from use. For reasons of upwards compatibility, they remain in the DTD and Schema.
Section 5.3
Errors in the statement of namespace URIs have been corrected.
Section 7
A new introductory section 7.1 has been added to provide background explanation on HTML and XHTML, and subsequent sections have been renumbered.

Further amendment (April 2008)

Section 4
From Code Lists Issue 8, a new code list 138 for transliteration schemes has been defined; a reference to this list is now included in Section 4.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 02 (July 2004)

Changes in Revision 02

Section 3
Notes on elements MH.1 to MH.6 have been revised to make it clear that, at minimum, either a sender identifier or a sender name must be included in the message header – the sender name per se is not mandatory, though it is normally expected.
Section 5
A longstanding error in the DTD declaration for the reference name form of an ONIX message has been corrected.
A new section 5.4 has been added to further clarify the differences between reference name and short tag forms.
Section 6
‘XHTML 1.0 Latin-1 characters’ has been deleted from the list of special character sets, to be consistent with the DTD. Related text has been revised.

Further amendments to documentation (February 2005)

References to the ONIX for Books XML Schema, which is now maintained in parallel with the DTD, have been added wherever appropriate.
Section 3
Code values for coded attributes have been deleted and replaced by links to separate HTML code lists.
RELEASE 2.1, revision 01 (November 2003)

Changes in Revision 01

Section 5
The use of namespace declarations with ONIX messages has been clarified. Namespace declarations should not be used in regular ONIX applications in which the ONIX DTD is being used for record or message validation purposes. They are, however, applicable when using ONIX tags in other XML messaging applications.
A more detailed description of the way in which successive minor revisions of the DTD are handled on the EDItEUR website has been added.
Release 2.1 (initial release, June 2003)

Changes in Release 2.1

The terms and conditions for use of the ONIX Product Information Message DTD have been simplified to reflect the removal of ‘supergroup’ Z.
Section 3
New <SenderIdentifier> and <AddresseeIdentifier> composites have been added (within the <Header> composite only) for consistency with the ONIX policy of enabling identifiers to be used in a generalised way in any context where an organisation is named.
Hyperlinks to HTML code lists have been added in the same way as in other ONIX documentation.
Section 4
A new value 04 XHTML has been added to the code list for the textformat attribute.
A new attribute textcase has been added.
Section 5
The text has been revised for clarification, without substantive change.
Section 6
The range of special character entities included in the DTD has been greatly enlarged.
Section 7
This section is substantially revised to describe a new facility for including XHTML in specified text elements. This is now the preferred way to send HTML in ONIX.

2. ONIX for Books XML message specification

An ONIX for Books Product Information Message can be regarded as having four component parts: the start of message, whose format and content is dictated by the XML standard; a message header block, which is specific to ONIX; the body of the message (which is defined in the previous section of this document); and the end of message.

From Release 2.1 Revision 02 onwards, EDItEUR is maintaining formal definitions of the ONIX for Books Product Information Message both in DTD and XML Schema format. The emphasis in these pages is on the use of the DTD, since this is the more widely used. Supplementary notes on the XML Schema definition are included wherever appropriate.

2.1 Start of message

The start of message consists of a number of so-called “declarations”.

In the simplest case, if you are using the ONIX “reference names”, an ONIX for Books Product Information Message compliant with Release 2.1 should always begin with these three lines:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The first line, the “XML declaration”, simply identifies this as a document which is defined in accordance with the XML standard, version 1.0.

The second line constitutes the “DTD declaration”, which tells standard XML software that this is a document which has been constructed in accordance with Release 2.1 of the ONIX for Books XML DTD (the “ONIX DTD”) using reference names. (Note there is a space or new line between “SYSTEM” and “http”)

The URI specified in this line provides an unambiguous, active reference to the reference name version of Release 2.1 of the ONIX DTD. This URI links to a location on the EDItEUR website where the files corresponding to the current reference name version of the Release 2.1 DTD are held. Any subsequent releases of, and any intermediate revisions to, the ONIX DTD will need to be referred to by distinct URIs. See Section 5 for more detailed information on the identification of different releases of, and revisions to, the ONIX DTD.

The last line says that an ONIX for Books Product Information Message starts here.

If you are using the “short tags”, or if you want to define your own data element labels, see Section 5.

2.2 Message header block

After these opening lines, the message header carries a number of data elements, specifying the sender and date of message (mandatory), the addressee (optional), and optionally stating message default values for measure units, currency etc.

  • EAN number
  • Sender SAN
  • Sender identifier composite
  • Sender company name
  • Sender contact person
  • Sender email address
  • Addressee EAN number
  • Addressee SAN
  • Addressee identifier composite
  • Addressee company name
  • Addressee contact
  • Message sequence number
  • Message repeat number
  • Message creation date/time
  • Message note
  • Default language of text
  • Default price type
  • Default currency
  • Default unit of linear measurement
  • Default unit of weight
  • Default class of trade

These are specified in detail in Section 3.

The message header elements are “packaged” into a <Header> composite, to make it easy for systems which repeatedly use essentially the same header content to reference it as a unit. It is not mandatory to send them as a composite – the ONIX DTD will still allow the elements to be sent as in previous releases.

2.3 Body of message

The body of an ONIX for Books Product Information Message consists of one or more Product records, with no theoretical limit on the number of records.

2.4 End of message

The end of message “trailer” is a single line:

2.5 Layout of a complete message

In summary, the layout of a typical ONIX for Books Product Information Message, using reference names, is like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!-- Message header data elements -->
        <!-- Product information data elements for product 1 -->
        <!-- Product information data elements for product 2 -->
2.6 Using the ONIX DTD and XML Schema

Your attention is drawn to the terms and conditions of use which appear in the ONIX DTD and in the XML Schema themselves, and at the beginning of these Guidelines.

Users of the ONIX for Books XML Schema are advised that, while the XML Schema is fully supported and maintained by EDItEUR, it is not a requirement that ONIX users generally – and recipients in particular – must support its use. If there is any doubt as to whether or not a particular recipient supports use of the XML Schema for ONIX, it must be assumed that they do not, and the ONIX message should contain the appropriate DTD Declaration as indicated in Section 2.1 above.

3. Message header content

Header composite

A group of data elements which together constitute a message header. The elements may alternatively be sent without being grouped into a composite, but the composite approach is recommended since it makes it easier to maintain a standard header “package” to drop into any new ONIX Product Information Message. Note that the Sender and Addressee Identifier composites can only be used within the Header composite, and future extensions to the Header will be defined only within the composite.

MH.1 Sender EAN number

An EAN location number which identifies the sender of an ONIX message. Optional and non-repeating; but either the <FromCompany> element or a sender identifier using one or more elements from MH.1 to MH.5 must be included.

Fixed-length, thirteen numeric digits, of which the last is a check digit.
MH.2 Sender SAN

A US book trade Standard Address Number which identifies the sender of an ONIX message. Optional and non-repeating; but either the <FromCompany> element or a sender identifier using one or more elements from MH.1 to MH.5 must be included.

Fixed-length, seven characters. The first six are numeric digits, and the seventh is a check character which may be a numeric digit or letter X.
Sender identifier composite

A group of data elements which together define the identifier of the sender within a specified namespace, used here to allow different party identifiers to be included without defining additional data elements. In particular the composite allows a proprietary identifier to be used by mutual agreement between parties to an exchange. The composite is optional and repeatable; but either the <FromCompany> element or a sender identifier using one or more elements from MH.1 to MH.5 must be included.

MH.3 Sender identifier type

An ONIX code identifying the namespace from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in any occurrence of the <SenderIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 44
MH.4 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier type when, and only when, the code in the <SenderIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 50 characters
MH.5 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <SenderIDType> element. Mandatory in any occurrence of the <SenderIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <SenderIDType>
End of sender identifier composite
MH.6 Sender company name

The name of the sender organization, which should always be stated in a standard form agreed with the addressee. Optional and non-repeating; but either the <FromCompany> element or a sender identifier using one or more elements from MH.1 to MH.5 must be included.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 30 characters
<FromCompany>HarperCollins London</FromCompany>
MH.7 Sender contact

Free text giving the name, department, phone number, etc for a contact person in the sender organization who is responsible for the content of the message. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 300 characters
<m175>Jackie Brown, 020 7979 6444</m175>
MH.8 Sender contact email address

A text field giving the email address for a contact person in the sender organization who is responsible for the content of the message. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 100 characters
MH.9 Addressee EAN number

An EAN location number which identifies the addressee of an ONIX message. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, thirteen numeric digits, of which the last is a check digit.
MH.10 Addressee SAN

A US book trade Standard Address Number which identifies the addressee of an ONIX message. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, seven characters. The first six are numeric digits, and the seventh is a check character which may be a numeric digit or letter X.
Addressee identifier composite

A group of data elements which together define the identifier of the addressee within a specified namespace, used here to allow different party identifiers to be included without defining additional data elements. In particular the composite allows a proprietary identifier to be used by mutual agreement between parties to an exchange. The composite is optional and repeatable.

MH.11 Addressee identifier type

An ONIX code identifying the namespace from which the identifier in the <IDValue> element is taken. Mandatory in any occurrence of the <AddresseeIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits
List 44
MH.12 Identifier type name

A name which identifies a proprietary identifier type when, and only when, the code in the <AddresseeIDType> element indicates a proprietary scheme. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 50 characters
MH.13 Identifier value

An identifier of the type specified in the <AddresseeIDType> element. Mandatory in any occurrence of the <AddresseeIdentifier> composite, and non-repeating.

According to the identifier type specified in <AddresseeIDType>
End of addressee identifier composite
MH.14 Addressee company name

The name of the addressee organization, which should always be stated in a standard form agreed with the addressee. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 30 characters
<m178>Book Data</m178>
MH.15 Addressee contact

Free text giving the name, department etc for a contact person in the addressee organization to whom the message is to be directed. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 300 characters
<ToPerson>Mel Carter</ToPerson>
MH.16 Message sequence number

A sequence number of the messages in a series sent between trading partners, to enable the receiver to check against gaps and duplicates. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer,
MH.17 Message repeat number

A number which distinguishes any repeat transmissions of a message. If this element is used, the original is numbered 1 and repeats are numbered 2, 3 etc. Optional and non-repeating.

Variable-length integer
MH.18 Message creation date/time

The date on which the message is sent. Optionally, the time may be added, using the 24-hour clock. Mandatory and non-repeating.

Eight or twelve numeric digits only (YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHMM)
MH.19 Message note

Free text giving additional information about the message. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable-length ASCII text, suggested maximum 500 characters
<MessageNote>Updates for titles to be published September 2000</MessageNote>
MH.20 Default language of text

An ISO standard code indicating the default language which is assumed for the text of products listed in the message, unless explicitly stated otherwise by sending a “language of text” element in the product record. This default will be assumed for all product records which do not specify a language in Group PR.11. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, three letters.
List 74
MH.21 Default price type

An ONIX code indicating the default price type which is assumed for prices listed in the message, unless explicitly stated otherwise in a <Price> composite in the product record. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two numeric digits.
List 58
MH.22 Default currency

An ISO standard code indicating the currency which is assumed for prices listed in the message, unless explicitly stated otherwise in a <Price> composite in the product record. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, three letters.
List 96
MH.23 Default linear unit

A code indicating the default unit which is assumed for linear measurements listed in the message, unless otherwise specified in the product record. This element is deprecated. For most implementations, explicit coding of measure units with each occurrence of a measurement is to be preferred. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters.
List 94
MH.24 Default unit of weight

A code indicating the default unit which is assumed for weights listed in the message, unless otherwise specified in the product record. This element is deprecated. For most implementations, explicit coding of units with each occurrence of a weight is to be preferred. Optional and non-repeating.

Fixed-length, two letters.
List 95
MH.25 Default class of trade    USA only

Free text indicating the class of trade which is assumed for prices given in the message, unless explicitly stated otherwise specified in <j149>. For example: Institutional, General trade, Wholesale distributor, which may be represented by a suitable code or abbreviation agreed between trading partners. otherwise specified in the product record. Optional and non-repeating.

The text is not limited to ASCII characters.

Variable length ASCII text, suggested maximum length 50 characters
End of header composite

Example of an ONIX Product Information Message header

Reference names
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <FromPerson>Bernie Rabow</FromPerson>
        <ToPerson>David Martin</ToPerson>
        <MessageNote>Prueba en Espa&ntilde;ol</MessageNote>
Short tags
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <m175>Bernie Rabow</m175>
        <m179>David Martin</m179>
        <m183>Prueba en Espa&ntilde;ol</m183>

4. Use of XML attributes

In all ONIX applications, a number of XML attributes may be used where applicable to carry information about the content of an associated element. The view which has been taken in the development of ONIX is that it is undesirable to use XML attributes to carry portions of the actual data content of the ONIX message. However, it is appropriate to use them to carry information which qualifies the data itself and its representation – metadata about metadata, as it were.

Accordingly, nine attributes are now defined throughout ONIX, as shown in the tables below. In theory, any of these attributes can be used in any ONIX element. In practice, some of them are plainly meaningless except when they are applied to a text element or to a composite that includes text data elements.

Text format
Enables the format of any text element to be specified in the same way as was previously only possible in the <OtherText> composite. Intended in due course to replace the <TextFormat> element in that composite.
List 34
<b044 textformat="05"><p>…text of biography…</p></b044>
Text case
Enables the case of any text element to be specified.
List 14
<TitleText textcase="02">The Conquest of Mexico</TitleText>
Enables the language of any text element to be specified when it is not the expected default language of the message.
List 74
<TitleText language="fre">Les Mis&eacute;rables</TitleText>
Text script
Enables the script of any text element to be specified when it is not the expected default script of the message.
List 121
<PersonName textscript="Latn">Daniel Domscheit-Berg</PersonName>
Enables a transliteration scheme used in a text element to be specified.
List 138
<PersonName transliteration="ISO7098">Lu&oacute; Gu&agrave;nzh&#x014D;ng</PersonName>
Collation key
Enables specification of the key to be used for sorting the data element, when the sort order is not inherent in the data itself (for example, with Japanese contributor names, the collation key attribute may provide the phonetic information required to sort records by contributor).
<TitleText collationkey="おくのほそみち">奥の細道</TitleText>
Enables any data element or composite to carry the date or date and time when it was last changed.
<j396 datestamp="20030306">21</j396>
Source type
Enables a data element or composite to carry a code indicating the type of source or authority for the data content.
List 3
<PublishingStatus sourcetype="02">04</PublishingStatus>
Source name
Enables a data element or composite to carry the name of the source or authority for the data content.
<BICMainSubject sourcename="Bookdata">WDMG1</BICMainSubject>

Attributes are carried within an XML start tag, for example <Text textformat="02">. The attribute name is separated from the name of the element by a space, and the attribute value is placed in quotes. If there are two or more attributes in a single tag, they too are separated by a space, for example:

<Text textformat="02" language="eng">.

Technically-minded XML users will be aware that, at least in the case of “textformat” and “sourcetype”, we could be using the DTD to constrain the values of these attributes to be taken from the specified code sets. The ONIX development team has taken the view that it would be wrong to introduce such constraints into the DTD where they could only be applied to a limited number of attributes. Given that there is no mechanism in the DTD to constrain data element content to conform to the code sets, value ranges and string lengths defined in the guidance documentation, to make an exception of these attributes would be inconsistent.

From Release 2.1 Revision 02 onwards EDItEUR is maintaining formal definitions of ONIX both in DTD and XML Schema format. The XML Schema definitions include a complete set of definitions of the code sets used both by data elements and attributes. Users who need a standard mechanism for validating code values are recommended to consider using the XML Schema for this purpose.

5. Start of message “declarations”

At the start of an ONIX Product Information Message, there may be a series of “declarations”: the XML declaration, the DTD declaration, and the namespace declaration. None of these is mandatory, although it is strongly recommended that a DTD declaration is always included, unless the originating and receiving parties have agreed upon the inclusion of an XML Schema reference instead of a DTD declaration.

In this section we give more details of each of these, and show how they are used to define various options for ONIX users.

For further information on namespaces see

5.1 XML declaration

The XML declaration simply states that your message is in XML. It should contain the following sequence of characters:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

If you intend to use a character set for your message that includes characters not listed at the start of Section 6.1, you will need to use a modified form of XML declaration as detailed in Section 6.

5.2 DTD declaration

The DTD declaration (or document type declaration, to be more precise) identifies the XML DTD against which your message should be validated.

Given that the ONIX Product Information Message DTD will be subject to revision by EDItEUR from time to time, and may also be modified to meet local requirements, it is essential that the precise version of the DTD used in creating the message, and therefore to be used subsequently in validating the message, should be clearly and unambiguously identified. The master versions of all ONIX DTDs are held by EDItEUR, and for this reason the DTD should normally be identified by the URI where it is to be found on the EDItEUR website. If short tag names are used, the URI for the current version of Release 2.1 is:

If the reference names are used, the URI for the current version of Release 2.1 is:

Future major releases of the ONIX DTD by EDItEUR will be identified by changes to the release number, which will be reflected in a corresponding change to the URI, eg “2.1” being replaced by “2.2” in the above URI.

In the event of intermediate minor revisions being made to the DTD between major releases, these revisions will replace any previous versions of the current release, and the latest revised versions will always be found at the two URIs specified above. However, to ensure that a complete history is always available for any users who need to track it in detail, each successive minor revision will also be held separately on the EDItEUR website at a URI in the following form:
where “nn” is a 2-digit revision number commencing with “00” for the original issue of this release and “01” for the first revised version. In this way all versions of the current release will remain accessible on the EDItEUR website, at least until the next major release. However, it is strongly recommended that only the latest version of the current release should be used to validate ONIX messages.

Superseded versions should only be used for resolving issues of whether or not an ONIX implementation conforms to the current or to a previous version of the DTD.

Thus, if no minor revisions have been issued for a particular release, there will be only one version of the DTD on the EDItEUR website, at a URI of the form:

If a first minor revision has been issued as revision 01, the revised DTD will still be at the URI:
but the original Release 2.1 DTD for reference names will be at the URI:
and the revised DTD will also be at the URI:

The complete standard DTD declaration for the short tag name version of Release 2.1 of the ONIX Product Information Message DTD should contain the following sequence of characters:


The complete standard DTD declaration for the reference name version of Release 2.1 of the DTD should contain the following sequence of characters:


If you are using a local set of variant names, the DTD declaration will need to be modified to refer to your modified version of “onix-international.dtd”, which contains the variant names. If this modified file is available on a web site, your DTD declaration should read:

<!DOCTYPE MyMessageTagName SYSTEM "URI">

where “MyMessageTagName” is your local equivalent of the standard message tag name “ONIXmessage”, and “URI” is a Uniform Resource Identifier for the modified version of “onix-international.dtd”.

If you are using local variant names, but don’t plan to make them available on a web server, you will need to issue copies of the modified version of “onix-international.dtd” to all recipients of your messages. In this case the URI may be replaced simply by the filename of the modified file, and the recipient will ensure that their system can find it.

The DTD comprises 24 files. Only the one referred to above as “onix-international.dtd” is referred to directly by the DTD declaration. This file contains a reference to the main tag definition file “onix-international.elt”, which in turn refers to the XMTHL tag definition file “onix-xhtml.elt” and to 18 special character entity definition files. The remaining two special character entity definition files are referred to from within the XHTML tag definition file.
5.3 Namespace declaration

The use of namespaces may be useful in circumstances where ONIX data is being shared with or processed by other XML applications.

The use of a namespace declaration in an ONIX message will render the message invalid according to the DTD, so namespaces should only be used when including ONIX tagged data in other XML applications in accordance with the tagging rules (schemas) for those applications.

If you are using the short tag names, the namespace URI should be:

If you are using the reference names, the namespace URI should be:

Please note that these URIs do NOT correspond to an actual Web address that is reachable by a browser. They are simply a device for creating an unambiguous reference to the authority for the defined ONIX namespaces.

These namespace URIs are the same as are specified in the corresponding ONIX XML schemas.

5.4 Start and end tags

Following the start of message declarations, the body of the message opens with a start tag:
    <ONIXMessage>    if reference names are used, or
    <ONIXmessage>    if short tags are used.

The message ends with an matching end tag::
    </ONIXMessage>    if reference names are used, or
    </ONIXmessage>    if short tags are used.

5.5 XML Schema references

If, and only if, both originating and receiving parties have agreed to it, the DTD declaration as described in Section 5.2 above may be omitted and an XML Schema reference included instead. It is recommended that, when they leave the originator’s system, ONIX messages using the XML Schema should include the appropriate pair of namespace URI and schema location URI, as follows:

ONIX version
namespace URI
schema location URI
Reference names
Short tags

Further information on the use of XML Schema should be obtained from the website of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

6. Character sets and special characters

6.1 Using special characters and extended character sets in ONIX messages

The character set of ONIX XML messages is assumed to be the printable characters of ASCII (ie those characters whose numbers fall between 32 and 126 inclusive), unless the XML declaration includes an “encoding declaration” which specifies the character set of the message. For reference, here is a list of the basic character set for which no special coding is necessary, all of which can be found on a standard computer keyboard:

  • space character
  • capital letters A–Z
  • lower-case letters a–z
  • digits 0–9
  • punctuation ! " ' , - . : ; ?
  • brackets ( ) [ ] { }
  • symbols # $ % * + / = > \ @ _ ` | ~

This set deliberately does not include the characters ‘&’ and ‘<’. These characters have special significance in all XML applications and should never be included in the text of an XML message in any way other than as described in Section 6.2 below.

Note that the currency symbols “£”, “¥” and “€” (the “Euro” symbol, which for some readers may not print or display when they view this page) are not in the basic set. Note also that some office applications insert so-called “smart” left- and right-handed quotation marks (single or double), which are not in the basic set. En and Em rules are not in the basic set.

If an extended character set is to be used, the modified XML declaration should take the form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EncName"?>

where “EncName” is the name of a character set encoding which conforms with the requirements of Section 4.3.3 of the XML 1.0 Recommendation.

The default character set encodings of the XML 1.0 Recommendation are the Unicode sets UTF-8 (of which ASCII is a subset) and UTF-16. Where the use of special character entities is not a satisfactory option, it is recommended that UTF-8 or UTF-16 should be used to extend the ASCII range. Implementers should note that it is NOT a requirement that recipients of ONIX messages should be able to handle correctly any character set encodings other than ASCII. Local circumstances may favour the use of other character set encodings, such as any of Parts 1 through 9 of ISO 8859 and various Asian language encodings. For further guidance on character encodings in XML see Section 4.3.3. of the XML 1.0 Recommendation.

The ONIX DTD defines names for a wide range of special characters that can be encoded using XML tags. The special characters are grouped into the following sets:

  • XHTML 1.0 Special characters (xhtml-special.ent)
  • XHTML 1.0 Symbols (xhtml-symbol.ent)
  • ISO Latin characters (iso-lat1.ent and iso-lat2.ent)
  • ISO Greek symbols (iso-grk3.ent)
  • ISO Cyrillic alphabetic characters (Iso-cyr1.ent and iso-cyr2.ent)
  • ISO Numeric and Special Graphic characters (iso-num.ent)
  • ISO Diacritical Mark characters (iso-dia.ent)
  • ISO Publishing characters (iso-pub.ent)
  • ISO Box and Line Drawing characters (iso-box.ent)
  • ISO General Technical characters (iso-tech.ent)
  • ISO Additional Mathematical Symbols:
    • Ordinary (iso-amso.ent)
    • Binary and Large Operators (iso-amsb.ent)
    • Relations (iso-amsr-ent)
    • Negated relations (iso-amsn.ent)
    • Arrow relations (iso-amsa.ent)
    • Opening and Closing Delimiters (iso-amsc.ent)
  • ISO Math Alphabets:
    • Fraktur (iso-mfrk.ent)
    • Open Face (iso-mopf.ent)
    • Script (iso-mscr.ent)

Starting with Release 2.1 the XHTML 1.0 Latin-1 special character set is no longer included in the DTD, as it entirely duplicates special characters in the ISO Latin-1 special character set. The ISO sets included here are the same as the sets implemented in the MathML 2.0 DTD (see for further information).

These provide a basis for encoding as XML expressions a large number of commonly-used and less commonly-used special characters which are not part of the ASCII set. The form of expression used is the XML entity reference, defined in Section 4.1 of the XML 1.0 Recommendation. For example, a lower-case e with acute accent “é” may be encoded:


In earlier releases of ONIX it was recommended that XML entity references be used in preference to Unicode character references. This recommendation only applies if the ONIX message contains a DTD declaration. Otherwise special characters not available in the encoding character set may only be represented by Unicode character references, ie tags similar to entity references but containing Unicode character numbers instead of entity names.

6.2 Coding the ampersand “&” and less-than symbol “<”

The characters “&” and “<” have special meaning in XML, and therefore cannot be used as text characters in ONIX data elements. If you need to include either of these characters in a data element (for example in the name of an organization such as “AT&T” that by convention uses “&” rather than “and”) you will need to include the XML entity reference form of expression in place of the “&” or “<” as specified in the following table:

Desired characterXML expression

In the above example, “AT&T” should therefore be expressed in an ONIX message by the sequence:


7. Using XHTML, HTML SGML or XML in ONIX text fields

7.1 Introduction

Given the frequent requirement for ONIX messages to convey product information in a form suitable for use in web pages, guidance is provided below on how to incorporate web content in an ONIX product record. However, in order to apply this guidance correctly, a user must already have some knowledge of different forms of web content. Those already familiar with the differences between HTML and XHTML may skip this section.

Web content that is largely text-based is generally styled for presentation in a web page using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). HTML has been the language of the World Wide Web since its inception and is still the most popular language for constructing web pages. HTML was based upon the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which has been in use for preparing electronic content in academic and professional publishing since the early 1990s.

XML was developed in the late 1990s as demand grew for ways to use the web for exchanging data and messages that didn’t have to be presented as human-readable web pages. XML is a much stricter language than SGML, so it is generally not possible to incorporate HTML-tagged content directly into an XML message. Responding to demand to make it possible to embed HTML in XML, the World Wide Web Consortium has defined an XML-compatible version of HTML, called XHTML. XHTML text fragments can be embedded in XML messages, provided this is allowed by the tagging rules of the XML application.

The tagging rules of ONIX specify that XHTML text fragments may be embedded in appropriate ONIX data elements, but within very strict constraints. These constraints are set out in the next section.

HTML text fragments – and indeed any fragment of plain or tagged text, regardless of the tagging language – can be embedded in ONIX data elements, but only by using XML techniques that ‘hide’ these fragments from any XML-aware software that is processing the ONIX message. Two methods for embedding HTML in an ONIX data element are describe below. These methods are available by default in all XML applications, and cannot be prohibited in ONIX applications, but their use is strongly discouraged.

All ONIX users are encouraged to convert HTML text fragments to be valid XHTML fragments before incorporating them in ONIX messages.

7.2 XHTML (version 1.0 or later)

The ONIX Product Information Message DTD enables the inclusion of XHTML-tagged text in specific data elements where this has been deemed appropriate. In these cases the data element may contain any well-formed fragment of XHTML-tagged text with the following restrictions:

  1. It must be the case that, if the fragment were to be placed in an otherwise empty <body> element in an XHTML document, the resulting document would be valid;
  2. The fragment may not include any XHTML forms, script or document revision elements;
  3. The fragment may not use “event” attributes and others that may affect browser behaviour.

The intention of these restrictions is to prevent the unwitting or malicious transmittal of viruses in ONIX messages.

The use of XHTML tags in any data element should be signalled by specifying the value of the “textformat” attribute to be "05" (see Section 4) in the start tag of the data element in question, eg:

<Text textformat="05">… XHTML-tagged text …</Text>

The XHTML 1.1 <ruby> tag and its contained elements <rb>, <rt> and <rp> have been added specifically to rev.04. The use of ‘complex’ ruby is not supported.

The use of ISO special character tags as described in Section 6 is valid in data elements that contain XHTML tags, provided the ONIX message contains a DTD declaration. However, if an XHTML-tagged fragment containing such special character tags is copied from an ONIX message into an XHTML document, the special character tags should be replaced with the corresponding Unicode character references as defined in the relevant modules of the DTD – otherwise the resulting XHTML document will generally be invalid.

The elements in the ONIX Product Information Message for which XHTML tagging is enabled are:

PR.7<WebsiteDescription> (and in all occurrences of this element in other contexts)

If necessary, the incorporation of ruby glosses in fields other than those above should make use of Unicode’s interlinear annotation delimiters (numerical character references &#xfff9;–&#xfffb;).

contributor name in Japanese kanji script, including hiragana gloss for display (using interlinear annotation delimiters), and collationkey attribute for sorting
<PersonNameInverted collationkey="むらかみ はるき">&#xfff9;村上春樹&#xfffa;むらかみ はるき&#xfffb;</PersonNameInverted>    (Haruki Murakami)
This should typically be displayed as 村上 春樹むらかみ はるき. If a recipient application cannot properly process the interlinear annotations, then &#xfff9; should be ignored, and &#xfffa; should be replaced with ‘ (’ and &#xfffb with ‘) ’ for display purposes
7.3 HTML (version 4.0 or earlier)

The inclusion of text tagged in accordance with HTML version 4.0 or earlier in an ONIX data element is possible using one of the two methods described below for SGML-tagged text, but this is now deprecated. In the event that HTML is included in either of these ways, the “textformat” attribute on the start tag for the element should be specified with the value "02" (HTML, other than XHTML).

7.4 Other SGML or XML

There are two methods for including SGML- or XML-tagged text in an ONIX data element.

Method 1. The “textformat” attribute on the start tag for the element should be specified with the value "01" (SGML) or "03" (XML). The “<” character at the start of every SGML or XML element start and end tag is replaced by its entity reference as described in the previous section. For example:

<Text textformat="03">&lt;para>XML-tagged review quotation… &lt;emph>emphasized text&lt;/emph> …&lt;/para></Text>

The advantage with this method is that a conforming XML system will recognise any special character entity references in the XHTML- or HTML-tagged text.

Method 1 is the recommended method for including SGML- or XML-tagged data.

The technique of replacing the “<” symbol by “&lt;” is often referred to as “escaping” the associated tag. While in principle it is also possible to “escape” special character entity references in the same manner (eg “&eacute;” replaced by “&amp;eacute;”), in practice this is considered to be neither necessary nor desirable, since in normal conditions it prevents these characters from being displayed correctly. Escaping entity references is therefore not recommended.

Method 2. The “textformat” attribute on the start tag for the element should be specified with the value "01" (SGML) or "03" (XML). The entire text of the data element is enclosed within an XML “CDATA section” (see Section 2.7 of the XML 1.0 Recommendation). For example:

<Text textformat="03"><![CDATA[<para>XML-tagged review quotation… <emph>text in italics</emph> …</para>]]></Text>

A conforming XML system will not recognise any XML markup tags inside a CDATA section. In particular, it will not recognise special character entity references. Any SGML- or XML-tagged text included in a CDATA section must therefore be extracted from the ONIX message before it can be checked for tagging errors.

Because of this limitation, Method 2 is not recommended.


A.1 Data element summary

The summary table shows all the data elements which occur in Release 2.1.4, in the order they must occur in a message, with both Reference names and the equivalent Short tags.

Data elements are listed with section references linking to the main part of the Specification. Leader dots and indentation of Reference names indicate the nesting structure of the composites and data elements. Red coloring of elements indicates the element is deprecated.

# Reference name Short tag
. Headerheader
MH.1. . FromEANNumberm172
MH.2. . FronSANm173
. . SenderIdentifiersenderidentifier
MH.3. . . SenderIDTypem379
MH.4. . . IDTypeNameb233
MH.5. . . IDValueb244
MH.6. . FromCompanym174
MH.7. . FromPersonm175
MH.8. . FromEmailm283
MH.9. . ToEANNumberm176
MH.10. . ToSANm177
. . AddresseeIdentifieraddresseeidentifier
MH.11. . . AddresseeIDTypem380
MH.12. . . IDTypeNameb233
MH.13. . . IDValueb244
MH.14. . ToCompanym178
MH.15. . ToPersonm179
MH.16. . MessageNumberm180
MH.17. . MessageRepeatm181
MH.18. . SentDatem182
MH.19. . MessageNotem183
MH.20. . DefaultLanguageOfTextm184
MH.21. . DefaultPriceTypeCodem185
MH.22. . DefaultCurrencyCodem186
MH.23. . DefaultLinearUnitm187
MH.24. . DefaultWeightUnitm188
MH.25. . DefaultClassOfTradem193
. Productproduct
PR.1.1. . RecordReferencea001
PR.1.2. . NotificationTypea002
PR.1.3. . DeletionCodea198
PR.1.4. . DeletionTexta199
PR.1.5. . RecordSourceTypea194
PR.1.6. . RecordSourceIdentifierTypea195
PR.1.7. . RecordSourceIdentifiera196
PR.1.8. . RecordSourceNamea197
PR.2.1. . ISBNb004
PR.2.2. . EAN13b005
PR.2.3. . UPCb006
PR.2.4. . PublisherProductNob007
PR.2.5. . ISMNb008
PR.2.6. . DOIb009
. . ProductIdentifierproductidentifier
PR.2.7. . . ProductIDTypeb221
PR.2.8. . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.2.9. . . IDValueb244
PR.2.10. . Barcodeb246
PR.2.11. . ReplacesISBNb010
PR.2.12. . ReplacesEAN13b011
PR.3.1. . ProductFormb012
PR.3.2. . ProductFormDetailb333
. . ProductFormFeatureproductformfeature
PR.3.3. . . ProductFormFeatureTypeb334
PR.3.4. . . ProductFormFeatureValueb335
PR.3.5. . . ProductFormFeatureDescriptionb336
PR.3.6. . BookFormDetailb013
PR.3.7. . ProductPackagingb225
PR.3.8. . ProductFormDescriptionb014
PR.3.9. . NumberOfPiecesb210
PR.3.10. . TradeCategoryb384
PR.3.11. . ProductContentTypeb385
. . ContainedItemcontaineditem
PR.3.12. . . ISBNb004
PR.3.13. . . EAN13b005
. . . ProductIdentifierproductidentifier
PR.3.14. . . . ProductIDTypeb221
PR.3.15. . . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.3.16. . . . IDValueb244
PR.3.17. . . ProductFormb012
PR.3.18. . . ProductFormDetailb333
. . . ProductFormFeatureproductformfeature
PR.3.19. . . . ProductFormFeatureTypeb334
PR.3.20. . . . ProductFormFeatureValueb335
PR.3.21. . . . ProductFormFeatureDescriptionb336
PR.3.22. . . BookFormDetailb013
PR.3.23. . . ProductPackagingb225
PR.3.24. . . ProductFormDescriptionb014
PR.3.25. . . NumberOfPiecesb210
PR.3.26. . . TradeCategoryb384
PR.3.37. . . ProductContentTypeb385
PR.3.28. . . ItemQuantityb015
. . ProductClassificationproductclassification
PR.3.29. . . ProductClassificationTypeb274
PR.3.30. . . ProductClassificationCodeb275
PR.3.31. . . Percentageb337
PR.4.1. . EpubTypeb211
PR.4.2. . EpubTypeVersionb212
PR.4.3. . EpubTypeDescriptionb213
PR.4.4. . EpubFormatb214
PR.4.5. . EpubFormatVersionb215
PR.4.6. . EpubFormatDescriptionb216
PR.4.7. . EpubSourceb278
PR.4.8. . EpubSourceVersionb279
PR.4.9. . EpubSourceDescriptionb280
PR.4.10. . EpubTypeNoteb277
. . Seriesseries
PR.5.1. . . SeriesISSNb016
PR.5.2. . . PublisherSeriesCodeb017
. . . SeriesIdentifierseriesidentifier
PR.5.3. . . . SeriesIDTypeb273
PR.5.4. . . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.5.5. . . . IDValueb244
PR.5.6. . . TitleOfSeriesb018
. . . Titletitle
. . . . TitleTypeb202
. . . . AbbreviatedLengthb276
. . . . TextCaseFlagb027
. . . . TitleTextb203
. . . . TitlePrefixb030
. . . . TitleWithoutPrefixb031
. . . . Subtitleb029
. . . Contributorcontributor
. . . . SequenceNumberb034
. . . . ContributorRoleb035
. . . . LanguageCodeb252
. . . . SequenceNumberWithinRoleb340
. . . . PersonNameb036
. . . . PersonNameInvertedb037
. . . . TitlesBeforeNamesb038
. . . . NamesBeforeKeyb039
. . . . PrefixToKeyb247
. . . . KeyNamesb040
. . . . NamesAfterKeyb041
. . . . SuffixToKeyb248
. . . . LettersAfterNamesb042
. . . . TitlesAfterNamesb043
. . . . PersonNameIdentifierpersonnameidentifier
. . . . . PersonNameIDTYpeb390
. . . . . IDTypeNameb233
. . . . . IDValueb244
. . . . Namename
. . . . . PersonNameTypeb250
. . . . . PersonNameb036
. . . . . PersonNameInvertedb037
. . . . . TitlesBeforeNamesb038
. . . . . NamesBeforeKeyb039
. . . . . PrefixToKeyb247
. . . . . KeyNamesb040
. . . . . NamesAfterKeyb041
. . . . . SuffixToKeyb248
. . . . . LettersAfterNamesb042
. . . . . TitlesAfterNamesb043
. . . . . PersonNameIdentifierpersonnameidentifier
. . . . . . PersonNameIDTYpeb390
. . . . . . IDTypeNameb233
. . . . . . IDValueb244
. . . . PersonDatepersondate
. . . . . PersonDateRoleb305
. . . . . DateFormatj260
. . . . . Dateb306
. . . . ProfessionalPositionb045
. . . . Affiliationb046
. . . . ProfessionalAffiliationprofessionalaffiliation
. . . . . ProfessionalPositionb045
. . . . . Affiliationb046
. . . . CorporateNameb047
. . . . BiographicalNoteb044
. . . . Websitewebsite
. . . . . WebsiteRoleb367
. . . . . WebsiteDescriptionb294
. . . . . WebsiteLinkb295
. . . . ContributorDescriptionb048
. . . . UnnamedPersonsb249
. . . . CountryCodeb251
. . . . RegionCodeb398
PR.5.7. . . NumberWithinSeriesb019
PR.5.7a. . . PubSequenceNumberWithinSeriesb222
PR.5.8. . . YearOfAnnualb020
PR.5.9. . NoSeriesn338
. . Setset
PR.6.1. . . ISBNOfSetb021
PR.6.2. . . EAN13OfSetb022
. . . ProductIdentifierproductidentifier
PR.6.3. . . . ProductIDTypeb221
PR.6.4. . . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.6.5. . . . IDValueb244
PR.6.6. . . TitleOfSetb023
. . . Titletitle
. . . . TitleTypeb202
. . . . AbbreviatedLengthb276
. . . . TextCaseFlagb027
. . . . TitleTextb203
. . . . TitlePrefixb030
. . . . TitleWithoutPrefixb031
. . . . Subtitleb029
PR.6.7. . . SetPartNumberb024
PR.6.8. . . SetPartTitleb025
PR.6.9. . . ItemNumberWithinSetb026
PR.6.10. . . LevelSequenceNumberb284
PR.6.11. . . SetItemTitleb281
PR.7.1. . TextCaseFlagb027
PR.7.2. . DistinctiveTitleb028
PR.7.3. . TitlePrefixb030
PR.7.4. . TitleWithoutPrefixb031
PR.7.5. . Subtitleb029
PR.7.6. . TranslationOfTitleb032
PR.7.7. . FormerTitleb033
. . Titletitle
PR.7.8. . . TitleTypeb202
PR.7.9. . . AbbreviatedLengthb276
PR.7.10. . . TextCaseFlagb027
PR.7.11. . . TitleTextb203
PR.7.12. . . TitlePrefixb030
PR.7.13. . . TitleWithoutPrefixb031
PR.7.14. . . Subtitleb029
. . WorkIdentifierworkidentifier
PR.7.15. . . WorkIDTypeb201
PR.7.16. . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.7.17. . . IDValueb244
. . Websitewebsite
PR.7.18. . . WebsiteRoleb367
PR.7.19. . . WebsiteDescriptionb294
PR.7.20. . . WebsiteLinkb295
PR.7.21. . ThesisTypeb368
PR.7.22. . ThesisPresentedTob369
PR.7.23. . ThesisYearb370
. . Contributorcontributor
PR.8.1. . . SequenceNumberb034
PR.8.2. . . ContributorRoleb035
PR.8.3. . . LanguageCodeb252
PR.8.4. . . SequenceNumberWithinRoleb340
PR.8.5. . . PersonNameb036
PR.8.6. . . PersonNameInvertedb037
PR.8.7. . . TitlesBeforeNamesb038
PR.8.8. . . NamesBeforeKeyb039
PR.8.9. . . PrefixToKeyb247
PR.8.10. . . KeyNamesb040
PR.8.11. . . NamesAfterKeyb041
PR.8.12. . . SuffixToKeyb248
PR.8.13. . . LettersAfterNamesb042
PR.8.14. . . TitlesAfterNamesb043
. . . PersonNameIdentifierpersonnameidentifier
PR.8.15. . . . PersonNameIDTYpeb390
PR.8.16. . . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.8.17. . . . IDValueb244
. . . Namename
PR.8.18. . . . PersonNameTypeb250
. . . . PersonNameb036
. . . . PersonNameInvertedb037
. . . . TitlesBeforeNamesb038
. . . . NamesBeforeKeyb039
. . . . PrefixToKeyb247
. . . . KeyNamesb040
. . . . NamesAfterKeyb041
. . . . SuffixToKeyb248
. . . . LettersAfterNamesb042
. . . . TitlesAfterNamesb043
. . . . PersonNameIdentifierpersonnameidentifier
. . . . . PersonNameIDTYpeb390
. . . . . IDTypeNameb233
. . . . . IDValueb244
. . . PersonDatepersondate
PR.8.19. . . . PersonDateRoleb305
PR.8.20. . . . DateFormatj260
PR.8.21. . . . Dateb306
PR.8.22. . . ProfessionalPositionb045
PR.8.23. . . Affiliationb046
. . . ProfessionalAffiliationprofessionalaffiliation
PR.8.24. . . . ProfessionalPositionb045
PR.8.25. . . . Affiliationb046
PR.8.26. . . CorporateNameb047
PR.8.27. . . BiographicalNoteb044
. . . Websitewebsite
PR.8.28. . . . WebsiteRoleb367
PR.8.29. . . . WebsiteDescriptionb294
PR.8.30. . . . WebsiteLinkb295
PR.8.31. . . ContributorDescriptionb048
PR.8.32. . . UnnamedPersonsb249
PR.8.33. . . CountryCodeb251
PR.8.34. . . RegionCodeb398
PR.8.35. . ContributorStatementb049
PR.8.36. . NoContributorn339
PR.9.1. . ConferenceDescriptionb050
PR.9.2. . ConferenceRoleb051
PR.9.3. . ConferenceNameb052
PR.9.4. . ConferenceNumberb053
PR.9.5. . ConferenceDateb054
PR.9.6. . ConferencePlaceb055
. . Conferenceconference
PR.9.7. . . ConferenceRoleb051
PR.9.8. . . ConferenceNameb052
PR.9.9. . . ConferenceAcronymb341
PR.9.10. . . ConferenceNumberb053
PR.9.11. . . ConferenceThemeb342
PR.9.12. . . ConferenceDateb054
PR.9.13. . . ConferencePlaceb055
. . . ConferenceSponsorconferencesponsor
. . . . ConferenceSponsorIdentifierconferencesponsoridentifier
PR.9.14. . . . . ConferenceSponsorIDTypeb391
PR.9.15. . . . . IDTypeNameb233
PR.9.16. . . . . IDValueb244
PR.9.17. . . . PersonNameb036
PR.9.18. . . . CorporateNameb047
. . . Websitewebsite
PR.9.19. . . . WebsiteRoleb367
PR.9.20. . . . WebsiteDescriptionb294
PR.9.21. . . . WebsiteLinkb295
PR.10.1. . EditionTypeCodeb056
PR.10.2. . EditionNumberb057
PR.10.3. . EditionVersionNumberb217
PR.10.4. . EditionStatementb058
PR.10.5. . NoEditionn386
. . ReligiousTextreligioustext
. . . Biblebible
PR.10.6. . . . BibleContentsb352
PR.10.7. . . . BibleVersionb353
PR.10.8. . . . StudyBibleVersionb389
PR.10.9. . . . BiblePurposeb354
PR.10.10. . . . BibleTextOrganizationb355
PR.10.11. . . . BibleReferenceLocationb356
PR.10.12. . . . BibleTextFeatureb357
PR.10.13. . . ReligiousTextIDb376
. . . ReligiousTextFeaturereligioustextfeature
PR.10.14. . . . ReligiousTextFeatureTypeb358
PR.10.15. . . . ReligiousTextFeatureCodeb359
PR.10.16. . . . ReligiousTextFeatureDescriptionb360
PR.11.1. . LanguageOfTextb059
PR.11.2. . OriginalLanguageb060
. . Languagelanguage
PR.11.3. . . LanguageRoleb253
PR.11.4. . . LanguageCodeb252
PR.11.5. . . CountryCodeb251
PR.12.1. . NumberOfPagesb061
PR.12.2. . PagesRomanb254
PR.12.3. . PagesArabicb255
. . Extentextent
PR.12.4. . . ExtentTypeb218
PR.12.5. . . ExtentValueb219
PR.12.6. . . ExtentUnitb220
PR.12.7. . NumberOfIllustrationsb125
PR.12.8. . IllustrationsNoteb062
. . Illustrationsillustrations
PR.12.9. . . IllustrationTypeb256
PR.12.10. . . IllustrationTypeDescriptionb361
PR.12.11. . . Numberb257
PR.12.12. . MapScaleb063
PR.13.1. . BASICMainSubjectb064
PR.13.2. . BASICVersionb200
PR.13.3. . BICMainSubjectb065
PR.13.4. . BICVersionb066
. . MainSubjectmainsubject
PR.13.5. . . MainSubjectSchemeIdentifierb191
PR.13.6. . . SubjectSchemeVersionb068
PR.13.7. . . SubjectCodeb069
PR.13.8. . . SubjectHeadingTextb070
. . Subjectsubject
PR.13.9. . . SubjectSchemeIdentifierb067
PR.13.10. . . SubjectSchemeNameb171
PR.13.11. . . SubjectSchemeVersionb068
PR.13.12. . . SubjectCodeb069
PR.13.13. . . SubjectHeadingTextb070
. . PersonAsSubjectpersonassubject
. . . PersonNameb036
. . . PersonNameInvertedb037
. . . TitlesBeforeNamesb038
. . . NamesBeforeKeyb039
. . . PrefixToKeyb247
. . . KeyNamesb040
. . . NamesAfterKeyb041
. . . SuffixToKeyb248
. . . LettersAfterNamesb042
. . . TitlesAfterNamesb043
. . . PersonNameIdentifierpersonnameidentifier
. . . . PersonNameIDTYpeb390
. . . . IDTypeNameb233
. . . . IDValueb244
PR.13.14. . CorporateBodyAsSubjectb071
PR.13.15. . PlaceAsSubjectb072
PR.14.1. . AudienceCodeb073
. . Audienceaudience
PR.14.2. . . AudienceCodeTypeb204
PR.14.3. . . AudienceCodeTypeNameb205
PR.14.4. . . AudienceCodeValueb206
PR.14.5. . USSchoolGradeb189
PR.14.6. . InterestAgeb190
. . AudienceRangeaudiencerange
PR.14.7. . . AudienceRangeQualifierb074
PR.14.8. . . AudienceRangePrecisionb075
PR.14.9. . . AudienceRangeValueb076
PR.14.10. . . AudienceRangePrecisionb075
PR.14.11. . . AudienceRangeValueb076
PR.14.12. . AudienceDescriptionb207
. . Complexitycomplexity
PR.14.13. . . ComplexitySchemeIdentifierb077
PR.14.14. . . ComplexityCodeb078
PR.15.1. . Annotationd100
PR.15.2. . MainDescriptiond101
. . OtherTextothertext
PR.15.3. . . TextTypeCoded102
PR.15.4. . . TextFormatd103
PR.15.5. . . Textd104
PR.15.6. . . TextLinkTyped105
PR.15.7. . . TextLinkd106
PR.15.8. . . TextAuthord107
PR.15.9. . . TextSourceCorporateb374
PR.15.10. . . TextSourceTitled108
PR.15.11. . . TextPublicationDated109
PR.15.12. . . StartDateb324
PR.15.13. . . EndDateb325
PR.15.14. . ReviewQuotee110
PR.16.1. . CoverImageFormatCodef111
PR.16.2. . CoverImageLinkTypeCodef112
PR.16.3. . CoverImageLinkf113
. . MediaFilemediafile
PR.16.4. . . MediaFileTypeCodef114
PR.16.5. . . MediaFileFormatCodef115
PR.16.6. . . ImageResolutionf259
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A.2 Complete list of ONIX 2.1 tag names

The tables show equivalent Reference names and Short tags, first in Reference name order, then in Short tag order. Note that in any one ONIX message, Reference names and Short tags cannot be mixed.

Reference name equivalent Short tag Notes
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